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Canserbero crime: the brothers who confessed to having murdered the Venezuelan rapper were sentenced to 25 years in prison


Highlights: Natalia and Guillermo Améstica, the two brothers who confessed to having killed the rapper Canserbero, were sentenced to 25 years in prison. Initially, the investigation had determined that the artist had killed his friend and then committed suicide. The case was reopened on November 1 and the brothers were placed under house arrest. They were accused of the crimes of murder qualified with treachery, obstruction of the administration of justice, simulation of a punishable act, false attestation before a public official and association to commit a crime.

Natalia and Guillermo Améstica, when confronted with incontrovertible evidence, admitted to having killed the singer and his producer. Initially, the investigation had determined that the artist had killed his friend and then committed suicide.

The Venezuelan justice system this Friday sentenced Natalia and Guillermo Améstica, the two brothers who confessed to having killed the rapper Canserbero and his producer Carlos Molnar, to




prison , according to the attorney general, Tarek William Saab.

"After the admission, for the crimes that the Public Ministry accused and for the body of evidence collected, the court of the case proceeded to impose a sentence of 25 years in prison on both," Saab said in a press conference from the main headquarters. of the Public Ministry in Caracas.

The Améstica brothers were accused of the crimes of “

murder qualified with treachery

and for futile reasons in the degree of co-authorship, obstruction of the administration of justice, simulation of a punishable act, false attestation before a public official and association to commit a crime.”

Although initially the Prosecutor's Office requested a sentence of 30 years, the maximum possible in Venezuela,

a reduction of five years was applied to them as a benefit for having confessed to the homicides


"Likewise, his accomplices will be accused of this abominable event in the next few hours. To give a total of

seven prisoners and five fugitives from justice

," he concluded.


Natalia Améstica gave details about the night at the beginning of 2015 and took responsibility for Canserbero's death.

On the other hand, he highlighted that "a

historic result was achieved in terms of criminal investigation

" and regretted that "at first the crime was covered up" and "a false conclusion was reached", which "damaged, offended and outraged the memory." and image" of the rapper.

The thing is that,

at first, the Justice determined that the singer had killed his producer and then had committed suicide


In that sense, he highlighted that

the case was reopened on November 1


"It was not a casual event, but rather it was motivated by the permanent communication we maintained with Canserbero's relatives and by the requests of his thousands of followers, who

were never satisfied with the results of the first investigation

," he said.

And he continued: "The first step we took was to request the file and

discover a revealing fact

, such as seeing

two stab wounds

in the left side that were not taken into account for the autopsy. How does someone with those wounds kill someone and leave? to throw from the building?"

Canserbero was murdered on January 20, 2015.

It was then that they made the first accusation against the Améstica brothers and placed them under house arrest.

When "confronted with all the evidence collected, they decide, freely and without any coercion, to expose the execution of both homicides, as well as their cover-up."

The confession of the Améstica brothers

Natalia Améstica, Canserbero's former manager, made a video statement where

she confesses to having murdered the rapper and his friend Carlos Molnar


after drugging them with the help of her brother


Furthermore, he confirmed that he had help to cover up the crime: “He – his brother – arrived at 11 at night, accompanied by three Sebin officials, whose names I do not know.

They finished setting up the scene to make it a homicide or suicide


That means, they finish stabbing Carlos,

my brother Guillermo stabs him four times

, the rest is done by the

Sebin officials

,” he says in the record.

Sebin is the Venezuelan intelligence agency, often used by Chavismo as a secret and ideological police.


And he continued: "They bring Canserbero's body to the kitchen, they take off his flannel, they hit him with a pipe in the face, Guillermo is the one who does it, my brother, and after that they explain to us what we have to do, which is to

throw it out the window to finish the murder-suicide scene


“My brother leaves the apartment because he can't be at the scene, I change, I make the scene that it was at that moment, I ask the neighbors for help, and at the same time the CICPC arrives, who stand at attention with my brother , and

my brother offers them 10 thousand dollars to finish fixing the scene

that the SEBIN officials had already left ready,” he added.

Finally, he closed: “That meant that

they made me step on blood that was on the floor and make footprints in the direction of the window


After this I fled to Chile, terrified, thinking that in the end the truth was going to be known.

In March, the Ombudsman's Office reopened the case, they called me, but I went with the confidence that both the Prosecutor's Office and CICPC said it was a homicide-suicide.

For this reason, I return to give the pertinent statements for the reopening of the case.”

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-02-03

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