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To the theater by stair climber: SPD/non-party Finsing want to improve accessibility


Highlights: To the theater by stair climber: SPD/non-party Finsing want to improve accessibility. According to the application, the costs are between 5,000 and 6,000 euros. A demo device could also be organized in advance. “Maybe it will work this year,” said the SPD councilor, and Mayor Max Kressirer agreed to get in touch about the matter.. As of: January 27, 2024, 11:00 a.m

As of: January 27, 2024, 11:00 a.m

By: Veronika Macht




Five steps that are an insurmountable hurdle for some people: Even the entrance to the Eicherloher community center is not barrier-free.

A so-called stair climber could help here.

© Vroni Macht

More accessibility in Finsing's community centers: SPD/non-party members apply to purchase a so-called stair climber.


– If you want to see the Goldachtaler plays in the Eicherloh community center, you have to be able to walk well: there are a lot of stairs to climb up to the hall.

The situation is similar in the Finsing community center and the Eicherloh hunting lodge.

The SPD and non-party Finsing as well as local councilor and senior citizen Gertrud Eichinger now want to change that – with a so-called stair climber.

At a maximum cost of 6,000 euros, this would also be a fairly inexpensive solution.

“A little more accessibility”: This is the title of the application, which Eichinger briefly presented to the local council so that it can be discussed at one of the next meetings.

Specifically, it is about purchasing a stair climber so that people with mobility restrictions can also visit municipal buildings - for example the Eicherloh community center, where the Goldachtaler are playing theater again in March.

“Some community buildings are only accessible via stairs.

Even within the buildings, the other floors above the ground floor can often only be reached via stairs,” says the application that has been submitted to our editorial team.

This represents a major hurdle for wheelchair users as well as people with limited mobility to take part in social or public events.

It is clear to the SPD and non-partisans: converting the buildings with ramps or even elevators “is currently not financially viable, even in the long term.”

In their opinion, a so-called stair climber could provide a solution, with which a wheelchair with a person sitting in it can be transported up the steps by just one person.

This is ensured by a special climbing mechanism and electrically driven wheels.

In addition, people without wheelchairs could also be “conveniently picked up from the car, for example, by simply folding down the seat,” the application continues.

According to the ideas of the SPD and independent parties, a stair climber could be stationed in the Eicherloh community center or borrowed there from clubs.

One or two people per club could be instructed in its use.

According to the application, the costs are between 5,000 and 6,000 euros.

A demo device could also be organized in advance.

“Especially in the community centers or the hunting lodge, access could be made possible for many people who have previously refrained from coming,” Eichinger writes in the application and asks on behalf of her group that the local council should decide to provide better access and to purchase a stair climber in buildings without accessibility.

Is that still possible for this year's Goldachtaler piece, which premieres on March 9th?

Eichinger is skeptical because such a purchase ultimately requires a certain amount of lead time.

“But maybe it will work this year,” said the SPD councilor, and Mayor Max Kressirer agreed to get in touch about the matter.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-01-27

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