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Eternal traffic light discord: Scholz appears remorseful - but Habeck continues to scold Lindner


Highlights: Eternal traffic light discord: Scholz appears remorseful - but Habeck continues to scold Lindner. In view of these figures, there is likely to be a mood of crisis at party headquarters. Does it still make sense to continue in this government - or has ScholZ thought about quitting in the past few weeks? “fairy tales that he wants to give up as chancellor’s tale” - the Chancellor. “I also have self-doubt,” said Schol z critically.

As of: January 25, 2024, 12:08 p.m

By: Stephanie Munk




Chancellor Scholz is self-critical about the state of the traffic light coalition, but sees the most important conflicts clarified.

But a comment from Habeck gives a deep insight.

Berlin – Chancellor Olaf Scholz is not known as a great communicator.

He mostly watches the arguments between his ministers in silence – at least outwardly.

And when Scholz says something, it often seems cumbersome and empty.

The Chancellor has now provided insight into his inner life in a major interview.

He also practices self-criticism.

“I also have self-doubt,” said Scholz critically.

 “It doesn’t exactly contribute to the feeling of security when those who govern argue with each other too often,” said Scholz in the weekly newspaper

Die Zeit


As Chancellor, he bears “responsibility” for this.

It was rarely possible to reach an agreement without “protracted public disputes”.

“We have to take credit for that.”

But Scholz apparently believes that things will get better in the future: the coalition made up of the three very different parties SPD, Greens and FDP have “largely negotiated with each other” on their most important points of contention, he claims.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD, M.) with Green Party Economics Minister Robert Habeck (l.) and FDP Finance Minister Christian Lindner at a press statement.


Scholz sees the biggest points of contention over - the dispute between Habeck and Linder continues

But is the eternal trouble really over?

In an interview that Economics Minister Robert Habeck gave at the beginning of the week, it sounds different.

Habeck publicly expressed his anger.

Speaking to


, Habeck criticized politicians who would only ever make decisions that saved them from one election to the next, but did not change the country.

“But if we only elect decision-makers for whom their own popularity is the most important thing, but not what will happen to the country in the next ten years, then I'm no longer in the mood,” said the Vice Chancellor.

The comment followed the question of whether FDP Finance Minister Lindner should relax the debt brake in favor of investments - so it is a direct attack on the coalition partner.

The FDP is doing worse in surveys than ever before and has to fear being thrown out of state parliaments before the state elections in the fall.

By letting go of the debt brake, Lindner would probably alienate even more voters.

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The next conflict is also ongoing: the FDP and the Greens are arguing about the child allowance, which the FDP finance minister wants to increase, but the SPD and the Greens are against it.

Scholz feels the desire to hit the table and sees himself as a tough fighter

Scholz is asked in Die Zeit

why he doesn't even hit the table as Chancellor


“I can understand the desire, I feel it myself,” replies Scholz.

But “the constitutional order of the Federal Republic of Germany” “doesn’t really provide for hitting the table”.

Because government is governed in coalitions in which compromises can be found.

“But my course is clear.

“I’m a tough fighter,” promises Scholz.

Surveys show that the population is not satisfied with the traffic light government's policies: in a new survey, government leaders are more unpopular than ever.

Scholz, Habeck and Lindner in particular are losing support.

In view of these figures, there is likely to be a mood of crisis at party headquarters.

Scholz about “fairy tales” that he wants to give up as chancellor

Does it still make sense to continue in this government - or has Scholz thought about quitting in the past few weeks?

Scholz describes reports that he had considered asking the vote of confidence as a “fairy tale”.

He never thought about quitting.

The fact that the government ultimately “managed” to “prepare a proper budget” after the budget verdict gives him hope.

Scholz believes that the government can win back the trust of the people.


Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-01-25

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