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A new survey messed with the Omnibus Law: what people support and what they reject


Highlights: A new survey messed with the Omnibus Law: what people support and what they reject. It is a study from the University of San Andrés. And it provides interesting data for the debate. Simplify the divorce process, charge foreigners who want to study in Argentine universities and eliminate Simultaneous and Mandatory Open Primaries (PASO) The greatest support from public opinion is achieved by these three measures listed at the beginning of the note, about which much less was heard in the parliamentary debate.

It is a study from the University of San Andrés. And it provides interesting data for the debate.

Simplify the divorce


, charge foreigners who want to study in Argentine


and eliminate

Simultaneous and Mandatory Open Primaries (PASO)


While politics - the ruling party and the opposition - focuses the discussion in Congress over the Omnibus Law on economic issues, the greatest support from public opinion is achieved by these three measures listed at the beginning of the note, about which much less was heard. in the parliamentary debate.

The data is provided by a

new national survey

by the

University of San Andrés (Udesa)

, in preparation for the

first month of Javier Milei's administration as president

in January .

The results of the study, of 1,007 cases throughout the country, were presented with +/- 3.15% margin of error.


already advanced part of the report, which passed through the people's filter

12 key officials

of the Libertarian Cabinet and conspicuously left Diana Mondino as leader.

The chancellor was the only one of the leaders evaluated who achieved more positive than negative image.

The new crack

A general look at the work of


allows a first conclusion:

a new crack seems to be forming

around the figure of Milei and his way of managing.


first data

of the study presented is

very particular


It is

bad and good at the same time for the new management


People are asked how

satisfied or dissatisfied

they are with the

"general state of things

. "



say they are

"satisfied" (bad)

, but it is

more than double

the number who were satisfied in

Alberto Fernández's last month (good).

When the approval/disapproval of the Milei government is requested, the polarization is total: 48% for each side (plus 4% for "ns/nc").


public policies

, the three with

the highest approval


security (40%), foreign affairs (37%) and defense (37%)


and the three with

the lowest


public works (31%), energy (30%) and health (30%)


In the first case, the change in discourse is clear with the arrivals of ministers Patricia Bullrich, Diana Mondino and Luis Petri;

The second could be influenced by the interruption of works, and increases in rates and prepayments.

Among the main concerns, inflation remains, which thus becomes a transversal problem: it was at the top with Mauricio Macri, Alberto Fernández and Milei.

The first measures and the omnibus law under the magnifying glass

A kind of crack also forms when asked about the

"economic measures of the Government since it took office

. "





19% "very" and 26% "somewhat") and




(38% "very" and 11% "somewhat").

More forceful is the support for the anti-picketing protocol, which prevents these groups from making total cuts and which provides for severe sanctions for those who do not comply.

60% agree, against 35% who oppose.

Regarding the mega

Omnibus Law

project , which proposes a profound reform of the State, in the economic, judicial, political and even environmental spheres, two proposals are made.

One general and another with several of the main proposals.

In the first case, a fairly proportional crack arises again, with

38% support and 40% rejection


But more interesting, perhaps, is when the articles are broken down.

As explained at the beginning of the note,

several of the measures most supported

by respondents

are probably left out of the debate or are not at the center of the current discussion

, because they are not the core of the economic reforms.

v1.7 0421

Agreement/disagreement with the omnibus law

Based on a national survey of 1,007 cases





Thus, the change that achieves

the most agreement (61%)

is the one that proposes

simplifying the divorce process


The second, with

60 points of support

, is more controversial and is the one that wants

to pay fees for foreign students at Argentine universities



step further down

there are two topics that could be left for future debates and removed from the current discussion so as not to hinder the progress of other articles.

One is the

elimination of the PASO (56% agree)

and the other is the

implementation of the single ballot (55%).


other proposals

that obtain

more than 50 points

are: the one that proposes that there be an


for students

when they finish secondary school

and the one that proposes

alleviating penalties

for those who act in


against a crime.

At the other end, those with the greatest disagreement, economic issues that are sensitive to parliamentary discussion do appear.


  • Permission to the Executive to take on foreign debt: 8%


  • Suspension of pension mobility

    : barely



  • Increase in withholdings




  • Delegation of powers to the Executive

    : 14%.

Source: clarin

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