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“Open to discussion”: Pascal Grizot awaits Manuel Bompard and Mathilde Panot (LFI) after the campaign associating “golfers” with “rich” and “racists”


Highlights: La France Insoumise member Mathilde Panot started a campaign on social networks. The LFI MP posted a message on X with the aim of mobilizing supporters during the European elections next June. In response to this campaign, the president of the FFG Pascal Grizot sent a letter to Panot to express his dissatisfaction. “There is an element of provocation which aims to get people to register on the electoral lists. The state of mind is a civic objective that should be shared by everyone,” he said. ‘I do not intend to stigmatize all golfers,’ he concluded.

While the member of La France Insoumise pushed the president of the FFGolf to react this weekend, his comrade said he was ready for a meeting to “discuss the climatic and ecological impact” of golf.

By encouraging voters to go to the polls to counter

“the rich”


“the racists”


“the golfers”

, the campaign launched on social networks on February 4 by

Mathilde Panot

has not finished getting people talking.

“The rich vote!”

Racists and golfers too.

And you ?


asked the LFI MP in a message posted on X with the aim of mobilizing supporters during the European elections next June.

To discover

  • The world ranking of the best golf players

In response to this campaign by La France Insoumise, the president of the FFG

Pascal Grizot

therefore sent a letter to the president of the LFI parliamentary group to express his dissatisfaction, describing its publication

as “gratuitous and unfounded attacks.”

Read alsoThe French Golf Federation responds sharply to Mathilde Panot


Guest of Sonia Mabrouk in the major Europe 1-CNews interview this Monday morning, Manuel Bompard reacted to this controversy.

“I’m very happy that you talked to me about it,” he immediately replied.

I still want to tell you that the principle of this campaign…”

“Is it humor?


, immediately cuts Sonia Mabrouk.

“Yes, of course,”



LFI coordinator

. “There is an element of provocation which aims to get people to register on the electoral lists.

The state of mind is a civic objective that should be shared by everyone.


Not satisfied with his response, Manuel Bompard continued his reflection.

“There is nothing shameful about saying golfers vote and asking people whether they vote or not.


Posters from the France Insoumise LFI campaign

Faced with the incomprehension of his interlocutor, who reminded him that the

"leaders of the FFGolf did not ask for anything"

, the elected representative in Marseille seemed to want to defuse the controversy, without however renouncing the comments posted by this campaign on the networks social.

“I do not intend to stigmatize all golfers,” he concluded, “even if I am ready to discuss with the Golf Federation the climatic and ecological impact of this sporting practice.

I think it's a discussion we can have.

I do not intend to say that all golfers are racists.

Certainly not.


Pascal Grizot open to discussion

Invited this Monday on the Appoline de Malherbe morning show on RMC, Pascal Grizot once again showed himself open to discussion, recalling that he had already met several political leaders in the past.

“Golf has been very attacked in recent years,” he recalled.

Me, systematically, when errors are written, I write and I ask for a meeting.

There are few politicians who grant us appointments.

Marine Tondelier (EELV) agreed to speak to us and I thank her, because the dialogue was constructive.

There is also Cécile Duflot (former environmental minister).

But when François Ruffin made statements on water consumption, I wrote him two letters and he never replied to me.

The president of the FFGolf confirms having written and then sent a letter to Mathilde Panot in recent days to tell her that he was open to discussion.

“There is no problem meeting them,”

he told us, awaiting an invitation to dialogue after Manuel Bompard’s comments along these lines.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2024-02-12

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