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Man of Enlightenment


Highlights: Robert Badinter was the purest incarnation of the Republic, which had brought about the abolition of the death penalty and the fierce fight against anti-Semitism. Badinter had in common with Condorcet — whose biography he had written with his beloved wife, Élisabeth — that he was a man of the Enlightenment. Like the scientist and philosopher, he was its spirit, humanity and progress. He had campaigned for justice to be more human, for school to be resolutely secular and accessible to all.

Robert Badinter was the purest incarnation of the Republic, which had carried the abolition of the death penalty or the fierce fight against

There are men who command respect.

Men who embody universal values ​​and the noblest struggles, men of conviction.

Robert Badinter was of this stuff.

He had the words and the pen for all this but also the voice.


Who could freeze you or grab you but never left you indifferent.

A voice and a look, luminous eyes behind thick, slightly bushy eyebrows, which will have fought tirelessly and won the most beautiful battles, those which make the world a better place.

He was the purest incarnation of the Republic, which had brought about the abolition of the death penalty and the fierce fight against anti-Semitism.

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Badinter had in common with Condorcet — whose biography he had written with his beloved wife, Élisabeth — that he was a man of the Enlightenment.

Like the scientist and philosopher, he was its spirit, humanity and progress, had campaigned for justice to be more human, for school to be resolutely secular and accessible to all and, naturally, for equality between the citizens.


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Source: leparis

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