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Milei's challenges and shortcomings after an intense week


Highlights: Milei's challenges and shortcomings after an intense week. We must not confuse the political caste, part of which remains in the Government, with political strategy. President Javier Milei is an economist who acts by analyzing options, costs and benefits, with a projection of results. The lack of policy is a problem for the current Government. It is also necessary to remember that the majority of the electorate opted for Milei in the runoff with 56%, but earlier in the first round, they elected a majority of national legislators from Peronism.

We must not confuse the political caste, part of which remains in the Government, with political strategy.

There are clear differences between an economist and a politician.

They say that an economist is a person who will explain tomorrow why what he predicted yesterday has not happened today.

On the other hand, a politician will deny tomorrow that he predicted yesterday what has not happened today and, furthermore, he will try to convince us today that what he wanted to happen has happened.

Beyond the irony, the difference is not only in the diagnosis of the problem, but in

the way of facing it and the measurement of the consequences.

President Javier Milei is an economist who acts by analyzing options, costs and benefits, with a projection of results.

For many - businessmen, politicians - he has

a quality:

he does not measure or worry about the consequences, as long as he is convinced of the final result


In that spirit, he ended up signing a DNU for the deregulation of the economy and sending a legislative package with more than 600 articles, based on a work by Federico Sturzenegger.

But that initiative lacked a key complement:

political strategy.

As an example, the Government appointed Osvaldo Giordano to head Anses, not only because he is a Juan Schiaretti man, but because of his experience as Minister of Finance of Córdoba, former Secretary of Social Security and researcher at the Mediterránea and Novum foundations. Milenum.

A technical profile, very different from that of her Kirchnerist predecessor Fernanda Raverta.

But the mentor of the idea of ​​suspending

the retirement formula

and applying the increases by decree was Sturzenegger.

It was he who called Giordano to simply notify him that it would apply.

He did not even pay attention to Giordano's own warnings, who

pointed out that it was a mistake and that there was also judicial precedent to reverse that decision


It was not necessary, the allied opponents and the governors lowered it in the discussion in Deputies.

Something similar happened with the

proposal of 15% withholdings for all productive sectors

and the objections of the Secretary of Agriculture, Fernando Vilella.

They were also turned over.

The lack of policy is a problem for the current Government.

But also persecute politics as a practice, denigrate it.

Because in libertarian terms it should be discriminated against,


- part of the political leadership - is one thing,

and politics as a philosophy to modify reality is quite another.

It is also necessary to remember that the majority of the electorate opted for Milei in the runoff with 56%, but earlier in the first round, they elected a majority of national legislators from Peronism, and had also voted for governors, none of them libertarian.


bellicosity towards political parties and Congress

does nothing but undermine the path of Milei's management.

The episode of the governors' meeting in which

Guillermo Francos

was present had a highly negative effect.

At that meeting, the provincial leaders committed to supporting the legislative package and tried to get the official to guarantee that the PAIS tax would be shared, something that did not happen, but at least they were listened to and the idea was not rejected.

However, the Casa Rosada immediately came out to reject any tax agreement and forced Franco to ensure that this was not under discussion,

publicly discrediting him


After that, the Minister of the Interior

stopped being a valid interlocutor

because what he says was later denied by the presidential environment.

Francos only had the word left, because they had already taken away the management of public works or the ATN that the Interior Ministers always had as tools to negotiate with a province, for example, legislative votes.

In the government of Mauricio Macri, to whom Milei listens attentively, the governors knew that they had to sit down with the Minister of the Interior Rogelio Frigerio and his team, who in turn then coordinated with Infrastructure to carry out a work in that province, to comply with the political agreement with the current governor.

This direct refusal by the Executive means that it later has to

back down or offer more than what was under discussion


If not the COUNTRY tax;

It will be the fiscal pact that the Government has put on the table to agree with the provinces.

And they contain all the claims of the provincial leaders such as Profits or regional economies.

The sudden official interest is not coincidental.

They know that

the governors have more weight in the Senate than in the Deputies

, the chamber that should approve the law and where there was no prior negotiation, despite the fact that Kirchnerism there is only four senators away from having the majority.

It did not cause much surprise that

Cristina Kirchner

, the only standing leader of a devalued Peronism, has lowered the order

not to hit Milei

in the speeches of the debate in the Chamber of Deputies.

Her son, Máximo Kirchner, complied to the letter and targeted the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, for contradicting himself today regarding what he said when he was Macri's minister.

The former vice president does not want Kirchnerism to remain stuck in a scenario that for now has more to do with her desire than with reality: for Milei to abandon power sooner, in the midst of social chaos.

Paradoxes of politics, Kirchnerism is the political space that did the most for the growth of the libertarian, at that time, to take away votes from Together for Change.

Small miscalculation

, they never believed that he would become President and that he would be the main detractor of populism and Kirchnerist policies.

The future K hangs by a thread if Milei does well.

See also

See also

The first half ended and Milei is winning 1 to 0

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-02-05

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