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Just before increasing the media budget - 7 things you can do to increase sales in ecommerce - voila! Marketing and digital


Highlights: Just before increasing the media budget - 7 things you can do to increase sales in ecommerce - voila! Marketing and digital. Get 7 tips that will help you take advantage of the traffic already coming to your website and convert it into paying customers . Gif packages/Giphy Recently a lot of people are starting to doubt the quality of the media. The costs are very high, certainly in the last year, and everyone is asking where to be, how much to invest.

Want to increase sales on the site? Advertising campaigns are not always the answer. Get 7 tips that will help you take advantage of the traffic already coming to your website and convert it into paying customers

Gif packages/Giphy

Recently a lot of people are starting to doubt the quality of the media.

The costs are very high, certainly in the last year, and everyone is asking where to be, how much to invest, when we cling to the sharp measuring ability of return on investment and mainly look for culprits.

Just before we increase the media budget or find the culprit for all our problems, let's make sure that we have done everything, or at least the majority, to improve the conversion rates on our website - because there is nothing more basic and important than that.

Look at the white of your site

Aviv Meirman./PR

Why do people visit my site, even come back again and again, but don't buy?

We know how to answer this question when we go to a restaurant: we received a recommendation or saw a very convincing advertisement, we arrived at the restaurant expecting and excited, we ordered dishes that were recommended or that we saw, and something in the experience didn't do it for us - not the service we received, not the quality of the dish in relation to the price, even the chairs They weren't comfortable enough to get the experience we were promised.

We will not come back here again.

When it comes to the experience we give our surfers, it's exactly the same.

In the past, not enough people would enter the site, now we are already standing on good numbers and see an increase in visitors every day, but they still do not purchase, or at least not enough, what could be the problem?

Let's start with the fact that it is never one problem but a collection of problems, but the good thing is that it can be checked quite easily.

So here are some questions we can ask ourselves tomorrow morning and answer honestly:

1. Do we provide purchase security on our website?

Are customers able to contact you quickly?




Do they appear prominently and clearly on the site?

Is our return policy clear?

Are the delivery times tempting and their cost not making the product more expensive by dozens of percent?

Does the information customers receive about the product make them feel confident in what they are going to receive?

Sometimes, it's the little things that make all the difference: ASOS makes sure on each of its product pages to update the measurements of the model in the photo, including the height and size of the specific garment they are wearing - to give us an idea of ​​our size ratio and above all to reduce anxiety when ordering (Der "A site to learn from).

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The small details that make the difference - comments on the size of the model on the Asos website./Screen shot, ASOS

2. Keep it simple

The surfer came because of a certain advertisement, a certain product, a certain offer, how quickly does he get what he was promised?

Many sites invest in ads that promise all kinds of things, but then when the customer arrives at the site, they find something else.

Have you decided to make a significant discount?

Redirect the surfer to this place which is all good.

Have you decided to offer a discount coupon?

Don't hide this place from him where he can enter the code and realize all this goodness.

After he enters the discount code, applaud him and show very prominently how much money he saved with this benefit, don't make him do the math on his own.

There are additional costs not mentioned - why?

Show your potential customer from the beginning what he is going to pay, otherwise he will lose trust in the site and abandon the cart blatantly.

3. Details is not digging

Everyone wants to save money, but no one wants to buy a cat in a bag.

Your product must be clear.

Take time and respect your surfers with details: what the product is made of, what is its level of durability, if it has the necessary certificates, size, material, washing instructions if critical, etc.

Agree expectations with your potential client, he will appreciate it.

4. Each product page is a showcase

Invest in the visuals of your product.

Be careful with high-quality photos and videos and anything that can shed light and security to purchase.

No one will want to purchase something that looks pixelated or unreal.

Buying online is already commonplace, but if we could touch the product or see it in real life and do it from our home on the couch, we would choose this option.

Therefore, the shopping experience should be "the next best thing".

5. Where is the hole in the bucket?

Every site has a hole, sometimes more than one, from which surfers escape.

You should find it quickly.

We know what happens when there is a hole in the boat and we don't want to drown.

There are quite a few technologies that can mark us the holes in the site and it is worth using them.

Before entering into additional costs, go into your analytics and check what the customer journey looks like (hopefully you have already switched to GA4).

Now the picture is clearer, how many people added to the basket or rather how many people abandoned after adding to the basket?

Abandonment after adding to the basket is natural, not everyone who adds to the basket buys, but what is the ratio?

Is there a difference from month to month?


A look at the customer journey in GA4 can shed a lot of light on the "holes" that exist on the site./Screen shot, Google Analytics 4

6. Surfing videos

Let's liken it to an MRI from the medical field.

To watch surfing videos of our visitors, is to have your hand on the pulse, to understand what is really happening to them, where do we lose them, what do they click on and don't understand, what is the experience we really provide?

There are countless ecommerce technologies like SmartLook and HotJar that would be happy for a few tens of dollars a month to allow us to watch our surfers at different stations that we will define and also to answer many other things.

Don't waste precious time, get to know them and learn to use them.

7. Every website owner is also a customer

Go to other websites and purchase products.

Understand where you feel comfortable and try to analyze why.

Don't forget, you are customers just like your surfers, and even if you have developed a certain blindness to mistakes on your website, that doesn't mean you have to get used to them.

Go through page by page and find two things that need to be improved that others do better, from the home page through the product page, and of course the cart and checkout.

Don't let them run away, they came with the intention of purchasing.

In conclusion (although there are so many more things)

It is very important to appreciate and respect your surfers.

Get to know them, diagnose where their pain is on your site, listen to them, give them the option to share with you, make them feel that they have reached a safe place and just as importantly, put yourself in their shoes, because that alone will advance you 50% of the way.

Only after you have done all this, you can talk again about raising marketing and advertising budgets, but at this point, it is not certain that you will need them.

Aviv Meirman is CEO and partner at adtocart. She specializes in Ecommerce site technologies, strategy and marketing, consulting and systems implementation, advertising and more.

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  • Ecommerce

  • Online sales

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Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-01-23

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