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Aquarius month: everything you need to know about luck and what awaits it - voila! Spirit and horoscope


Highlights: Aquarius month: everything you need to know about luck and what awaits it - voila! Spirit and horoscope. On 21.1 we entered the month of Aquarius and it is time for a full review of the sign, its marital compatibility and everything that is expected of it this year. For the daily horoscope and details about Aquarius click here. Now on special sale: The Dalai, your time has come to quit that war that helped millions . More details about what awaits us in 2024.

On 21.1 we entered the month of Aquarius and it is time for a full review of the sign, its marital compatibility and everything that is expected of it this year. Dalai, your time has come

More details about what awaits us in 2024/Yair Tribalsky

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

It is said of the Aquarius that they are unpredictable, behave with restraint and suddenly cut off and disappear, that they live in their own bubble and only come out when it is convenient for them, that they do not act in a conventional way that makes it easier for others to work with them, that there is a side in them that tries Amaze others and act eccentrically, that they have difficulty with intimacy but are champions at friendship, that they are super creative and intelligent, a little weird and that they don't care what the world thinks of them.

What of all this is true?

Aquarius belongs to the element of air, to which belong those who work with the head and less with the heart - and the group of fixed zodiac signs.

The ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, which is very related to changes, disconnections and original thinking, a planet that makes him very bright and friendly towards the environment - but at the same time also a bit distant and closed in a special intellectual bubble.

Aquarius is one of the friendliest signs in the zodiac.

Since he belongs to the intellectual air signs, he is very open to quick communication with others - and is quick to make friends in an intelligent way and surround himself with friends.

From a young age, Hadli is at the center of his group of friends, both because he knows how to keep to himself and not develop hostile feelings, and because he wants to be everyone's friend.

However, Aquarius, perhaps because of Uranus guarding it from harm, is a somewhat impersonal luck.

Although he is very friendly, he sometimes prefers friends over a stormy relationship or a deep friendship.

An excess of emotions may threaten him and cause him to run away - and he does run away, because Aquarius is the champion of detachment.

He needs a lot of personal freedom and finds the ability to maneuver between all his social obligations.

He just disappears and comes back - and he can also disconnect from you in the middle of the conversation, stare at you, disconnect, come back after a few minutes and complete it all with the help of his quick intelligent ability.

Aquarius is the champion of disconnections.

He needs a lot of personal freedom/ShutterStock

Aquarius is very brilliant and Uranus also sometimes gives him a spark of genius and originality, the same spark from which you can create something from nothing.

However, this spark is unique and, as mentioned, impersonal - and that is why it is sometimes difficult for him to be with people for a long time.

No wonder that many buckets are tied to their computers and work in the high-tech field.

You can literally say that the computer was invented for the Aquarius - and it also resembles him: intelligent, very fast, impersonal and does not need constant expression of emotions.

Is it possible to communicate with the whole world through it without being bothered about where you were and what you did?

To receive a great deal of information about subjects that the Aquarius is curious about and above all to communicate excellently socially, to meet many people from a safe distance - and still remain protected and impersonal.

For exactly these reasons, Aquarius sometimes have a hard time in a suffocating relationship and prefer to be with themselves, or with a large group of people where they can express themselves in a social and friendly way - even though inside it is actually being alone.

Don't worry about him: Aquarius, inside his shiny bubble, alone but happy and not sad.

Into this bubble he is willing to admit only people who promise him in person and in writing that they will leave as soon as he gets bored, or as soon as he wants to be alone, and if possible - without being offended.

For the daily horoscope and more details about Aquarius click here >>

Now on special sale

Because of the war we all smoke more: the way to quit that has helped millions

In collaboration with Alan Carr

Sometimes Aquarius have a hard time in a suffocating relationship and prefer to be with themselves/ShutterStock

What awaits you in 2024?

Time to find a deeper meaning in life, deal with the emotional world and learn love.

I hope you've already rolled out the red carpet for Pluto's entry into your sign, if you didn't already in March when he visited you last time.

There are definitely reasons for this rug.

Pluto finally moves into your sign and he likes to be treated with respect and listen to his advice.

It's time to change and change - and that means being true to yourself in all areas, from work and profession to marriage and relationships, especially to find a deeper meaning in life, which means more meaning in the professional, personal and creative fields.

Now is the time to make significant decisions, and if you don't decide, Pluto will decide for you, as it usually does.

When Pluto moves into Aquarius, Aquarians are going to do special work - personality work.

The educated, brilliant and intelligent Aquarius approach will not be effective in this process, and may cause quite a bit of frustration: you understand everything in your head, but Pluto is a planet whose depth first of all passes through the guts and there is no great wisdom: absorb or return, crash, get back on your feet and snacks.

Pluto in its essence is experiential and not intellectual, since only total experiences - such as closeness to death for example, birth, losing a really close person, dealing with diseases, bankruptcy - will really bring with them total struggles and total and real changes, since these will be changed in essence - and not in logic.

The quality of Aquarius and Uranus which rules it, and of Pluto of course, are different and actually opposites.

Aquarius is a champion at detaching and disconnecting when necessary and even when not, but Pluto does not run away - but stays and gets to the bottom of every subject including entering with one's head against the wall, while Aquarius needs a lot of spice and personal freedom, brilliance and wise words.

When Pluto stays in your sign the experiences will be total, emotional and not intelligent.

Working under a powerful boss or fighting for principles against an indifferent establishment or a framework that doesn't understand is a frustrating experience, and when the words run out - the time comes for improvisation and solutions come from nowhere.

Remember Baron Munchausen who pulled himself out of the swamp by hairs?

This is an example of such an experience: going to the end in hopeless situations.

In the coming years, Pluto will teach you words that usually scare Aquarius: intense and strong feelings, total love, jealousy, hatred, anger, crash, and in one complex sentence - he will teach you to wage a total war on your truth, personal, emotional, social and professional, even in front of people who don't Want to understand or accept or enjoy fighting right in front of you.

Truth, love, pain, rejection, crying, closeness, intimacy - Pluto has no compromises.

Love it or not - and if you do, fight for your love in every field.

If there is anything that will perhaps explain in the clearest way what kind of world you are going to meet in the coming years - for some it has already started by the way - it is this sentence.

The planet Jupiter that moves in May to the house of romance, creativity and personal expression of your ego turns everything related to love into a real person: open your heart - and it may well surprise you.

Jupiter in Gemini will affect your creativity and expression and make you super expressive, creative and more rebellious than you are as Aquarius, including this thing of thinking outside the box.

You will be able to experience joy in your creativity, expression or authenticity if you go with it to the end, and Pluto in the first house will of course be happy to offer help on the matter.

When Jupiter opens the heart, the ability to woo and speak love is amazing, as well as the ability to take care of children and upgrade relationships with them when Jupiter helps you find that real child in you who laughs out loud without calculating.

do you know

Bottom line - give yourself totally to Pluto, but open your heart with Jupiter.

With their depth, beauty and joy - there is no way that love will see you and move on without touching the golden wand in your heart Aquarius is usually so well protected, because with these two on one front it will be really hard for him to repel love.

Time to find a deeper meaning in life, deal with the emotional world and learn love/ShutterStock

Who are you suitable for?

Aquarians will mostly suit Scorpios thanks to the strong chemistry between them, a chemistry that makes them insist and invest in a relationship again and again.

They have a friendly relationship with a lot of spice and freedom with the person similar to them - an Aquarius.

Aquarius and Leo are complementary opposites.

If Aquarius warms up a bit and Leo agrees to let someone else into his heart - an excellent relationship is expected for many years.

Aquarius will also have an excellent relationship with Libra because they are similar in many areas.

However, as we mentioned with this sign, many of his relationships are likely to end in friendship rather than in a relationship, because it is difficult for Aquarius to give 100 percent and give up his heart.

Click here to see its compatibility with the other zodiac signs >>

How are you in bed?

Dalits have a high libido and are willing to try anything when it comes to sex.

They may be cool at first, but if you get them fired up enough - you're going to really enjoy what they have to offer.

However, they will never lose control completely.

They like conversational people and unusual people with intellectual pursuits.

They do not compromise on mediocrity.

They enjoy a variety of activities in the bedroom and may like that you have a quirky or dark side to your personality.

Check your sexual compatibility by clicking here >>

Jennifer Aniston, an Aquarius/Reuters, Mike Blake

What Dalais do we know?

Itai Levy (January 25, 1988), Yael Bar Zohar (January 29, 1980), Oprah Winfrey (January 29, 1954), Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809), Avitar Banai (February 8, 1973), Dana International (February 2, 1969), c Nipper Aniston (11.2.1969) Michael Jordan (17.2.1963), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27.1.1756) and Charles Darwin (12.2.1809).

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  • Aquarius

  • Fortunes

  • astrology

Source: walla

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