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Disappointment, review and outlook at the general meeting of the Weilheim breeding associations


Highlights: Disappointment, review and outlook at the general meeting of the Weilheim breeding associations.. As of: February 3, 2024, 5:00 p.m By: Petra Straub CommentsPressSplit Current topics of the weilheimer breeding associations: Farmers discuss the political situation as well as theWeilheim location with regard to the sale of breeding and commercial young cattle. Around 200 farmers from the breeding association, which includes around 1,100 businesses and 50,000 animals, came together to exchange ideas.

As of: February 3, 2024, 5:00 p.m

By: Petra Straub




Current topics of the Weilheim breeding associations: Farmers discuss the political situation as well as the Weilheim location with regard to the sale of breeding and commercial young cattle.

© Straub

Farmers in the region are angry and feel let down by, among other things, the federal government's subsidy cuts.

Their dissatisfaction was also expressed at the general meeting of the Weilheim breeding associations that recently took place in Raisting.

But at the same time they are looking for prospects for the future and finding out about the promising dual use of Simmental cattle.

Raising - Around 200 farmers from the breeding association, which includes around 1,100 businesses and 50,000 animals, came together at the Gasthof zur Post to exchange ideas and find out about the results of the past breeding year.

The executive chairman Josef Steingruber vented his frustration about the situation in agriculture right at the beginning, spoke of the federal government's tax waste and farmers' demonstrations that showed that things cannot continue like this for farmers.

Steingruber called for greater appreciation - after all, high-quality agricultural products are in the public interest - and he advised farmers to take part in the “Health and Robustness” breeding program;

The program supported by the Free State improves the health and robustness of cattle and thus the quality of agricultural animals.

Peter Kaindl, chairman of the Weilheim Milk Producers' Association, also took up the farmers' demonstrations. He criticized the "arrogance and ignorance" of federal politicians and said that farmers had been deprived of many freedoms in the past.

In his welcoming speech, Weilheim's city councilor and agriculture officer Rupert Pentenrieder addressed the "problem child" town hall, which, after renovation due to static problems, would probably be ready for occupancy in late autumn and where - after a new landlord had been hired - the next annual general meeting would take place.

He praised the construction of a new hall for livestock markets at the Hochlandhallen near the town hall.

“The breeding association has done its homework,” the hall should be completed this year and make marketing easier in the future.

District Councilor Michael Marksteiner attested to the regional farmers “an incredibly good performance” simply by holding eleven breeding cattle and 26 calf markets in 2023, but also through cattle breeding, which is inseparably linked to the understanding of home.

In the current political situation, the solidarity of farmers is crucial, said Marksteiner, and the meeting provides an opportunity to discuss strategies to secure cattle breeding in the Oberland.

The Austrian guest speaker Reinhard Pfleger from “Fleckvieh Austria” gave a passionate speech on the topic “Fleckvieh is changing the world of cattle”.

The representative of the interest group for Austrian Simmental cattle breeders, who worked as a breeding consultant for 17 years, is convinced of a development towards a globally sought-after “Simmented cattle brand”.

Ultimately, agriculture must open up to the issue of climate change and find solutions, for example with robust, efficient and sustainable breeds.

He sees Simmental cattle as the “best dual-purpose breed in the world”, i.e. with good milk and good meat production.

Healthy, vital and long-lived animals are achieved through breeding measures, says Pfleger.

As of the end of September 2023, the statistics of the Weilheim breeding associations with members in over six districts list over 90 fewer member companies than in the previous year, but “very good prices” for the marketing of young cows and breeding bulls.

Sales figures increased to over 1,000 female animals.

“With well-stocked markets and good quality, we were able to achieve consistently good prices,” says the report.

Weilheim was interesting as a location for many buyers and for the first time in a long time, breeding and commercial young cattle were auctioned.

Of the 960 calves sold, 927 went to EU countries.

“Top prices” were achieved for them as well as for the 250 young cattle.

A total of 14,677 commercial calves were sold and 3,192 breeding animals.

Helmut Goßner, managing director of the Weilheim breeding associations, predicts good sales revenues from commercial calf marketing in Weilheim.

For example, because the billing and payment service for feeders is being improved.

At the meeting, 26 farmers in the Weilheim-Schongau district were honored for their high milk production.

Johann Weber from Pähl with a stable average of 13,000 liters, Johannes Hechenrieder from Polling (12,000 liters) and Deschler Agrar GbR from Deutenhausen, Johannes Ehlich from Burggen, Stefan Feldmeier from Eglfing, Paul Pfeiffer from Steingaden, Christian Popp from Schmitten, Leonhard Schleich from Peißenberg, Christian Walser from Obersöchering (11,000 liters) as well as Bach GbR from Untersöchering, Johann Brunner Eberfing, Martin J. Dittrich from Oberhausen, Rupert Frech from Antdorf, Manfred Geissler from Polling, Peter Ginter from Haunshofen, Kees GbR from Schwabniederhofen, Ludwig Kögel from Sachsenried, Martin Kriesmair from Wessobrunn, Franziska Lautenbacher from Bauerbach, Mathias Lieb from Bernbeuren, Rupert Mayer from Raisting, Georg Orterer jun.

from Antdorf, Christian Tafertshofer from Wielenbach, Josef Wagner BV from Antdorf, Josef Wagner SB from Antdorf and Dominikus Wiedemann from Kirnberg (10,000 liters).

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-02-03

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