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InterView360: what if you listened to your customers to boost your BtoB business?


Highlights: InterView360: what if you listened to your customers to boost your BtoB business?. Development of a complementary offer, discovery of new growth levers or even optimization of internal processes, customer feedback sheds light on aspects that the company may not have perceived. Guillaume HIBON, creator of the InterView360 solution, specializes in the support and commercial development of SMEs and ETIs. He considers that it is a powerful and extremely effective tool for stimulating activity. According to him, an outside perspective provides a more detailed perception of the reality of the market.

Development of a complementary offer, discovery of new growth levers or even optimization of internal processes, customer feedback sheds light on aspects that the company may not have perceived. In the current context, marked by significant...

While it is known that customer feedback is a crucial element in improving the products and services of consumer-oriented companies, it is striking to note that those targeting professionals do not use this process.

This divergence of approach between the BtoC (business-to-consumer) and BtoB (business-to-business) sectors can be explained by several factors: inter-company relationships are sometimes complex, with multiple stakeholders, which makes them more difficult to exchange.

In this case, the benefit of working with an expert capable of conducting qualitative interviews is obvious.

There are also certain companies which underestimate the impact of customer feedback on their economic development, while others are wary of it at the risk of limiting their growth.

For Guillaume HIBON, creator of the InterView360 solution, specializing in the support and commercial development of SMEs and ETIs, the collection and then analysis of feedback should on the contrary occupy a central place in their strategy.

He considers that it is a powerful and extremely effective tool for stimulating activity.

According to him, an outside perspective provides a more detailed perception of the reality of the market, thus opening the door to new, sometimes unsuspected, opportunities.

Access concrete strategic information

Guillaume HIBON enlightens us on the concrete contributions, efficiency gains and other growth levers that he has been able to observe during his 10 years of support missions and his 400 interviews conducted with companies in the great western region.

Nantes Connexion — To begin, how would you characterize your approach?

Guillaume HIBON –

I am a facilitator in the sense that I support companies in their development by developing an action plan with them.

My approach clearly differs from traditional auditing, because it does not aim to monitor or evaluate a structure.

On the contrary, it is based on a co-construction approach with the idea that thanks to constructive and caring exchanges, it is possible to discover elements that have not always been taken into account.

Nantes Connexion — Exactly, what are the main scenarios that push companies to use your services?

Guillaume HIBON –

In general, two scenarios arise.

In the first scenario, the company displays solid performance in terms of turnover and profitability and wishes to define strategic development areas to maintain this dynamic.

We are therefore in a process of progress.

In a second scenario, the company is experiencing difficulties and collecting customer feedback makes it possible to identify potential growth levers by capitalizing on its strengths.

Whatever the case, it is always a question of helping managers by identifying aspects to improve in their offer.

Nantes Connexion — Do you have a concrete example of how you intervene to help businesses?

Guillaume HIBON —

Of course, one of our clients operating in the organic cosmetics sector had expressed the desire to understand how his company was perceived by its customers and employees.

The interviews we conducted highlighted both strengths and areas for improvement, ultimately enabling us to establish a more effective commercial and investment strategy.

In this regard, in this period of inflation, where margins are under pressure and affect investment capacities, many managers find themselves faced with the delicate task of directing their funds.

We assist them in this operation by indicating potential growth levers so that resources are placed optimally, rather than being dispersed.

Nantes Connexion — Since you founded InterView360, you are best placed to explain to us how your intervention takes place within a company.

Guillaume HIBON —

The InterView360 methodology has three main steps.

We will first identify ten strategic clients for the present and future of the activity.

We then contact these companies with a view to coordinating semi-structured interviews.

These are qualitative, in-depth exchanges, which are based on open questions.

Once these interviews have been completed, we send a detailed report bringing together all the key elements that emerge.

And finally, face-to-face exchanges by videoconference allow for complete transmission of the customer feedback collected.

Nantes Connexion — InterView360 interviews seem to differ from traditional satisfaction surveys.

Guillaume HIBON —


What must be understood is that our objective is not to provide a simple overview of the company, but rather to transmit concrete, operational and strategic data, on which managers can base their decisions. decisions.

We seek to understand in depth the perception of customers and employees on the company's business, with their needs and expectations.

I have an anecdote of a mechanical engineering design office which was trying to obtain information on its competitors.

They then mandated a firm which told them that their sector was too specific.

However, during my interviews with ten of their clients, multiple elements emerged, revealing not only the names of competitors, but also their positioning in the market.

So much important information to position yourself.

Nantes Connexion — In any case, you seem to be involved in a wide variety of sectors.

Even some that seem very specific.

Guillaume HIBON —

Yes, indeed.

Our experience and methodology allow us to adapt to any problem.

In fact, we will even push the questions even further when the subject is new.

Ultimately, the sector specialist is in front of us.

As an outside perspective, our added value is to bring out new development perspectives.

Discover the InterView360 solution

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2024-02-06

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