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War between Israel and Gaza, live | UK reports oil tanker on fire following Houthi attack in Indian Ocean


Highlights: US attacks Houthi rebel anti-ship missile in Yemen that was “prepared to be launched” Doctors Without Borders denounces that “there is no longer a health system in Gaza” UN agency for Palestinian refugees dismisses several employees suspected of involvement in October 7 attacks on Israel. UK reports oil tanker on fire following Houthi attack in Indian Ocean. The UN Court avoids calling for a ceasefire in the Strip, but calls on Israel to take measures to prevent a genocide.

The UN Court avoids calling for a ceasefire in the Strip, but calls on Israel to take measures to prevent a genocide | UN agency for Palestinian refugees dismisses several employees suspected of involvement in October 7 attacks

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The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations Agency (UKMTO) and the British maritime security firm Ambrey announced this Friday that they had received reports of two attacks about a hundred kilometers from Aden, the largest port in Yemen.

One of the vessels, the oil tanker

Marlin Luanda

, “was hit and is currently on fire.”

The Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, recalled this Friday that the decisions of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague "are binding", in a statement issued by his spokesperson following the precautionary measures issued hours before by the court. in which Israel is requested to take all necessary measures to prevent genocidal acts from being committed against the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip.

The UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) announced this Friday its decision to terminate the contracts of several members of its staff who allegedly participated in the attacks against Israel on October 7.

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US attacks Houthi rebel anti-ship missile in Yemen that was “prepared to be launched”

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) has reported that it has attacked an anti-ship missile controlled by the Houthi rebels in Yemen that was “prepared to be launched” in the direction of the Red Sea.

On January 27, at approximately 3:45 AM (Sana'a time), United States Central Command Forces conducted an attack against a Houthi anti-ship missile aimed at the Red Sea and which was prepared to be launched," he said. written the command on his official profile on the social network

US forces have identified the missile in the Houthi area and have determined that it posed an “imminent threat” to merchant ships and US navy vessels in the region.

Likewise, CENTCOM has reported that the Shiite rebels had fired a ballistic missile hours earlier at the oil tanker Marlin Luanda, flagged by the Marshall Islands, while it was sailing in the Gulf of Aden - near the Red Sea - and that damage was reported. but not injured.

The Houthis had previously claimed responsibility for this attack and stressed that they will continue their military operations to impose a blockade on Israeli shipping in the Red and Arabian Seas until a ceasefire is achieved in Gaza and the siege imposed on the Palestinian enclave is lifted.

The Houthis, backed by Iran, claim that since November 19 they have launched more than 200 drones and 50 missiles against Western commercial vessels and warships in the Red Sea with the aim of economically harming Israel and in support of the Palestinians of the Strip.

The tension in the area has caused the main shipping companies worldwide to continue adjusting their routes to avoid transiting through this maritime route, through which 8% of the world's grain trade, 12% of the oil trade and 8% of the international trade in liquefied natural gas.


ACT.27 JAN 2024 - 08:28

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Doctors Without Borders denounces that “there is no longer a health system in Gaza”

Doctors Without Borders denounced this Friday that the “vital medical services” of the Nasser hospital in Khan Younis, the largest of those still in operation in the Gaza Strip, “have collapsed.”

According to the NGO, the Gazan population has been left “without options to receive treatment in the event of large flows of war wounded.”

“There is no longer a health system in Gaza,” said Guillemette Thomas, MSF medical coordinator in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, in a statement. 

The NGO reports that most of the hospital staff, along with thousands of displaced people who had sought refuge there, fled after the Israeli evacuation order from the area.

“Nasser's surgical capacity is now almost non-existent, and the few medical personnel who remain at the center must cope with the situation with meager supplies,” the statement states.

“Between 300 and 350 patients remain in Nasser Hospital without being able to be evacuated because it is too dangerous and there are no ambulances.

On January 24, at least one patient at the hospital died because there was no orthopedic surgeon available.”

Doctors Without Borders has also commented on the precautionary measures approved this Friday by the International Court of Justice in The Hague, stating that “they cannot be applied without an immediate and sustained ceasefire.”

“The suffering of the people of Gaza must stop now.

MSF welcomes any measure that could lead to saving civilians and increasing humanitarian aid,” the statement concludes.

ACT.26 JAN 2024 - 22:41

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UK reports oil tanker on fire after Houthi attack in Indian Ocean

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations Agency (UKMTO) and the British maritime security firm Ambrey announced this Friday that they had received reports of two attacks about a hundred kilometers from Aden, the largest port in Yemen.

One of the ships, they say, is on fire.

This latest incident was recorded 60 nautical miles southeast of Aden, where the 110,000-ton Marlin Luanda, flagged by the Marshall Islands and operated on behalf of the Singaporean company Trafigura, “was hit and is currently on fire.”

“The ship needs help.

The authorities have been informed and are responding,” the organization added.

For its part, Trafigura has indicated that the ship's firefighting teams are working on a fire in one of the starboard tanks. 

Ambrey also said he was aware of an incident 55 miles southeast of Aden where a fire broke out after a merchant ship was hit by a “missile,” although the crew were reported to be safe.

Yemen's Iran-aligned Houthi militants, who control Yemen's most populated areas, have launched wave after wave of drones and explosive missiles at commercial ships since Nov. 19, in what they say is a protest against military operations. of Israel in Gaza.

The Houthi military spokesman stated this Friday that naval forces carried out an operation against “the British oil tanker Marlin Luanda” in the Gulf of Aden, which caused a fire.


ACT.26 JAN 2024 - 21:41

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Guterres recalls that the ICJ resolutions “are binding” and insists on a ceasefire

The Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, recalled this Friday that the decisions of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague "are binding", in a statement issued by his spokesperson following the precautionary measures issued hours before by the court. in which Israel is urged to avoid genocide.

The statement limits itself to taking note, in some cases "with emphasis", of the different sections of the order issued by the TIJ, and concludes by saying that it "trusts that all parties duly comply with the Court's order."

In the subsequent press conference his spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric, did not want to comment on whether the Court's decision satisfied Guterres, but he reiterated his call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.


ACT.26 JAN 2024 - 20:06

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Displaced Palestinians in a camp in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, warm themselves by the fire on a rainy day.


What has happened in the last few hours

These are the most relevant news about Israel's military offensive in Gaza and the escalation in the Middle East at 8:00 p.m. this Friday, January 26:

The UN Court avoids demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, but demands that Israel take measures to prevent genocide.

 The United Nations International Court of Justice (ICJ) this Friday ordered Israel to adopt all necessary measures to prevent acts of genocide against the Palestinian population in Gaza, although it has avoided adopting the most emphatic measure: demanding a ceasefire in Gaza. the fringe.

The judges have not asked the Jewish State to stop its military offensive in the enclave, which has already left more than 26,000 dead, but the demand that Israel allow "the delivery of essential humanitarian aid urgently needed by the Palestinians" shows that the court, the highest judicial body of the UN, is “aware of the human tragedy that is taking place in the area”, as its president, Joan Donoghue, has indicated.

Israel is relieved that The Hague does not call for a ceasefire in Gaza and promises to continue until “total victory.” 

In Israel, the fiery rhetoric of some ministers does not hide their relief at the decision of the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

The biggest fear in the country was that he had ordered a ceasefire in Gaza this Friday.

It would have meant a serious blow to the image and left its allies in a delicate position, since it is up to the international community to impose the judges' decisions, which are binding.

For its part, the United States has affirmed that the measures are consistent with Washington's view that Israel has the right to take measures, within international law, to ensure that attacks like those on October 7 are repeated.

Hamas welcomes the UN Court's ruling and calls for Israel to be forced to comply


The Islamist group Hamas has welcomed the measures taken this Friday by the UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) that requires Israel to prevent a genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza and allow access to more humanitarian assistance in the devastated enclave.

“The decision of the International Court of Justice is an important development that contributes to isolating the occupation and exposing its crimes in Gaza.

We ask that the occupation be forced to implement the Court's decisions,” Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman, said in a statement.

The Foreign Minister of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), Riyad al Maliki, welcomed the resolution and recalled that the decisions of this body are “mandatory”.

“Palestine welcomes the provisional measures ordered today by the International Court of Justice.

The TIJ judges evaluated the facts and the law.

They failed in favor of humanity and international law,” Maliki stated in a video message released by his ministry.

Brussels says it expects Israel and Hamas to take the measures demanded by the UN Court.

 The European Union has stated that it expects Israel and Hamas to fully comply with the measures ordered by the UN International Court of Justice (ICJ), based in The Hague.

“The orders of the International Court of Justice are binding on the parties and they must comply with them.

The European Union expects its full, immediate and effective implementation,” the European Commission said in a statement. 

Human Rights Watch calls on countries to use their influence on Israel to make it respect the UN Court's ruling.

 The ruling of the UN International Court of Justice, based in The Hague, in which it urges Israel to avoid a genocide, has been welcomed by the organization Human Rights Watch as “a historic decision” that demands “immediate action to stop genocide and further atrocities against the Palestinians of Gaza.”

"Governments must use their influence to ensure that the [court's] order is implemented, since the severity of the suffering of civilians in Gaza, caused by Israel's war crimes, demands nothing less than that," he said. said the NGO.

UN terminates contracts of several employees accused of involvement in October 7 Hamas attacks


The UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) announced this Friday its decision to terminate the contracts of several members of its staff who allegedly participated in the attacks against Israel on October 7.

The agency has launched an investigation to clarify the facts.

The US Government has announced the immediate suspension of its funding to UNRWA for the duration of the investigation.

The WHO rejects Israeli accusations of “collusion” with Hamas: “They endanger our workers

. ”

The director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has accused the Government of Israel of making “false complaints” against the agency that may even “endanger” its workers, a day after an Israeli representative publicly discredits the organization's alleged “collusion” with Hamas.

The UN says Israel does not bother to respond to letters asking it to ease the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

 The Government of Israel has not responded to any of the communications sent to it by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and also refuses to maintain contact with its representative in the occupied Palestinian territories, as well as to issue visas for its international staff.

“International staff have been waiting for their visas for three years.

I have received one, although obviously short-lived, and I hope they extend it,” revealed today the United Nations human rights chief for Gaza and the West Bank, Ajith Sunghay, who made a brief visit to Gaza last week.

The Red Crescent denounces that Israeli tanks attack the surroundings of the Khan Younis hospital where its ambulance center is located


The Palestinian Red Crescent denounced this Friday that Israeli troops and tanks are surrounding and attacking for the fifth consecutive day the Al Amal hospital, located in Khan Yunis (southern Gaza), where the organization has its ambulance center.

The area near the medical center, according to the NGO, suffers from “heavy gunshots.”

“There are several injured, and our teams are unable to reach them,” the Red Crescent added in a tweet published on the social network Israelis to continue bombing areas that they had previously designated as “safe”, even if unilaterally, and to give “chaotic” evacuation orders in areas of the southern Gaza Strip such as Khan Younis, the current epicenter of the military offensive on the Palestinian enclave.

ACT.26 JAN 2024 - 20:00

Source: elparis

All news articles on 2024-01-27

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