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"Do you suspect that you are too good for him? You are probably right, and I know" - Voila! Sheee


Highlights: Relationship expert Jacob Lucas shared the five signs women should look out for if they suspect they are with a man who just isn't good enough for them. "Too many women settle for less than the minimum. You should only be with someone who makes the effort to make you feel wanted, desired, and happy," he said. The minimum men need to do to warrant the attention you give them is to return your texts and phone calls, take you on at least one date a week, be supportive, share their schedule with you.

Do you sometimes feel like you're wasting your time with this guy? You are probably right. Satisfying Dating Expert: The Five Signs You're Too Good For The Man You're Dating

Dating is not easy, and there is a high probability that you will date someone who is not worth the land you are stepping on.

And this is what a relationship expert says - a man - not a woman.

And he probably knows how to spot poop.

Jacob Lucas, a relationship expert from the UK shared the five signs women should look out for if they suspect they are with a man who just isn't good enough for them.

The first clue: he's a man (it's just, it's just us here at sheee who woke up nervous)

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and now seriously.

Lucas, a trainer and body language expert, posted a video on his Instagram account earlier this week, revealing the red flags to look out for.

"Too many women settle for less than the minimum. You should only be with someone who makes the effort to make you feel wanted, desired, and happy,"

Lucas suggests not settling for less and remembering that if your partner doesn't make any effort in the relationship, you probably deserve much more Good," he added. And it's also the first of five signs - he's not invested enough to bother going on dates with you. What's the point of being in a relationship if you're not going on dates together?"

He asks, and between us, he is also right.

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A post shared by Jacob Lucas (@jacoblucas101)

The second sign concerns his hygiene and appearance.

If he makes much less effort with his physical appearance than you do, that's a red flag: "You beautify yourself for him, dress in clothes you think he'll like, but he doesn't do the same for you - a problem."

Red flag number three is that you support his goals and dreams more than he supports yours.

"If you're his biggest cheerleader but he doesn't do the same for you," says the relationship guru, "maybe it's time to reconsider your relationship."

A fourth sign that your man is a taker and not a giver, and that you should get rid of him, is that he communicates with you only when he wants something from you, and that is always on his own terms and convenience.

"He's not talking to you because he wants you to feel wanted and desired, but only so he can get something from you," claims Lucas.

And the fifth and last problem is if he is not 100 percent faithful but you are.

Lucas often shares dating advice on his social channels and last year discussed the five minimum behaviors to expect from your boyfriend.

He states that the minimum men need to do to warrant the attention you give them is to return your texts and phone calls, take you on at least one date a week, be supportive, share their schedule with you, and make you feel wanted and wanted by showing affection.

But specifically to you, not like this man.

  • More on the same topic:

  • relations

  • women

  • men

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-01-22

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