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Wisteria in a pot: a beautiful climber for the terrace or balcony!


Highlights: Wisteria is a vigorous branching plant, with strong aerial and underground development. It should be installed in a large container, wide (the roots tend to spread out) and deep (50 to 60 cm in diameter and height, at least) To plant your wisteria in a pot, a mixture of garden soil, potting soil and well-ripened compost is ideal. Don't forget to install, beforehand, a drainage layer at least 3 cm thick, made of clay balls or gravel, so that water does not stagnate at the roots.

Did you know that wisteria, this luxuriant climber with incomparable clusters of purple flowers, can be grown in pots? This mode of

Choice of pot and substrate, planting dates, varieties to choose, watering frequency, pruning technique, here are all our tips for taking care of your potted wisteria.

How to plant wisteria in a pot?

The choice of pot

Wisteria is a vigorous branching plant, with strong aerial and underground development.

In order to minimize the stress of growing in a pot, it should be installed in a

large container



(the roots tend to spread out) and


(50 to 60 cm in diameter and height, at least).

The bottom must be pierced to allow the watering water to flow.

The right substrate

Wisteria thrives on

draining, light soils.

For growing in pots, choose a citrus soil type substrate, well drained, or a mixture of garden soil, potting soil and well-ripened compost.

To plant your wisteria in a pot, a mixture of garden soil, potting soil and well-ripened compost is ideal.

Copyright (c) 2021 Susan Law Cain/Shutterstock.

No use without permission.

Don't forget to install, beforehand, a

drainage layer

at least 3 cm thick, made of clay balls or gravel, so that water does not stagnate at the roots.

When to plant wisteria?

Container plants can be planted all year round, although it is best to avoid July and August so as not to waste too much water in watering.

The preferred seasons remain autumn and spring.

Where to place a wisteria in a pot?

Choose, for your potted wisteria, a sunny location protected from the wind, ideally near a wall equipped with a trellis or other pergola-type support, on which it can climb its vines.

Growing a flowering tree is also possible, if the container is heavy enough and the dimensions of the wisteria are controlled, so that it does not tip over.

How to maintain a wisteria in a pot?


The substrate in the pots dries quickly.

It is therefore advisable to carry out regular watering.

As a general rule, there are two additions of water per week, and every two days in summer or when precipitation is scarce.

Of course, the quantities and frequency must be modulated depending on the quality of the substrate and the weather;

be careful, excess water can be harmful.

A drip watering system, or why not an oya, can be installed to make life easier.

Tip: lay mulch on the surface to limit water evaporation.


At the beginning of spring, add mature compost and, if flowering is slow, add a fertilizer rich in potassium and phosphorus (but not nitrogen, which would encourage the development of foliage).

The size

Don't hesitate to use pruning shears with potted wisteria.

Regular cuts are necessary during vegetation (

from spring to autumn

) to contain aerial development, at the risk of having an imbalance between the volume of the foliage and that of the root system.

Shorten stems that are too long and those that are poorly placed.

An intervention at the start of the season (March) helps support the formation of flower buds.

In winter, shorten the side shoots to two eyes.

Also read: Wisteria pruning: when and how to do it to obtain dazzling flowering?

Which wisteria to pot?

Given the vitality and exuberance of a wisteria, it is important to choose varieties with small development.



(Japanese silky wisteria) or

Wisteria frustescens

(American wisteria) are best suited to being placed in pots


For growing in pots, choose varieties of wisteria with small development, such as Wisteria Venusta or Wisteria frustescens.

Copyright (c) 2023 Stanislav71/Shutterstock.

No use without permission.

To discover :

  • Wisteria venusta


    : 5 m high and 3 m wide.

    Generous flowering in short pink clusters.

  • Wisteria frutescens

    'Amethyst Falls'

    : 4 to 6 m high and 3 m wide.

    Generous flowering in short, compact clusters, lilac color.

Source: leparis

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