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How to know if I need to take iron and what is the best time to consume it


Highlights: Iron is one of the fundamental minerals to keep bones, heart and brain functioning well. Anemia linked to iron deficiency is the most common throughout the world. Iron is a mineral that can be found naturally in foods, both of animal and plant origin. Iron supplements can be taken in capsule, chewable, liquid or ferrous fumarate and ferrous gluconate forms. They should not be taken at the same time as iron antacids, such as aspirin or ibuprofen.

Iron is a key mineral that provides multiple health benefits. Symptoms of iron deficiency and foods that have the most of it.

Iron is one of the fundamental minerals to keep bones, heart


brain functioning well, among other health benefits.

But how do I know

when I need to take it and what is the best time to do it.

"Iron is considered an essential mineral because it is needed to

produce hemoglobin

, a part of blood cells. The body cannot produce it, so it must be ingested with the foods we eat," defines

Medline Plus

, the National Library of Medicine of the United States.

Iron deficiency is very common,

especially among women

, and can be combated through diagnosis and proper diet.

Hence the

importance of a consultation with the doctor

to make the appropriate diagnosis and, if necessary, appropriate treatment.

What are the symptoms of iron deficiency

If your body does not have enough hemoglobin, your tissues and muscles will not receive the oxygen they need to function efficiently.

This causes a condition called


," they explain from the

Healthline portal.

And although there are different types of anemia, that linked to iron deficiency is

the most common throughout the world.

A difficulty in detecting iron deficiency is that its symptoms are not very specific and may be

related to other clinical conditions

, which makes it not uncommon for it to go unnoticed among health professionals.

Anemia linked to iron deficiency is the most common throughout the world.

Some symptoms that may indicate iron deficiency, according to the publication of the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH), are the following:

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Chest pain

  • Generalized fatigue

  • Weakness

  • Pallor

  • Headache, dizziness, or lightheadedness.

  • Cold hands and feet

  • brittle nails

  • Swelling or pain in the tongue

Generalized fatigue and paleness are symptoms of iron deficiency.

Photo Shutterstock.

It can also be caused by

blood loss

, which in turn can arise from many factors.

  • Bleeding in your gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) from an inflammatory disease: ulcer, colon cancer, or other disorders such as celiac disease.

  • Traumatic injuries or surgery.

  • Heavy menstrual periods or bleeding during childbirth.

  • Regular use of medications such as aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen, which can cause bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Urinary tract bleeding.

What are foods rich in iron?

Iron is a mineral that can

be found naturally in foods

, both of animal and plant origin.

Below, the AS Better with Health site



list of those that have the greatest amount in their composition


Foods high in iron to consume.

  • Poultry meat

    (especially dark red ones), eggs.

  • Lean red meats

    , such as beef.

  • Clams and other mollusks.

  • Salmon.

  • Dried fruits:

    prunes, raisins, apricots.

  • Cereals and breads with integrated iron.

  • Legumes

    : soybeans, lentils, peas and beans, among others.

  • Vegetables:

    spinach, broccoli, collards, kale, asparagus, dandelion greens.

  • Whole grains

    : Wheat, oats, brown rice.

How much iron should I consume?

The body needs, according to a report from the

National Institutes of Health (United States),

amounts of iron

depending on each person's stage of life, sex or diet

, among other factors.

The following list presents some of the most representative examples:

Iron consumption depends on several factors.

  • Babies up to 6 months of age: 0.27 mg

  • Children 4 to 8 years of age: 10 mg

  • Adult men 19 to 50 years of age: 8 mg

  • Adult women 19 to 50 years of age: 18 mg

  • Adolescents and pregnant women: 27 mg

  • Breastfeeding women: 9 mg

What is the best time of day to consume iron

Eating foods rich in iron is a key part of treating anemia caused by low levels of this element.

You may also

need to take iron supplements

to increase your body's stores of this element.

Iron supplements can be taken in

capsule, tablet, chewable, and liquid

forms .

Other chemical forms are ferrous gluconate and ferrous fumarate, spread to health sites.

In that sense,

Medline Plus

warns that

iron is better absorbed on an empty stomach


However, they note, iron supplements can cause

stomach cramps, nausea and diarrhea

in some people;

and may have to be taken with a small amount of food to avoid this.

What specialists say about the best time to take an iron supplement.

Milk, calcium, or antacids should not be taken at the same time as iron supplements.

They recommend

waiting at least 2 hours

after ingesting them before taking your iron supplements.

In addition, they indicate

which foods should not be eaten at the same time

as taking iron:

  • Those rich in fiber, such as whole grains, raw vegetables and bran

  • Those with caffeine

Some doctors suggest taking a

vitamin C supplement or orange juice

with your iron pill.

The reason has to do with the fact that it can help iron be absorbed into the body.

Taking 8 ounces of liquid with an iron pill would also be effective.

Source: clarin

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