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"They don't do us any favors": Stav Katzin opens her heart Israel today


Highlights: "They don't do us any favors": Stav Katzin opens her heart Israel today. The "Big Brother" finalist was not afraid to tell her followers on Instagram what she is looking for in a man with whom she will open in episode B. She also shared her opinion on whether she would be taken seriously by a potential partner who would judge her externally. "Whoever judges externally in advance - I disqualify him first, and that means he's stupid," said the star.

The "Big Brother" finalist was not afraid to tell her followers on Instagram what she is looking for in a man with whom she will open in episode B • She also shared her opinion on whether she would be taken seriously by a potential partner who would judge her externally: "Whoever judges in advance - I reject him"

Stav Katzin lifted the gauntlet last night (Wednesday), and offered her 211 thousand followers on Instagram to ask her questions on any topic they wanted - and of course they took the opportunity to ask the "Big Brother" finalist about topics such as love and future relationships, realizing the great advertising potential and maintaining Shapely and slim figure, despite all the sweets she makes sure to photograph frequently.

"You're stunning! Do you think a man will take you seriously and want to start a family if he judges you externally?", the star was asked, who replied: "Maybe we'll be asked the other way around? Do I think about taking a man seriously and starting a family with him? Men don't do us any favors, and why wouldn't they Me seriously? Whoever judges externally in advance - I disqualify him first, and that means he's stupid."

An officer's story // Screenshot from Instagram

Is love on the way?

An officer's story // Screenshot from Instagram

The next question was a sort of direct continuation of the previous question.

"What are you looking for in a man?", the surfers were intrigued.

"True honesty, truth, a lot of attention, a lot of attitude, head on shoulders, smart, knows how to do business, loves and wants many children, and loves the name and wants to keep Shabbat," replied the star.

But the question and answer session held by an officer did not only deal with relationship matters, as there were surfers who asked to know where she is headed in the professional field.

When asked if she would participate in more reality shows, Katsin answered in the affirmative.

"Obviously. If it wasn't for the war, I already had two plans of my own. If I didn't suffer from fibromyalgia, herniated discs and asthma, sensitivity to cold and indulgence, I might have participated in 'Survival,'" she answered with a wink.

And what about the secrets of the shapely figure displayed by an officer, even though she does not spare herself eating corrupt sweets?

"Do you exercise regularly and eat healthy?", she was asked.

"I eat whatever I want, and I train at home at least once or twice a week. From next week I start in a tidy place, maybe I'll last longer."

When asked how she maintains "such a beautiful and shapely body", she answered simply: "Sorry to disappoint, the majority is genetics".

Not really nosy.

An officer's story // Screenshot from Instagram

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Source: israelhayom

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