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This Baden city has the highest density of speed cameras in Germany


Highlights: This Baden city has the highest density of speed cameras in Germany. You should also avoid the lead foot in other cities in the region. Speed ​​cameras, both mobile and stationary, are a major nuisance for many drivers. These devices often represent a significant source of income for the federal states, with southwest Germany in particular benefiting. This article was machine-edited and carefully reviewed by editor Stephanie Bach before publication. As of: February 27, 2024, 12:09 p.m

As of: February 27, 2024, 12:09 p.m

By: Stephanie Bach




A city in the southwest stands out with a high number of speed cameras.

You should also avoid the lead foot in other cities in the region.

Speed ​​cameras, both mobile and stationary, are a major nuisance for many drivers.

If you don't want to get a ticket, you should take your foot off the accelerator and stick to the posted speed limit.

However, these devices often represent a significant source of income for the federal states, with southwest Germany in particular benefiting.

BADEN24 reveals which city in Baden-Württemberg has the highest density of speed cameras in Germany.

This article was machine-edited and carefully reviewed by editor Stephanie Bach before publication.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-02-27

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