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Traffic light disaster continues: Habeck falls in the survey – together with Scholz and Lindner


Highlights: Traffic light disaster continues: Habeck falls in the survey – together with Scholz and Lindner.. As of: January 23, 2024, 7:22 p.m By: Nils Hinsberger CommentsPressSplit In the latest surveys, several traffic light politicians continue to fall. The leading ministers are more unpopular than ever. An exception comes from the SPD. Boris Pistorius (SPD) is the most popular politician in Germany at the moment.

As of: January 23, 2024, 7:22 p.m

By: Nils Hinsberger




In the latest surveys, several traffic light politicians continue to fall.

The leading ministers are more unpopular than ever.

An exception comes from the SPD.

Berlin – The traffic light coalition is in crisis.

The approval of the population has fallen significantly due to the past mistakes made by the government under Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).

The ever-increasing disputes within the government alliance, the botched federal budget and the recent cuts in agricultural subsidies have clearly eroded the government's reputation.

The latest surveys show how poor support for traffic lights is among the German population.

As the opinion research institute


reports, the traffic light politicians are falling significantly in terms of their popularity.

In particular, the traffic light leadership consisting of Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP), Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) and Chancellor Scholz is losing massive amounts of support.

According to the survey, the most popular minister at the traffic light comes from the SPD

According to Ipsos,

the Green Party politician Habeck is in last place in the traffic light ranking


As the survey shows, 59 percent of Germans say they are dissatisfied with the work of the economics minister.

Only 12 percent expressed satisfaction with the Green politician.


Insa opinion trend

commissioned by


also sees Habeck's popularity on the decline and places him in 16th place among Germany's most popular politicians - just ahead of Scholz and Interior Minister Nancy Faeser.

According to surveys, the majority of Germans are dissatisfied with their politics.

Robert Habeck (l.), Olaf Scholz (m.) and Christian Lindner (r.).

© IMAGO / Political Moments

Scholz and Lindner follow closely behind Habeck.

57 percent of those surveyed were very dissatisfied with the Federal Chancellor's work.

The situation is similar with Lindner, with whose work 53 percent of Germans do not agree.

In the

Insa opinion trend,

Scholz is in 13th place. Things only look slightly better for Lindner in 9th place.

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) proves that there is another way.

According to the survey, with 28 percent of respondents being very satisfied with Pistorius, he leads the traffic light's popularity rating.


also confirms this

and ranks Pistorius as the most popular politician in Germany at the moment.

Nevertheless, 30 percent of those surveyed would express dissatisfaction with the defense minister, as

can be seen from the

Ipsos survey .

Greens want less arguing at traffic lights after polls hit lows

The fact that the traffic light government's policies are causing great discontent among the population has obviously not gone unnoticed by the coalition partners.

The Greens in particular now want to focus on a better culture of debate in the government, reports the



The Green party leaders Katharina Dröge and Britta Haßelmann said that we need to get better at explaining decisions to the traffic light partners.

Although you want to avoid arguments, you can't avoid struggling to make decisions.

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“All three traffic light parties will remain independent parties,” said Dröge.

Within the government it is now a matter of finding compromises.

According to Dröge, this is the “core of democracy.

SPD chairman Lars Klingbeil also recognizes that the dispute within the traffic lights is a central problem.

“The fact that three different parties sometimes have different answers is part of it, but there was too much argument,” notes Klingbeil.

It remains to be seen whether the traffic light can offset the low in the polls and avert the increasing calls for new elections.

Defense Minister Pistorius' survey results show that traffic light politicians can also enjoy widespread popularity.


Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-01-23

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