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The judge who called Sánchez a “psychopath” presented himself as a magistrate on the social network X despite denying it before the Judiciary


Highlights: Judge Manuel Ruiz de Lara called the President of the Government a “psychopath without ethical limits” The General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) ordered him to open a file against him. The judge who called Sánchez a ‘psychopath’ presented himself as a magistrate on the social network X despite denying it before the Judiciary. The files stored on the internet confirm that the profile from which the insults were launched alluded to his status as a judge.

The files stored on the internet confirm that the profile from which the insults were launched alluded to his status as a judge.

Manuel Ruiz de Lara, in an image of the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Madrid.

This Wednesday, the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) corrected its disciplinary authority, Ricardo Conde, and ordered him to open a file against Judge Manuel Ruiz de Lara for having called the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, a “psychopath without ethical limits.” , and for other attacks directed at ministers, the State Attorney General or progressive magistrates of the Constitutional Court.

Conde's main argument for archiving the investigation was that, since the As a result, the author made known his status as a judge.

Ruiz de Lara, in the allegations sent to the Council, distances himself from that account and assures that, in any case, it did not appear that its author was a judge.

However, the files saved on the internet confirm both Ruiz de Lara's links to the account and that its author did present herself as a "magistrate."

“Imperturbable Idealism.


Author of the novel “Patria Olvidada”.

Runner Dreamer Illusion and Infinite Passion.

I believe in honor and principles.”

This is how the @ManuelRuizdelar account was identified and that is how it is still stored in the Internet Archive, a website that saves all Internet content for free access.

That and other versions that are maintained in this digital archive demonstrate that the word “magistrate” appears in the profile description and that it remained visible once the author had already restricted access to the tweets, which he did hours after EL PAÍS published, on November 21, several messages broadcast in it the day before in which it insulted the Minister of Justice, Félix Bolaños, and referred to Pedro Sánchez as a “pathological narcissist with clear traits of a psychopath without ethical limits and willing to everything, including destroying the rule of law, to remain in Moncloa.”

Profile of the @ManuelRuizdelar account in X in which his status as "magistrate" appears.

The author vetoed public access to the account that same day, which prevented the free reading of those tweets ever since.

The account was later deleted.

Among the messages collected by this newspaper there was also one addressed to the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, whom he referred to as “the personification of dishonor in the race.”

"Like Fernando Grande-Marlaska, Margarita Robles, Pilar Llop, the 'nonsense podemita' prefer, dishonoring the toga, to drag themselves in indignity for the crumbs of a position."

On November 22, the Attorney General's Office reported him to the disciplinary authority of the CGPJ, which opened an investigation.

Both the EL PAÍS text and the one sent by the public ministry highlighted that Ruiz de Lara, head of Commercial Court number 11 in Madrid, presented himself in his X account as a “magistrate.”

It is a key piece of information in these cases because the Council's precedents establish that to attribute an administrative offense to a judge for something disseminated on a social network, it is not only necessary that he or she has carried out conduct punishable in the Organic Law of the Judiciary (LOPJ), but also that, when participating in that network, he does so “expressly invoking his status as a judge.”

But, once access to the account was restricted, the author modified the profile description to delete the term “magistrate”, so that reference to the author's profession is no longer seen in the photographs attached to the Prosecutor's complaint. .


That is what Ruiz de Lara clings to in the allegations he presented to the CGPJ.

“In the document from the Public Prosecutor's Office it is pointed out that in a Twitter profile (now X), my name appears next to the profession of Magistrate.

However, this statement is not true.

And it can be verified easily by viewing the photo provided by the Prosecutor's Office, where the word Magistrate does not appear.

Only my incomplete name appears,” says the judge in the letter sent to the CGPJ.

The versions of that profile stored on the internet show that that description did appear.

The absence of the word “magistrate” in the photographs sent by the Attorney General's Office is also the main argument of the CGPJ disciplinary authority to propose the archiving of the investigation.

According to Conde, even if it were true that the judge wrote the messages published in that account (a claim that he denies), “it is not possible to determine whether he expressly invoked his judicial status.”

The deletion of the @ManuelRuizdelar account “makes such a determination impossible,” admits the so-called promoter of the disciplinary action, who considers that “there is not enough data to show” that Ruiz de Lara invoked his status as a judge when he spread those messages.

In his allegations, the magistrate even disassociates himself from that account, despite the fact that there are numerous traces on the Internet in which he is identified with that account.

Many of these links are set out in a report sent to the promoter by the CGPJ communications office.

This document highlights that there are still dozens of publications in

Thus, for example, Ruiz de Lara appears cited and identified with the address of legal disclosure”, which did not win.

The judge has opened another account this month in which he repeats part of that description (IMPERTURBABLE IDEALIST. Author of the novels “Patria Judicial” and “Patria Olvidada”. Food critic in

El Debate)

and omits the word “magistrate.”

Message from the Madrid Bar Association in which it quotes Ruiz de Lara through his Twitter profile @ManuelRuizdelar.

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Source: elparis

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