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Íñigo Errejón will be the new spokesperson for Sumar in Congress, replacing Marta Lois


Highlights: Íñigo Errejón will be the new spokesperson for Sumar in Congress, replacing Marta Lois. Lois will leave her seat after next Tuesday's plenary session to focus on her role as head of the list for the Xunta de Galicia in the regional elections on February 18. The appointment will be made official next Tuesday at a meeting of the parliamentary group. IU deputy Enrique Santiago will become substitute spokesperson for the new formation led by Yolanda Díaz.

The appointment will be made official next Tuesday at a meeting of the parliamentary group. IU deputy Enrique Santiago will become substitute spokesperson

Sumar will propose Íñigo Errejón to be the new spokesperson for the parliamentary group in Congress, replacing Marta Lois.

The Galician deputy will leave her seat after next Tuesday's plenary session to focus on her role as head of the list for the Xunta de Galicia in the regional elections on February 18.

Errejón, leader of Más País and one of the first ideologues of Podemos, is a figure that arouses some misgivings among the parties of the leftist coalition, and his appointment inaugurates a new stage in the group just five months after Lois took office. post.

As confirmed by sources from the party leadership, it was this Wednesday when the Executive Group of Sumar, the provisional leadership until the Assembly of the new formation led by Yolanda Díaz, approved the proposal of the second vice president of the Government for the deputy to now become in the voice of the organization in Congress.

This proposal had already been consulted in a more or less formal manner and “approved” in recent weeks by all the groups represented in the Plurinational Group, according to the same sources.

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Errejón has been gaining weight in Díaz's project in recent months, to the point of becoming the person in charge of preparing Sumar's political document for its founding assembly on March 23.

His media presence has also grown during this time as one of the authorized voices of the party and he has starred in several events in the Galician pre-campaign alongside the vice president, acting

de facto

as one of her main advisors.

Although his profile is not liked by all parties in the group, no one questions his communication skills and, therefore, his ability to perform adequately in the position.

Some voices, however, doubt whether a figure so opposed to the Podemos leadership (Errejón left the party in 2019, after being relegated two years earlier after losing in his confrontation with Pablo Iglesias) is the most appropriate to negotiate with the rest of the groups, also with the five parliamentarians from Ione Belarra, since December in the Mixed.

The groups consulted in recent weeks almost took her appointment for granted, but insisted that the final proposal still had to be debated at a meeting of the group's management next week, when Lois announced her resignation from the minutes.

Finally, the candidate's departure from Congress will be formalized almost at the beginning of the campaign, which starts on Friday in a very complicated context for her brand, with the parties that comprise it in an extra-parliamentary situation.

Next Tuesday, January 30, the formal meeting of the parliamentary group will be held in which the proposal to elect Errejón will be presented to the rest of the deputies.

It will be the same day that the full Congress plans to approve the controversial amnesty law.

Taking advantage of the changes, Sumar will also propose the incorporation of Izquierda Unida deputy Enrique Santiago as a substitute spokesperson, which gives his party the signature capacity to present parliamentary initiatives.

IU was left out of the distribution of deputy spokespersons last September, a decision that was criticized at the time by the formation and that is, however, occupied by Catalunya en Comú, Compromís and Chunta Aragonesista, who will now maintain the same positions.

The appointment of Santiago, leader of the PCE and veteran parliamentarian in the Lower House, serves, at the same time, to compensate IU and give it more weight for Díaz's future project.

The party that until December was coordinated by former minister Alberto Garzón, involved in his own process to succeed him, has not yet clarified its role in the formation of Sumar.

Its leaders have warned in recent months of some deficiencies in the decision-making process and the coordination of the participation of all actors.

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Source: elparis

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