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India: French journalist threatened with expulsion before Macron's visit


Highlights: French journalist Vanessa Dougnac received a warning from Indian authorities for a report deemed “contrary to national interests” “India is my home, a country I deeply love and respect, and I have never engaged in any act detrimental to Indian interests,” she says. President Macron is expected in India on Thursday, where he will be the guest of honor at the annual Republic Day military parade. Critics say press freedom in the world's largest democracy is increasingly under attack, with journalists who cover sensitive topics often reprimanded by the government.

While Emmanuel Macron is expected in India on Thursday, French journalist Vanessa Dougnac received a warning from Indian authorities for a report deemed “contrary to national interests”.

A French journalist said Tuesday she faces deportation from India after two decades in the country for reporting that authorities called "

malicious and critical

," days before a state visit by President Emmanuel Macron .

Critics say press freedom in the world's largest democracy is increasingly under attack, with journalists who cover sensitive topics often reprimanded by the government.

The latest is Vanessa Dougnac, contributor to several French-speaking publications including the weekly

Le Point

, based in India for 22 years.

Last week, the Interior Ministry sent a notice to the journalist saying her work was “


” to national interests.

His journalistic activities are malicious and critical... they create a biased perception of India

,” the ministry notice said.

In addition, its activities may also cause unrest and disrupt the peace

,” the text adds.

“India is my home”

The warning gave Vanessa Dougnac, who has an Indian spouse, until February 2 to contest the department's decision to cancel her permanent residence, a measure that would force her to leave the country.

The journalist, who has covered several hot-button issues including the ongoing Maoist Naxalite insurgency in parts of rural India, denied "

all allegations and accusations

" made against her in the letter.

India is my home, a country I deeply love and respect, and I have never engaged in any act detrimental to Indian interests

,” she said in a statement.

The Home Office and Foreign Office have been contacted for comment.

This notification was given to Vanessa Dougnac a week before President Macron's arrival in India on Thursday, where he will be the guest of honor at the annual Republic Day military parade.

The French head of state has eagerly courted India as a strategic partner and arms buyer, and his visit reciprocates his invitation to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for Bastille Day celebrations in Paris last year .

Narendra Modi's government has been accused of stifling independent media, with India falling 21 places to 161st out of 180 countries in the World Press Freedom Index since he took office in 2014. Indian offices of the


were raided by the taxman last year, weeks after the British channel came under widespread criticism from the government for broadcasting a documentary questioning Narendra Modi's role in the 2002 religious riots.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2024-01-23

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