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(For the time being) no minaret in Memmingen: the building committee rejects the building application - the plenary session is scheduled to decide on Monday


Highlights: The Turkish Islamic Community of Memmingen is applying to build a 24 meter high minaret on an existing foundation at the mosque on Schlachthofstrasse. There is no legally binding development plan for the mosque area; it is located in the so-called “unplanned interior area” In terms of planning law, it must therefore be assessed whether the proposed building fits into the “characteristics of the surrounding area’ The main material of the minaret is reinforced concrete with fine plaster; an aluminum covering is provided for the pointed tent roof.

As of: January 25, 2024, 2:00 p.m




West view according to the development plan: The planned minaret is to be added to the existing mosque.

© Demirsoy Architecture

Memmingen - With 7 votes to 7, the building, planning and environmental committee of the Memmingen city council decided on the building application from the Turkish Islamic Community of Memmingen for a minaret at the mosque on Schlachthofstrasse.

In the event of a tie, the application is considered rejected in accordance with municipal regulations.

The administration was commissioned to develop possible procedural steps for the preparation of a development plan for the area east of Schlachthofstrasse, in which the mosque is also located, for the upcoming plenary session on Monday, January 29, 2024.

In addition, Mayor Jan Rothenbacher has the building committee's negative decision examined by the entire city council due to legal concerns.

The Turkish Islamic Community of Memmingen is applying to build a 24 meter high minaret on an existing foundation at the mosque on Schlachthofstrasse.

The main material of the minaret is reinforced concrete with fine plaster; an aluminum covering is provided for the pointed tent roof.

As part of the operational description for the minaret, the municipality explains that the minaret is a purely structural religious symbol and that no loudspeaker equipment is provided.

The planned project is generally approved under planning law, explained Uwe Weißfloch, head of the city planning office.

There is no legally binding development plan for the mosque area; it is located in the so-called “unplanned interior area”.

In terms of planning law, it must therefore be assessed whether the proposed building fits into the “characteristics of the surrounding area”.

The following criteria are checked:

  • Type of development:

    The surrounding area is predominantly commercial, explained Weißfloch.

    In 2006, the change of use of a company building to a cultural and religious meeting place was approved as an exception in the commercial area.

    The minaret now being applied for is part of this facility and is therefore also exceptionally permissible under planning law given the type of development.

  • Plot area that can be built on:

    The plot area that can be built on a foundation measuring 3x3m is typical for the area.

  • Construction method:

    Open construction methods are also permissible if the distance areas are adhered to.

  • Dimensions of development:

    Since the surrounding area is characterized by 2- to 4-story buildings and the surrounding development plans set maximum heights of 12 meters, 13.5 meters and 16 meters respectively, the planned height of the minaret exceeds this at approx. 24 meters The level of development that characterizes the area.

Since the criterion “dimension of the development” is not met in the “insert” test scheme, it must be further examined whether the building applied for has a role model effect for future buildings in the area and whether the “requirement of consideration” is observed.

Since the footprint of the planned building is very small and no usable or recreational areas are planned, a role model effect was ruled out.

The requirement of consideration is also not violated due to the very slim appearance of the tower.

In summary, the proposed construction project is generally approved under planning law, explained the head of the city planning office.

After intensive discussion in the committee, the vote was 8:6 in favor of changing the proposed resolution, and the passage was added: “Calls to prayer from the minaret are inadmissible.”

The proposed resolution was:

“The building application 271/23, construction of minaret at specific.

Mosque on best.

Base with pile foundation, Schlachthofstrasse 40, flst. no.

3456/1, Memmingen district, is approved based on the explanations under II.

Calls to prayer from the minaret are not permitted.”

This was decided by a vote of 7:7.

In the event of a tie, the application is considered rejected.

The decision will only become legally binding after a week.

Two city councilors wanted the administration to develop procedural steps for drawing up a development plan for the area east of Schlachthofstrasse for the next plenary session.

The idea was to limit the permissible building height for new construction projects to 16 meters.

In addition, Mayor Jan Rothenbacher is exercising his right as chairman of the building committee to have the

negative decision of the building committee

reviewed by the full city council

in the plenary session on January 29, 2024


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Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-01-25

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