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Full moon in Leo for January 2024: astrological and spiritual meanings


Highlights: On January 25, the first full Moon of 2024 will be perfected. It will occur in the 5th degree of Leo, an event that “arrives like a beacon of light in the firmament, promising to shed upon us a passionate energy overflowing with creative expression,” said the astrologer, author and tarot reader Lourdes Ferro. Ferro offered some suggestions to harness and channel energy during the full moon. The full moon will invite us to shine with all our splendor and show the world our true essence.

The first full moon of the year will come with all its brilliance. Why will it be oriented toward self-reflection and pursuit with a renewed sense of purpose.

On January 25, the first full Moon of 2024 will be perfected. It will occur in the 5th degree of Leo, an event that “arrives like a beacon of light in the firmament, promising to shed upon us a passionate energy overflowing with creative expression,” he explained. to


the astrologer, author and tarot reader

Lourdes Ferro


Ferro pointed out that this full moon will invite us to

shine with all our splendor

and show the world our true essence.

“Leo, as a Fire sign ruled by the Sun, inspires us to take charge of our own lives with courage and confidence,” said the astrologer.

Under this influence, our innate nature

seeks to be recognized, applauded

and, above all, expressed in a genuine way.”

That night, within the astrological panorama, the energy of Aquarius will also be present, the complementary opposite sign of Leo, since both the Sun and Pluto will be located in this Air sign.

In line with the beginning of a new year, Ferro described this lunation as a time for “self-reflection and self-expression in which we must encourage ourselves to reconnect with the joy of living, to

rediscover what we truly love

and to pursue it with a renewed sense of purpose".

Full moon in Leo for January 2024: astrological and spiritual meanings for each sign

The astrologer offered some suggestions to harness and channel energy during the full moon.

“The Full Moon in Leo is an

invitation to celebrate life

, to enjoy the spectacle of our existence and to participate in it with an open and generous heart,” she advised.

Next, what awaits each of the twelve signs during the first full Moon of the year.

Aries and the full Moon in Leo in January 2024

The Full Moon in Leo connects you with your passions, pursue your deepest desires, without fear of judgment or criticism from others.

Aries, may this Moon in Leo encourage you to go for what you want.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Aries, this lunation reminds you of the importance of having fun and enjoying life, connecting with your inner child and allowing you to experience moments of joy, fun and play.

It's an opportunity to fall in love with life and let your inner strength shine.

Taurus and the full Moon in Leo in January 2024

The Full Moon illuminates your area related to home, family and emotions, Taurus.

You will experience an intensification of everything emotional and a greater connection with your family environment.

Take advantage of this opportunity to heal any pending conflict and strengthen family ties.

Create a space that reflects your true self and gives you emotional security.

Gemini and the full Moon in Leo in January 2024

This lunation awakens a radiant energy in you that drives you to express yourself with passion and confidence, Gemini.

Your communication skills stand out and you will feel a powerful inspiration to share ideas and emotions with the world.

Benefit from this opportunity, shine from your most enthusiastic and authentic side.

Cancer and the full Moon in Leo in January 2024

This lunation illuminates your life in the financial field and brings opportunities for you to increase your income and obtain recognition for what you are worth, Cancer.

Remember that you deserve to shine and share all your talents.

Cancer, follow your heart.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

This full moon invites you to creative self-expression and courage, encouraging you to follow what you are truly passionate about and to look for ways to build a solid foundation that supports your desires and needs.

Leo and the full Moon in Leo in January 2024

The Moon reaches its complete illumination in your sign and generates the perfect night for you to show yourself to the world in all your splendor.

This phase pushes you to express your creativity, confidence and authenticity.

Leave aside doubts and fears;

Allow your inner light to show and use this lunar influence to manifest your deepest goals and desires.

Virgo and the full Moon in Leo in January 2024

Virgo, in your case, you are experiencing a moment of deep personal exploration and releasing past emotional burdens.

With the Full Moon in Leo you live an ideal period to embrace authenticity and trust in personal power.

Give yourself the opportunity to stand out with your true essence and let your light illuminate the path to self-realization.

Libra and the full Moon in Leo in January 2024

This full moon illuminates your area of ​​friendships and group goals, Libra.

You will experience a stronger emotional connection with your friends and see with renewed clarity what your aspirations in life are.

Libra, this Full Moon in Leo focuses on your relationships.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

And, while you focus on the bonding activities that come so easily to you, it will also be a favorable time for you to stand out in group activities and express your individuality in the group.

Scorpio and the full Moon in Leo in January 2024

Scorpio, the Full Moon in Leo gives you a clear vision of your goals and desires in the professional field.

You will feel a surge of confidence and determination, allowing you to take a leadership role in your work projects.

This is a great opportunity to stand out and show off your skills, but it's also a time to ask yourself if you're on the right path.

Sagittarius and the full Moon in Leo in January 2024

The Full Moon in Leo illuminates your area of ​​expansion and higher knowledge, Sagittarius.

It will be a night that encourages you to shine in your search for wisdom and personal enrichment.

Additionally, it is a time to connect with your essence and trust your intuition, exploring new horizons and challenging your mental limits.

Take advantage of this opportunity to explore new cultures, study exciting topics and expand your mental horizons, embracing intellectual and spiritual adventure.

Capricorn and the full Moon in Leo in January 2024

The full moon illuminates your area of ​​transformation and intimate ties, Capricorn.

Take advantage of this opportunity to free yourself from old grudges and open your heart to passion and authentic love.

Capricorn, let go of grudges and open up to the new things in 2024. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Embrace your personal power and allow your relationships to blossom into a new stage of connection, one born of vulnerability and emotional openness.

Aquarius and the full Moon in Leo in January 2024

The Full Moon in Leo will focus on your relationships, Aquarius.

Your complementary opposite sign reminds you that it is time to express your affection and open your heart without fear.

Let the strength of the lion within guide you towards passion and sincere expression in your closest relationships.

Take advantage of this energy to ignite the spark of love and understanding.

Pisces and the full Moon in Leo in January 2024

With the full Moon, your work and creative area will be stimulated, giving you the opportunity to shine with passion in your daily tasks, Pisces.

Every effort, no matter how small it may seem, leaves a significant mark on your path.

It's time for you to show the world all the magic that lives in you.

The astrologer and tarot reader Lourdes Ferro, author of several books, including her new “Astrological Guide 2024” (Ed. Planeta), advised.

On Instagram, @lourdesferro.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-01-24

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