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Warning from the governors of Juntos a Milei: they will only support the Omnibus Law if it raises the withholdings


Highlights: The governors of Together for Change, plus allies from Peronist provinces, sent the Government a proposal almost as a warning. The governors represent the toughest leg in the negotiation, and even have the support of the legislative blocs of the Radical Civic Union, We Make the Federal Coalition and the PRO. The entire block of productive provinces has been the most reluctant to close an agreement with the Government if the text referring to withholdings is not modified. "As it is, the law is not going to pass, especially because there are governors of very heavy provinces like Santa Fe and Córdoba," said a person close to the meeting.

They told Francos via Zoom and in a face-to-face meeting. If there is no agreement, the idea of ​​their own opinion advances.

First via Zoom, and then in person,

the governors of Together for Change, plus allies from Peronist provinces, sent the Government a proposal

almost as a warning: to support the majority opinion promoted by the ruling party, it is

" "unavoidable condition"

that the increase in withholdings provided for in the omnibus bill be eliminated and that this adjustment be made to the tax expenses of the Executive itself.

The governors

represent the toughest leg in the negotiation

, and even have the support of the legislative blocs of the Radical Civic Union, We Make the Federal Coalition and the PRO.

Especially in the case of the first two

, the position is clear: either the increase in all export duties is reversed, or the votes to give it half a sanction in Deputies will not be there.

In this sense, the presentation of a minority opinion that has been analyzed since last week gains strength.

The entire block of productive provinces has been the most reluctant to close an agreement with the Government if the text referring to withholdings is not modified.

Mainly Santa Fe, with Governor Maximiliano Pullaro at the helm, but also provinces such as Mendoza, led by Alfredo Cornejo, or Entre Ríos, led by Rogelio Frigerio, one of the PRO governors who has the greatest dialogue between both political sectors.

It was precisely

Frigerio who met on Tuesday morning at Casa Rosada with the Minister of the Interior Guillermo Francos and the Chief of Staff Nicolás Posse


There he conveyed this proposal, which the Government agreed to respond to this same day, as


learned from sources close to the negotiation, and synthetically it consists of a kind of compensation that the governors propose from the Zoom they held on Sunday.

That the increase in withholdings be eliminated and that it be the Government itself that chooses to reduce any tax expenditure of the more than 30 special regimes and with tax exemptions that have privileges and that, according to the provinces, represent 4.5% of the product.

Peronist support

The claim of the leaders of Together for Change is also echoed by

Peronist governors such as Martín Llaryora from Cordoba

, another who has been maintaining that the law has to pass, but that cannot contemplate the current scheme of increasing withholdings.

“When you have to collaborate, no one likes to pay taxes, but taxes have to be as least disruptive as possible.

They gave everything a 15.

Surely they did not have the time necessary to do microeconomics, to take the interior into account.

Inland areas later go bankrupt and are abandoned, and we are not going to allow it," Llaryora said in a radio interview.

"As it is, the law is not going to pass, especially because there are governors of very heavy provinces like Santa Fe and Córdoba, who are not going to tolerate raising withholdings on agriculture," said a person close to the meeting last Sunday. that eight governors from Together for Change had had with the leaders of the opposition blocs who could be allies of the Government if a consensus is reached on the omnibus law,

Pullaro, the toughest in relation to the increase in withholdings.

Photo: Enrique García Medina.

At that time, the Government had not yet made changes to the project in Profits

, something that the provincial leaders had been demanding, after at the end of Alberto Fernández's mandate, the Minister of Economy Sergio Massa decided to exempt from paying the tax those who They were in the fourth category.

This reversal decided by mileism, lowering the floor from $2.34 million to $1.35 million per month, represents a good gesture for the provinces

, which had been arguing that they were being defunded.

However, the increase in withholdings from 31% to 33% for soy products would be decisive today in the negotiation between the parties and is what blocks any possible agreement at the legislative level.

The votes of the three spaces allied to the opposition are key for the law to pass.

The PRO has 37 of its own deputies, the Radical Civic Union with 34 and We Make the Federal Coalition with 23. They could ensure an eventual majority in Deputies, also adding the 38 votes of the libertarians in the lower house, plus some small blocks that could support the package of measures.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-01-23

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