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Cases of 'stream-jacking' to steal cryptocurrencies are increasing - Cybersecurity


Highlights: Cases of'stream-jacking' to steal cryptocurrencies are increasing - Cybersecurity. Cybercriminals pose as famous people to get users to click on links in descriptions, pressure them to release personal information. Musk himself is at the top of the list of VIPs most exploited for this type of cyber scam, say Bitdefender security researchers. "You should always check the channel identifier: if it contains unexpected characters or spelling errors, it is almost certain that it is an identity theft," say experts.

Fraud from fake videos of famous people, Musk the most exploited (ANSA)

There is a phenomenon on the rise in the world of online scams and it concerns stream-jacking.

Cybercriminals create channels on video streaming platforms, mainly YouTube, in which they pose as famous people to get users to click on links in descriptions, pressure them to release personal information or install software on computers, and then steal their cryptocurrency deposits , like bitcoins.

This is the report that comes from Bitdefender security researchers.

An example is a channel in which hackers reproduced the face and voice of Elon Musk, all thanks to artificial intelligence, to promote investment activities, with the sole purpose of defrauding surfers.

And Musk himself, with his Tesla, is at the top of the list of VIPs most exploited for this type of cyber scam for Bitdefender.

Also associated with the brand are SpaceX, another Musk creation, and MicroStrategy, which provides business intelligence, mobile software and cloud-based services.

Stream-jacking involves hackers targeting popular channels to take over accounts or lure followers to a fake channel with the promise of rewards, using various techniques including livestreams with pop-ups, codes and malicious links.

Bitdefender estimates that hackers earned more than $600,000 through this technique.

Criminals typically promote their campaigns at particular times for the industry, from the rise in value of bitcoin to Tesla launching a new car model.

"You should always check the channel identifier: if it contains unexpected characters or spelling errors, it is almost certain that it is an identity theft. Always report observed scams to keep the phenomenon under control and also check social media feeds media, because these scams are usually reported and described in detail", explain the experts.

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Source: ansa

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