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Despite the connections with Hamas - the US assigns UNRA a central role in the Gaza Strip the day after | Israel today


Highlights: Despite the connections with Hamas - the US assigns UNRA a central role in the Gaza Strip the day after | Israel today. A spokesperson at the US State Department told Israel Hayom: The US will tighten cooperation with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. The remarks are being made ahead of a congressional debate that will take place after the revelation of the Telegram group in which UNRWA teachers glorified the Hamas massacre on October 7. The debate will be held next Tuesday in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Congress.

A spokesperson at the US State Department told Israel Hayom: The US will tighten cooperation with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees • The remarks are being made ahead of a congressional debate that will take place after the revelation of the Telegram group in which UNRWA teachers glorified the Hamas massacre on October 7

"A central element of stability":

The US assigns UNRWA a central role in managing life in the Gaza Strip the day after the war, so says a State Department spokesperson today (Thursday) in response to an inquiry by "Israel Today".

Documentation: weapons in UNRA agency bags

The words are said ahead of a debate to be held in the American Congress next week about UNRA's involvement and ties with Hamas. The debate will be held after the Telegram group of the organization's teachers, who glorified the Simchat Torah massacre, was exposed.

"UNRA exposed"

The debate will take place next Tuesday in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Congress, at the initiative of members Brian Mast and Chris Smith under the title: "UNRWA Revealed: Examining the Agency's Mission and its Failures".

Among the participants is also expected to be the president of the UN WATCH organization that exposed the inciting Telegram group, Richard Goldberg of the Fund for the Defense of Democracy and Marcus Schiff, CEO of Impact C, who exposed the problematic content of UNRA textbooks.

Teachers encourage terrorism.

A UNRA school in Gaza, photo: AFP

In addition to the support of the organization's teachers in the massacre and the contents of the incitement against Israel in the education system, the IDF revealed during the war dozens of evidences of cooperation between the UN agency and Hamas terrorism.

These are UNRA sandbags that were used to build tunnels, schools from which or near which rocket launchers were placed, and tunnel openings. Also, Hamas members control UNRA institutions in the Gaza Strip - this is what residents of Gaza testified to IDF officers.

UNRA - a partner that the USA trusts

At a time when Israel is trying to get rid of UNRA, the Biden administration intends, as mentioned, to tighten cooperation with it.

UNRA center in Rafah (archive), photo: AFP

Contrary to the rumors spread among non-governmental organizations that deal with "the day after", as if the Americans intend to replace UNRA with another agency, a spokesperson for the State Department told "Israel Today" that "UNRA continues to provide critical aid in Gaza and remains a partner that the US can trust at him".

The spokesman for the department added that "UNRA will be a central element of stability after the war in Gaza and we strongly support this." Another source in the National Security Council confirmed the statements.

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Source: israelhayom

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