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Plum tree: planting, maintenance, care


Highlights: Plum tree is a tree of modest size which does not exceed 8 m in height when mature. The ideal time to plant a plum tree is between the months of November and March, during the vegetative rest period. Plums vary in size, shape, taste and color, ranging from yellow, green, amber and even purple. It is necessary to carry out pruning of the plum tree during its first years of life to aerate its branches. The plum tree can adapt very well to all types of soil but prefers clay and limestone soils that are not too humid.

Because it is adaptable, vigorous and produces a beautiful variety of fruits, the plum tree is a very popular fruit tree! To this add

Plant ID card

Botanical name

Prunus domestica.

Common name

Plum tree.




Central Europe, southwest Asia.


The plum tree is a tree of rather modest size which does not exceed 8 m in height when mature.


The plum tree's bushy foliage is made up of deciduous leaves measuring approximately 10 cm long.

They are oval in shape and pointed at the end.


At the end of March, the foliage of the plum tree is adorned with pretty little white flowers composed of 5 petals and a bouquet of stamens in their center.


From the end of July, the plum blossoms give way to the fruits which will mature between the months of August and September.

Depending on the species of plum tree, the fruits are called plums, mirabelle plums, greengages or plums.

They vary in size, shape, taste and color, ranging from yellow, green, amber and even purple.


To grow well and produce delicious fruits, the plum tree needs to benefit from good sunlight.

It is also recommended to plant it sheltered from the wind to protect its early flowers from spring frosts.


The plum tree is an undemanding tree that can adapt very well to all types of soil.

However, it prefers clay and limestone soils that are not too humid.



With its spreading habit, its generous appearance and its delicious fruits, the plum tree is a fruit tree that finds its place in many gardens.

And we understand why as it is easy to live with and ornamental at the same time.

Where to plant a plum tree in the garden?

The plum tree is a resistant tree that adapts to all growing conditions.

However, knowing your preferences in terms of soil and location allows you to put all the chances on your side to ensure a good harvest of fruit.

  • Location:

    While the plum tree prefers to be planted in the sun, it can also adapt well to a location in partial shade.

    If most plum trees are self-fertile, it may be interesting to plant different varieties nearby to ensure cross-pollination.

    Also note that there are specific rules to respect, particularly with regard to the neighborhood, to plant a fruit tree wherever you want in your garden.

  • Soil:

    the plum tree is a very adaptable fruit tree that thrives in all types of soil.

    However, it has a preference for clayey, limestone soils, deep and fresh but always well drained.

The plum tree is a resistant tree that adapts to all growing conditions.

Copyright (c) 2023 Iva Vagnerova/Shutterstock.

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When and how to plant a plum tree?

The ideal time to plant a plum tree is between

the months of November and March,

during the vegetative rest period.

However, during this period, be careful to avoid episodes of frost and heavy rain.

If the plum tree is an easy tree to grow, it is important to take care of its planting to allow it to establish itself well.

Here is the procedure to follow for planting a plum tree:

  • First of all, choose a sunny location sheltered from the wind;

  • Dig a deep hole to allow the roots of the plum tree to grow freely.

    It should be approximately 50 cm deep and 70 cm wide;

  • As the plum tree likes to be planted in light soil, do not hesitate to loosen it.

    You can also add sand or gravel if it is too compact.

  • Planting Tips for a Bare Root Plum Tree

    Dress the roots of the tree by cutting off their ends and any damaged ones.

    Then make a praline with a mixture of water, clay, manure, compost or cow dung to promote healing of wounds and their proper recovery.

    Planting Tips for a Container Plum Tree

    Copyright (c) 2021 encierro/Shutterstock.

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    Before planting, rehydrate the rootball by immersing it in a basin of water for at least 15 minutes.

    When no more air bubbles rise to the surface, you can drain the root ball before installing it in the center of the previously dug hole.

  • Insert a stake along the trunk of the plum tree or at an angle, facing the prevailing winds, to allow its roots to take root without risk of being damaged;

  • Cover the roots of the plum tree with fine earth, packing lightly and forming a basin;

  • Generously water the newly planted plum tree.

  • How to take care of the plum tree?

    It is necessary to carry out training pruning of the plum tree during its first years of life to aerate its branches.

    Copyright (c) 2022 Vitalii M/Shutterstock.

    No use without permission.

    Undemanding, the plum tree is a fruit tree that requires little care to flourish in our gardens.

    • Watering:

      when planting, water the plum tree generously once a week.

      Then space out the waterings the following year.

      When the plum tree is well established, it is not necessary to water it except during a period of drought that lasts.

      You can also mulch its base in summer to help it stay cool;

    • Pruning:

      as with all fruit trees, it is necessary to prune the plum tree during its first years of life to aerate its branches.

      Then, fruiting pruning must be carried out at the end of summer, when the fruit harvest is completed, to remove dead wood and thin out the center of the tree in order to allow a good harvest the following year. ;

    • Fertilization:

      especially if it is planted in poor soil, do not hesitate to add a little manure or compost to the soil of your plum tree in winter;

    • Diseases and parasites:

      the plum tree can be targeted by red spiders, aphids, plum codling moth or even bacterial canker.

    Read alsoCaring for fruit trees in autumn: the six actions to take for productive and healthy trees!

    When does the plum tree bear fruit?

    Plums, mirabelle plums, plums, greengages… The fruits of the plum tree are delicious!

    However, when you have just planted a plum tree, you need to be a little patient before you can enjoy them since they take on average

    2 to 3 years

    to produce the first fruits.

    What are the different fruits of the plum tree?

    Requiring little maintenance and offering a generous harvest, the Reine-Claude plum tree is ideal for the orchard!

    Copyright (c) 2022 Iva Vagnerova/Shutterstock.

    There are around 300 species and varieties of plum trees which give fruit with varying names and characteristics:

    • Plums are the


      of the plum tree (

      Prunus domestica


      They are dark blue, quite large and elongated.

    • Greengage plum trees (

      Prunus domestica subsp. italica

      ) produce


      , small round, yellow fruits with a sweet flavor that are eaten fresh.

    • Quetschiers (

      Prunus domestica subsp. insititia

      ) produce

      damson trees

      , oval fruits that are purple or dark blue in color and covered in bloom.

      They are very fragrant and popular for jams and pastries.

    • Mirabelliers (

      Prunus cerea

      ) are the trees on which


      plums grow , small orange fruits that are eaten fresh, in tarts or in brandy.

    • Blackthorn trees (

      Prunus spinosa

      ) produce


      , bluish black fruits that are edible but have a bitter taste.

    What is the best variety of plum tree?

    Among the many existing varieties of plum trees, some are particularly famous:

    • Vigorous and fertile, the

      'Reine-Claude d'Oullins' plum tree


      Prunus domestica ʽOullins Reneklode'

      ) is prized for its beautiful round fruits of an intense yellow color.

    • The fruits of the

      Ente plum tree


      Prunus domestica 'Prune d'Ente'

      ) are protected by a protected geographical indication because once dried, they produce the famous Agen prune.

    • The

      plum tree 'Mirabelle de Metz'


      Prunus domestica ʽMirabelle de Metz'

      ) is a very productive old variety.

      Its very fragrant fruits are harvested in mid-August.

      This variety is also popular because it resists cold and disease well.

    • The

      Pissard plum tree


      Prunus cerasifera 'Pissardii'

      ) is not grown for its fruits but for its beautiful purple foliage which makes it a superb ornamental tree.

    Source: leparis

    All news articles on 2024-01-26

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