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Gourmet winter: our 12 favorite fruits


Highlights: If there is one fruit that the French love, it’s the apple (Malus) Apples store very well and retain their vitamins for a long time. Lemon is an unstoppable asset for fighting viruses and other diseases in winter. The pear is both refreshing and thirst-quenching, rich in vitamins but also in minerals and trace elements. The orange is the perfect fruit to stock up on vitamins in winter and can be enjoyed pressed, in wedges or in fruit salad for a refreshing and tangy dessert.

If spring is synonymous with abundance in the orchard, each season has its interest in terms of fruits to taste, even in winter! That you

To treat yourself while taking care of your health, nothing beats winter fruits!

Whether you want to eat locally, treat yourself to an exotic treat or plan to know what to plant in your garden, discover our favorite winter fruits.

The apple, the most popular fruit of winter

If there is one fruit that the French love, it’s the apple (Malus)!

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If there is one fruit that the French love, it’s the apple (



Whether you like to bite into it directly, make compote or enjoy it in a pie, it adapts perfectly to all your desires.

Very hardy, the apple tree adapts very well to winter temperatures.

  • When to harvest apples?

    Although it is possible to find apples all year round in stores, they are harvested in autumn and winter.

  • How to store them once harvested?

    Apples store very well and retain their vitamins for a long time.

    Ideally, store them in the ambient air, protecting them from light.

Lemon, a true ally for good health

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Rich in vitamin C, lemon (

Citrus limon

) is an unstoppable asset for fighting viruses and other diseases in winter.

It is delicious to enhance a dish, to serve as a base for a sauce or to drink as an infusion.

In order to preserve the 4-season lemon tree, this not very hardy fruit tree, it is preferable to plant it in a pot so that it can be placed in a veranda or a poorly heated room before the first frosts.

  • When to harvest lemons?

    If certain varieties of lemons give fruit all year round, like the 'Des 4 Saisons' lemon tree, most lemon trees give fruit from January until spring.

  • How to store them once harvested?

    When they have just been picked, lemons will keep for around 2 weeks in a cool, ventilated place.

    If you want to keep them longer, simply place them in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

The pear, as delicate as it is delicious

The pear is both refreshing and thirst-quenching, rich in vitamins but also in minerals and trace elements.

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Refreshing, thirst-quenching, rich in vitamins but also in minerals and trace elements: the pear (

Pyrus communis

) has many advantages which make it an essential fruit in winter.

There are many varieties that can be juicy, tender or even tangy.

  • When to harvest pears?

    While some varieties of pears are harvested in summer, there are many to pick during fall and winter.

  • How to store them once harvested?

    If harvested ripe, pears will keep for a few days by simply placing them in a fruit basket.

    It is also possible to harvest them while still slightly green and then let them ripen before eating them.

    They can then be kept for around fifteen days.

Also read: 12 aesthetic and tasty citrus fruits to grow indoors or outdoors!

Orange, the winter fruit par excellence

Orange is the perfect fruit to stock up on vitamins in winter.

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Associated with the end-of-year celebrations, the orange (

Citrus sinensis

) is the perfect fruit to stock up on vitamins in winter.

It can be enjoyed pressed, in wedges or in fruit salad for a refreshing and tangy dessert.

Like all citrus fruits, the orange tree is not a hardy tree that should be sheltered in a cool room before the first frosts.

  • When to harvest oranges?

    The orange harvest begins in autumn and can last until spring depending on the variety.

  • How to store them once harvested?

    Oranges will keep for around ten days at room temperature without any difficulty.

    To keep them longer, place them in the vegetable drawer of your refrigerator to prevent them from dehydrating too quickly.

Clementine, for a sweet touch

Clementine is a citrus fruit also popular during the end-of-year celebrations.

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Smaller than the orange, the clementine (

Citrus reticulata

) is a citrus fruit also popular during the end-of-year celebrations.

In addition to reminding us of childhood memories with its delicious sweet smell, it is rich in vitamin C. A significant asset for strengthening your immune defenses in winter.

  • When to harvest clementines?

    Clementines can be enjoyed in the fall, around November, when they are firm and their skin is well colored.

  • How to store them once harvested?

    Just like the orange, the clementine will keep for a good week in the fruit basket.

    To extend its life, place it in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

Pomegranate, the antioxidant fruit par excellence

The pomegranate stands out above all for its antioxidant content.

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If the pomegranate is rich in vitamin C, iron and calcium, it stands out above all for its antioxidant content.

Pomegranate seeds go perfectly with poultry or a mixed salad.

It is possible to grow a pomegranate tree (

Punica granatum

) in your garden in our latitudes if you make sure to find it a location sheltered from the wind and that you mulch its base as soon as the temperatures drop.

  • When to harvest pomegranates?

    Pomegranates are eaten from September until December.

  • How to store them once harvested?

    As it is a fruit that no longer ripens after harvest, choose the very ripe one.

    Its surface must be smooth and without stains.

    The pomegranate can be stored for several weeks in a dry, cool place.

Kiwi, to stock up on good things

The kiwi (Actinidia chinensis) is characterized by its exceptional nutritional qualities.

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Because it is rich in vitamins, fiber but also minerals and other anti-oxidants, the kiwi (

Actinidia chinensis

) is characterized by its exceptional nutritional qualities.

It can be enjoyed from October onwards and can grow in France if care is taken to protect it from late frosts.

  • When to harvest kiwis?

    Kiwis are best enjoyed in October and November when you grow them in your garden.

  • How to store them once harvested?

    To choose a kiwi that is ripe but not too ripe, it must be light brown and supple, without being soft.

    You can keep it for a week by placing it in the vegetable drawer of your refrigerator.

Pomelo, the health and slimming ally

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Often confused with grapefruit, pomelo (

Citrus paradisi

) is actually a distant cousin that is less bitter, sweeter and lower in calories.

It is delicious when eaten fresh or pressed, to stock up on vitamins A, B and C.

  • When to harvest grapefruit?

    When grown at home in pots, grapefruits are harvested between the months of November and January.

    They are fully ripe when their skin is yellow.

  • How to store them once harvested?

    If they keep for a few days at room temperature, pomelos can be kept for several weeks in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

Mango, flavors from elsewhere

The mango is an exceptional fruit that brings a little sunshine to our plates in winter.

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Although it should be eaten occasionally because it comes from far away, the mango (

Mangifera indica

) is an exceptional fruit that brings a little sunshine to our plates in winter.

Rich in vitamins A and C, it also contains a lot of fiber.

  • How to choose and store mangoes?

    Because they often make a long journey before reaching our market stalls, mangoes are often picked before they ripen.

    Choose fruits with tender, fragrant flesh then place them in a fruit basket and not in the refrigerator to allow them to finish ripening.

Lychee, a delicate sweetness

Lychee (Litchi sinensis) is a deliciously tangy little fruit.

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Nestled in a thin, rough pink peel, the lychee (

Litchi sinensis

) is a deliciously tangy little fruit.

The flavor of its juicy, translucent flesh is reminiscent of roses.

If you want to eat lychee, you have to buy it since it cannot withstand temperatures below 8°.

  • How to choose and store lychees?

    To choose your lychees carefully, make sure their bark is hard and not cracked.

    They will keep for about 3 days at room temperature and up to 2 weeks in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

Passion fruit, a tangy pleasure

Passion fruit delights us with its incomparable flavor throughout winter and until early spring.

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Passion fruit (

Passiflora edulis

) delights us with its unrivaled flavor throughout winter and until early spring.

It works wonders in a fruit salad, bringing a nice touch of originality.

Its tangy flavor also lends itself very well to making juice.

In France, it is better to buy passion fruit rather than grow it.

In fact, the climatic conditions very rarely allow its fruits to reach maturity.

  • How to choose and store passion fruit?

    To choose ripe passion fruit, look at their skin, it should be bumpy.

    You can keep them for a few days by placing them in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

Pineapple, to eat in all forms

Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a winter fruit that is enjoyed with pleasure on many occasions.

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Raw, cooked, alone, in fruit salad... Pineapple (

Ananas comosus

) is a winter fruit that is enjoyed with pleasure on many occasions.

Low in calories and rich in vitamin C, it allows you to indulge yourself while doing good.

Since pineapple requires high humidity and lots of light to grow, it is not easy to grow it in France.

How to choose and store pineapples?

To choose a pineapple that is good to eat, it must be colorful and fragrant.

When it is whole, store it in a dark place and when it is cut, place it in an airtight container before putting it in the refrigerator.

Source: leparis

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