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They conducted a new survey among the red circle and destroyed Máximo Kirchner


Highlights: Poliarquía Consultores conducted a new survey among the red circle and destroyed Máximo Kirchner. It is a study of Polyarchy among politicians, businessmen, journalists and consultants. The poles were well marked: Milei was the most supported and MáXimo, the most rejected. The President clearly achieves better numbers in the "red circle" than what he is showing in the general public. The survey was carried out from December 11 (the next day Milei took office) until January 15.

It is a study of Polyarchy among politicians, businessmen, journalists and consultants. The look at Milei, its management and the economy.

The survey was done with

only 150 interviews

, but individuals.

It included

politicians, businessmen, journalists and consultants

, among other influential groups.

What is known as



"red circle"


And in the

ranking of images

of leaders, there was one that was more than postponed.

Statistically destroyed.

This is

Máximo Kirchner

, who had

a 98% negative rating


And 0% positive.

The survey belongs to


, one of the most prestigious consulting firms in the market,

historically linked to Macrism


In the last campaign, for example, he actively measured for the former head of government and presidential candidate Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

The firm has been publishing this interesting study for years.

What does it consist of?

They explain it at the beginning of the report:

What is the objective of the study?

"The study is aimed at knowing

the vision of the local establishment

on the most relevant issues of national events. To this end, Poliarquía Consultores has been conducting a survey of leaders and opinion makers in Argentina since 2008."

Who are the opinion leaders?

"They are those people who, due to their position, knowledge or resources, have the

ability to influence

the attitudes and behaviors of public opinion."

How many opinion leaders participated in the study?

"More than 150 leaders participated in the 2023-2024 edition. Among them, national, provincial and local leaders; legislators; businessmen; journalists and communicators; academics and researchers from public and private universities; consultants and professionals."

The survey was carried out from December 11 (the next day Milei took office) until January 15.

Milei the most supported, Máximo the most rejected

10 politicians plus Pope Francis

were included in the table of evaluated leaders


The poles were well marked: Milei was the most supported and Máximo, the most rejected.



clearly achieves better numbers in the "red circle" than what he is showing in the general public.

While in traditional surveys, he usually combines almost as much positive as negative image, here the balance is well in his favor.

It is

59% positive

(15% "very good" and 44% "good"), 19% average and

18% negative

(9% "bad" and 9% "very bad").

v1.7 0421

The look of the red circle 2

Based on a survey of 150 interviews with politicians, businessmen, journalists and consultants





In the son of the former president, the rejection is exacerbated: he is 0% positive, 1% fair and 98% negative.

In both cases they complete with marginal figures of "does not know/does not answer".

Sorted by positive image and

with more support than rejection

, below Milei are:

2° Victoria Villarruel

: 52% positive, 20% regular, 24% negative and 4% nas/nc.

3rd Patricia Bullrich


49% positive

, 23% regular, 26% negative and 2% nas/nc.

4th Pope Francis


46% positive

, 29% regular, 24% negative and 1% nas/nc.

5° Horacio Rodríguez Larreta


35% positive

, 37% regular, 27% negative and 2% nas/nc.

6° Karina Milei


29% positive

, 24% regular, 23% negative and 24% nas/nc.


, that is, with a negative image balance,

in addition to Máximo Kirchner


7th Mauricio Macri

: 29% positive, 24% regular,

46% negative

and 1% nas/nc.

8° Axel Kicillof

: 11% positive, 20% regular,

67% negative

and 2% nas/nc.

9th Sergio Massa

: 8% positive, 18% regular,

73% negative

and 1% nas/nc.

10° Cristina Kirchner

: 1% positive, 10% regular,

87% negative

and 2% no/no.

Inflation and dollar forecasts, and fear of social conflicts

These are the main conclusions of the rest of the topics addressed by the "establishment" respondents:

General situation of the country

"The evaluation of leaders and opinion makers about the country's situation in this measurement remains

among the most critical levels

since the beginning of this study in 2008."


94% evaluate the general context negatively

and eight out of ten think that the situation has worsened compared to the last year. The prospects for improvement for the next 12 months grow. They rise from 11% to 45%, the highest value since 2018 ".

"When considering the

Argentine economy

, the negative evaluation of the current context reaches a

new negative record

, rising to 96%."


Inflation once again leads the ranking of the main problems

at the national level with 29%, followed by the fiscal deficit (20%). Economic problems accumulate 54% of the mentions together, while institutional problems gather 28%" .

Economic outlook

"Leaders and opinion makers predict on average a

drop in GDP of 0.9% by 2024 and inflation of 237%


"Almost two out of three leaders (62%) think that by the end of 2024 there will be a single unified exchange rate. The leaders expect a price of the

official dollar at $ 1,905 by the end of the year

and, if there were not a single exchange rate , from the

parallel dollar to $ 2,307


v1.7 0421

The look of the red circle 1

Based on a survey of 150 interviews with politicians, businessmen, journalists and consultants





"On the other hand, half of the respondents believe that

Argentina will not be able to achieve a primary fiscal surplus

during 2024."



consider that it is a

bad idea to promote dollarization

of the economy."


64% of leaders believe that Argentina will have a cycle of recovery and growth

over the next few years, while 29% believe that it will continue to stagnate or deteriorate further."

Evaluation of the new government


evaluation of the new government

is largely positive. The first impressions of the La Libertad Avanza administration are 54% positive, while the negative views are 19%, and the regular ones are 21%."




vice president

are the two political leaders with

the best personal image among those evaluated

. The positive image of Javier Milei is 59% and that of Victoria Villaruel is 52%.

Governance perspectives for 2024



believe that it is

very or quite likely

that the government will reach


that allow it

to approve reforms

in Congress."

"For their part, the vast majority (82%) expect episodes of severe social conflict to occur during the course of this year."



of respondents believe that it is

unlikely or not at all likely

that a

governance crisis

will occur during 2024."

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-01-26

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