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"Geder Tourism": families come to take pictures at the border of the Gaza Strip - and endanger soldiers in the field - voila! news


Highlights: "Geder Tourism": families come to take pictures at the border of the Gaza Strip - and endanger soldiers in the field - voila! news. Four days after 21 soldiers were killed just 600 meters from the border, female observers warn of a dangerous phenomenon. "Fence Tourism" is to watch what is happening on the Palestinian side as a result of the war against the terrorist organizations in Gaza. Some citizens move on foot and some in vehicles, with most of them reaching the edge of the border while standing on the perimeter fence.

Four days after 21 soldiers were killed just 600 meters from the border, female observers warn of a dangerous phenomenon in which citizens and large groups move along the fence with the aim of watching what is happening on the Palestinian side, and documenting it with selfies or group photos. "It can end in disaster and makes it difficult for the forces in the field"

Attacking many terrorist cells in the Gaza Strip fence area/IDF spokesman

Army officials who operate in the border area of ​​the Gaza Strip warned today (Friday) about "fence tourism" that has developed in the past week and endangers the lives of civilians traveling in the area.

In closed conversations, the officials warned that a growing phenomenon has begun involving citizens, families and large groups moving along the fence.

The goal of "Fence Tourism" is to watch what is happening on the Palestinian side as a result of the war against the terrorist organizations in Gaza, in addition to documenting it with selfies or group photos.

Some citizens move on foot and some in vehicles, with most of them reaching the edge of the border while standing on the perimeter fence.

Four days ago, 21 fighters fell just 600 meters from the border, in the worst incident since the beginning of the war.

The force was not far from Kibbutz Kissufim, when a terrorist squad that came out of an orchard in the countryside, aimed an anti-tank missile at two nearby buildings - and hit them. As a result, all the fighters in the buildings were killed.

Israeli children break through the fence towards the Gaza Strip

This video is published in WhatsApp groups with the caption: "On Simchat Torah, it was children from Gaza who broke through the fence in our direction. Today, our children broke through the fence into the Gaza Strip."

— Shiral Lalum Nahir??

(@shirellaloom) January 25, 2024

If the fact that the area close to the perimeter fence has not yet been completely cleared of terrorist squads does not make "fence tourism" dangerous enough, in recent days, suspected Palestinians have begun to return to the fence area and move around in the area without the IDF forces harming them. In accordance with the new opening fire instructions in the Gaza Division, Suspects cannot be shot on the Palestinian side unless they have identified a means and intent to carry out an attack. Quite coincidentally, last week the IDF also began releasing reserve soldiers and reducing the size of the forces protecting the border of the Gaza Strip, which makes the task of protecting the border more difficult.

The army officials, including female observers, warned the senior commanders that the phenomenon is dangerous due to the new situation in the Gaza Division and the reduced number of soldiers in recent weeks.

"Not only are suspected Palestinians moving within hundreds of meters of the fence and there is no permission to harm them, there is a very dangerous phenomenon of civilians who come up to the fence line and take pictures," it was said.

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A phenomenon that endangers the citizens and makes it difficult for the soldiers in the field.

Documentation of Palestinians breaching the security fence/image processing, Reuters

Officials in the army continued to warn that apart from the great risk to civilians who come for "fence tourism", this makes it very difficult and confusing for the soldiers in the field.

"This new phenomenon is well known to the two regional division commanders in the Gaza Division," they said.

"The allegations were raised in closed conversations, but the observers and the other commanders were told that there is no manpower since they released reserve soldiers, and there is not enough military police, so they removed roadblocks. There is a very great risk to civilians from terrorists who can shoot and injure. This can end in disaster. Furthermore, it makes it very difficult for the forces In the area where you are forced to move in the space with civilians on the border line. It is also a challenge for female observers and it is confusing because it is not clear who the figures are in the area without control. This phenomenon needs to stop and quickly."

  • More on the same topic:

  • Security fence

  • Gaza Strip

  • War of Iron Swords

  • Gaza war

  • IDF

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-01-26

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