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Turnaround of a key Peronist governor: now he takes the lead so that the Omnibus Law comes out on Tuesday


Highlights: Turnaround of a key Peronist governor: now he takes the lead so that the Omnibus Law comes out on Tuesday. After the withdrawal of the fiscal package, Martín Llaryora from Córdoba went from standing before the Government for the increase in withholdings to accompanying the project. "We must raise the discussion, get out of the threats and the chicanes to build a joint alternative," he said. "Next week is a pivotal week, we must have a law," he highlighted.

After the withdrawal of the fiscal package, Martín Llaryora from Córdoba went from standing before the Government for the increase in withholdings to accompanying the project. "Next week is a pivotal week, we must have a law," he highlighted.

After the Government announced the elimination of the fiscal chapter that was included in the Omnibus Law project, which contemplated the increase in withholdings, the governor of Córdoba,

Martín Llaryora

, left behind his disruptive stance regarding the regulations and took the lead of the discussion so that

"on Tuesday there will be sanction of a law.

"It seems to me that what happens on Monday, Tuesday is very important. We are going to be traveling, meeting with governors and legislators so that

a law can be passed on Tuesday

," said Llaryora, who just a few hours ago had anticipated that he was not going to "allow Argentina's productive fabric to burst."

During an interview with Radio 10, the Cordoba president showed a 180-degree change in his position towards the Omnibus Law: "

I personally am going to be

on Monday, Tuesday,

working with the legislators to be able to reach an agreement

and so that we can have a law that could be good for Argentina".

"We must raise the discussion, get out of the threats and the chicanes to build a joint alternative.

Next week is a pivotal week, we must have a law. We must get the law

," stressed the Peronist governor.

With the article referring to the increase in withholdings out of the parliamentary discussion, as indicated by the Minister of Economy Luis Caputo, Llaryora changed his position and appears close to the ruling party: "We must generate the modifications that are necessary, but neither You can leave the fiscal aspect as if to say 'well, we'll see later'. There are fiscal things that maybe can be integrated. It's not a 'we'll see later', there are things that have to come out. It

's no small matter whether the law comes out or not."

News in development.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-01-27

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