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Newborn baby saved at Meyer with exceptional prenatal diagnosis - Regional Health


Highlights: Newborn baby saved at Meyer with exceptional prenatal diagnosis - Regional Health. Underwent urgent intestinal surgery (ANSA) Newborn baby girl was saved at the Meyer pediatric hospital in Florence, thanks to a prenatal diagnosis defined as "exceptional" and an urgent intestinal operation a few hours after birth. The little girl, originally from Calabria, was able to return home after almost five months of treatment: "she is fine and she will gradually be able to start eating naturally, without resorting to parenteral nutrition"

Underwent urgent intestinal surgery (ANSA)

A newborn baby girl was saved at the Meyer pediatric hospital in Florence, thanks to a prenatal diagnosis defined as "exceptional" and an urgent intestinal operation a few hours after birth.

The little girl, originally from Calabria, was able to return home after almost five months of treatment: "she is fine - explains Meyer - and she will gradually be able to start eating naturally, without resorting to parenteral nutrition".

It all starts in August, when the future mother, at her 31st week, goes to Meyer at the suggestion of her gynecologist.

At the Florentine hospital, an ultrasound reveals a serious anomaly: a severe dilation of the fetus's intestinal loops, indicative of an acute intestinal pathology.

During this evaluation, estimating fetal well-being through Doppler ultrasound, the prenatal diagnosis team also highlights severe fetal anemia.

This led to an emergency caesarean section in Careggi, followed by a timely transfer of the newborn to Meyer for the operation: the little girl underwent "a massive resection of the small intestine, of which 75% was compromised, and a tubostomy, a alternative technique to the conventional stoma" thanks to which the "surgeons created an external intestinal derivation, then placing parenteral nutrition".

After three months, during which the little girl was taken care of by the intensive care unit, the little girl had a second "delicate" operation for autologous intestinal reconstruction: "Through remodeling techniques" she was "guaranteed a new intestine that can functionally and physiologically guarantee" a "normal life in the future".

"For many months the Meyer - say the little girl's parents - was our home, at 360 degrees. First they saved our little girl, who would not have made it without that prenatal diagnosis. Then, in addition to the health care provided to her , they helped us find accommodation in one of the facilities of the reception network, they provided us with psychological and spiritual assistance as well as teleconsultations with the doctors in Calabria to prepare for the return home, explaining everything to us step by step, with great humanity and professionalism. For this we can only thank them one by one." 

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Source: ansa

All news articles on 2024-01-25

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