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Between heritage and solar panels, the inhabitants of this town in Oise have chosen the climate emergency


Highlights: In Orry-la-Ville, the population has just decided: yes, we must allow those who wish to be able to install photo panels on their roofs. “Heritage is important, but its protection must not be to the detriment of the life of the city,” says one of its neighbors. In recent weeks, community activists have worked hard to get residents to vote in favor of this renewable energy. In this small town of 3,300 inhabitants, two monuments are classified as historic monuments, the Notre-Dame Church and the abbey.

In Orry-la-Ville, the population has just decided: yes, we must allow those who wish to be able to install photo panels

Solar panels on house roofs?

This resident is “not in favor in the name of preserving the site and the aesthetics of the village”.

“Heritage is important, but its protection must not be to the detriment of the life of the city,” says one of its neighbors.

“Now knowing the urgency of the climate and energy crisis, I think that aesthetic arguments have no place,” adds another.

A third is content with a more laconic comment: “If a slope is visible from the street, I am a little more attentive, otherwise no problem.


After three months of debates carried out as part of a public consultation on solar panels, launched in Orry-la-Ville, the population finally made a decision.

Yes, we must modify the Local Urban Plan (PLU) to “allow a wider installation of photovoltaic panels, without restriction”, considered almost half of the voters (47.7%), while 35.2% also said “Yes” although adding various restrictions.

Only 17.1% voted against this modification out of the 200 responses received by the municipality.

And by the start of next year, Orrigeois should finally be able to equip their roofs with solar panels.

“Always more ecological transition”

A “success”, we rejoice within the Orry-en-Transition association.

In recent weeks, community activists have worked hard to get residents to vote in favor of this renewable energy.

“We wrote leaflets, we distributed them to all the mailboxes so that people were informed, we spoke with many residents,” relates Ludivine Gibier.

These are small actions, but we are trying to push towards ever more ecological transition.


While demand continues to rise almost everywhere in France - with an increase in equipped housing of 152% in two years - the inhabitants of this small town in the south of the Oise were more than lagging behind.

“They found themselves stuck between the very restrictive conditions of the Local Urban Plan which requires that these panels be integrated into the roof and those of the architect of Bâtiments de France (ABF) which only accepts superimposed panels”, points out Nathanaël Rosenfeld, mayor (SR) of the town.

Also read: Self-consumption of electricity: “I practically cut my bill in half”

In this small town of 3,300 inhabitants, two monuments are classified as historic monuments, the Notre-Dame Church and the abbey, which implies strong urban planning constraints, controlled by the ABF, he recalls.

“As it stands, it was almost impossible for residents to install them,” summarizes the elected official.

Within the municipal team, the debate then opens to modify the PLU.

“But opinions were very divided between those who were in favor of it and those who thought it was not going to look good.

So we said to ourselves that we had to consult the population.

» It is now done.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2024-01-20

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