The Limited Times

The Antibody of July | Israel today

10/14/2021, 10:09:09 AM

Yuli Edelstein recognized that the reaction from the Likud area to his move is not hostile • He offers a quick "cure" for the current situation, in which the current government is a corridor leading to Yair Lapid's room

Yuli Edelstein recognized that the Likud's response from the field to his move is not hostile. • He offers a quick "cure" for the current situation, in which the current government is a corridor leading to Yair Lapid's room

. "We are with you in fire and water. Run," they told him. And there were also many who called and said, "Love you. Support you. But Bibi the Likud leader, for now. Do not run against him." Edelstein decided to "go for it." The very fact that the media deals with him in the context of Benjamin Netanyahu is part of the reason he does it.

Senior Likud figures are not running to attack Edelstein. The only one who did so was MK Shlomo Qara. The feeling is that he attacked Netanyahu's mission. The challenge to the party chairman raises the question of the options before the Likud today. Not just why Netanyahu? But also why the Likud?

There are few governments that have made so many mistakes in such a short time as the Bennett-Torch government; Perhaps it is the first government whose supplier of mistakes in the field of foreign and security policy, as well as in domestic policy, including dealing with the plague, is so great.

For Ehud Olmert, the uncalculated fall occurred into the black hole of the Second Lebanon War. The war entailed a rupture of his leadership. At least he won the election and brought shoes from home that suited him. Naftali Bennett continues to shuffle in Netanyahu's big shoes, so he does not progress or move anywhere.

Bennett granted Yair Lapid exclusivity in foreign policy, and as a result, Israel's relations with China were severely entangled and damaged. The deterioration of relations with Russia is the work of all the top. All from calculations of repulsive subservience to the Democratic administration in Washington. Abu Mazen is flourishing and legitimized.

Netanyahu's investments against anti-Israel Western European countries, and as a balance to an unreliable American policy, are rapidly going down the drain. See the unprecedented crisis affair in relations with Poland, a foolish mistake entirely from the house of Lapid's creator. And worst of all: one of the senior commentators, not Netanyahu's fans to say the least, reports from a senior official in the depths of the defense establishment that efforts to achieve coordination of assessments and positions between Israel and the US administration on Iran have failed. Israel and the United States are not at all on the same page in the book, as the Americans say.

There is no substance to the US statement that if the nuclear deal is not returned, "other ways" will be found to deal with the Iranian nuclear program.

There is nothing to talk about military action.

All this only confirms what could have been deduced about the Biden administration from the beginning, and certainly since the terrible defeat in Afghanistan.

Defense Minister Bnei Gantz's latest move, initiated by the IDF, puts Bennett, Shaked and Saar as drivers with their bodies thrown to the right as the vehicle turns sharply to the left: The decision to allow 10,000 Gazan workers to enter Israel and enjoy the local labor and income market Who bypassed Hamas and reached the residents over the heads of Sinwar and Haniyeh; in fact, Hamas leaders, along with Muhammad Daf, can be proud of their terror subjects: we also hit the enemy and prepared him with our missiles, and we also received a reward from the enemy for you.

All this means almost self-evidently: the Likud, which enlists the support of Malach Ha'aretz, supported by the same part of the public that is the backbone of Israeli society, is perhaps the only one that can offer a national leadership that can deal with Israel's problems and challenges.

The argument in favor of Netanyahu continues to be from the basic realm: Israel's energy economy is a lone island of stability in supply and low prices amid a stormy ocean of rising gas and fuel prices, five times that of Israel in Europe and the US. Prolonged power outages occur not only in Lebanon And in advanced European countries.

The experts have one explanation for Israel's solid position: the development of the gas reservoirs and the gas layout. The big project has aroused disgust among gourmet commentators and elitist politicians, who have influenced High Court judges to such an extent that they have almost torpedoed the outline. Was able to push this bureaucratic mammoth through the needle monkey. This week, former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen said that Iran is far from nuclear weapons.

But Netanyahu is facing a new clause in the Declaration of Independence: a boycott of him. In the best judgment of Yuli Edelstein, after Bennett's short term will come the term of the left-wing prime minister, Yair Lapid. If Lapid pulls out his two years without "cataclysmic", catastrophic events, the left can really get stronger at the ballot box and open a new era.

Edelstein offers himself as a preventative remedy for the Lapid government. He feels that the reaction from the ground to his move is not as hostile as it was when Gideon attacked Netanyahu. His move is supposed to speed up the primaries. His case is that Bennett creates a situation that people can live with because he has no party and no voters, he is a corridor leading to Lapid's room; Then everything will change.

Edelstein does not actually disagree with Netanyahu.

He only presented to him in conversations between them the objective situation: in April 2019 the right was 60-60 after the defection of Lieberman.

Today it is 52. This is a steady downward trend despite the flattering polls for the Likud (35-34 seats).

Netanyahu has no clear explanation for how he will return to power.

The Likud recognizes that it is focused on the legal issue according to the only bill it has submitted - that the ministers can appoint the ombudsmen in their own offices. This was Ayelet Shaked's field, Netanyahu taking over.

The problem is that until Netanyahu brings the Likud back to power, Lapid will infiltrate the spokesmen of the Wexner Foundation and the New Foundation into every corner of the apparatus. Supply and price increases.

The choke ring tightens

The bureaucracy is still the number one Israeli enemy: in the Tel Aviv municipality, in a ceremony in a square in Jerusalem and also in the evacuation of a resident of the settlement to the



, the new editions urged the government to approve the entry of workers from Gaza in numbers of up to ten thousand. This is as a severe retaliation for the killing of Bar-El Shmueli, which was promised after the return of Naftali Bennett from Washington.

when was that? The IDF is unable to overcome the procedural problem of a shuttle vehicle for a disabled person who needs hospital treatment and lives in a settlement. When a tight bureaucratic array of Germans commits genocide in Lithuania and the rest of the European parts of the Soviet Union during the Holocaust.

The Jewish state is incapable of breaking the bureaucratic choke ring.

No official is able to perform a Zukhara with a double screw to authorize the entry of a white man, Novoki, who was invited to name a square after his father in Jerusalem.

In the end the matter moved to the higher ranks and was found, somehow, the way.

He had time for the ceremony.

In Germany, a 96-year-old woman was persecuted and arrested for crimes against humanity from the days of Nazism.

It is not clear if at the time the crimes were committed she was an adult.

Maybe she should be tried in a juvenile court.

We gave her life - those behind her already;

And now, for the record, the Germans will register the followers of democracy that they have prosecuted another Nazi.

But the bureaucratic nightmare is in the Tel Aviv municipality.

A green sign does not allow entry, after a security check of course, into the city hall building.

I was there this week and I asked the security man, who the mayor sent him downstairs to make order in Bardak - and he confirmed.

They arrive with a plastic bag full of papers and documents to settle their affairs with the municipality face to face, in front of a human-faced official. But the authority upstairs, on the floor of Constetter or perhaps Schultheis, decided that all these people must get a pre-order through the online services. Only security personnel below, near the gates of the runways located ten meters from the Rabin monument, are allowed to authorize entry.

These are all parts of the attachment.

What about Nazis with Arab workers from Gaza and the management of the Tel Aviv Municipality?

All under the same disease.

In Tel Aviv, you can see the class division according to the walking routes in Sderot: on the wide routes, in the center of the boulevard, walk the owners of the colorful sneakers that look like they came out of the chrome posts of the middle doubles.

They know the difference between where the hipsters ride their electric bikes, and where they can walk in a stylish walk.

The scoundrels, the unintentional and offline ones, are pushed to the margins.

To the old sidewalks, which were not cleaned in the morning.

Sometimes they walk on the side between a cart and a parked car.

Cost, but what about benefit

Are three years of military service a burden on the economy? Prof. Yossi Zeira's research raises interesting conclusions

Prof. Yossi Zeira from the Hebrew University has been working for years on calculating the cost of the Israeli-Arab conflict, and how it affects the national product and the burden that every Israeli bears. Zeira has now published a summary of an economic study on the cost of the conflict at the Zulat Institute, which deals with peace and human rights.

Beyond the defense budget itself, the two main factors that add a significant percentage to the security burden beyond the budget are the young Israelis who enlist in the army for three years and five years, as well as the risk calculations on capital investments in Israel. On the costs of military service to the economy, he follows the model of Nobel Prize winner in economics, Prof. Josh Angrist. In his doctorate, Angrist, whom Zeira calls "brilliant," examined data from U.S. recruits for two years of service during the Vietnam War,And compared the dynamics of their economic integration after military service - versus the development of those who did not enlist.

Examine the recruitment.


It was an economic experiment in field conditions, as it is known that recruitment in the United States since the end of the 1960s was done through a lottery. In the labor market. Zeira said this week that the data only concerns whites and not blacks. This is a kind of distortion.

Prof. Zeira continues the research of the late Prof. Eitan Berglas on the subject. Security costs us far beyond the direct expenditure of the defense budget, which is now on the table. Security in Israel on paper is lower than ever, about 6 percent of GDP - and that is not far from a 2 percent minus of the OECD average.

In a state of "peace," or arrangement, Zeira sees the increase in GDP by 30 percent.

The question, of course, is whether this is even possible.

The argument against his conception is that today's IDF equips quality manpower for the technology industries, and allows boys and girls good employment after service, which would not be possible without it. The same goes for discipline and organization skills.

The historical data he publishes give a fairly clear picture: by 1967 the rate of GDP expenditure on defense was about 10 percent or less.

From 1967 to the end of the 1980s - between 20 and 30 percent of GDP.

This explains the collapse of the welfare state in Israel.

But the surprise is that "Israel has never been a welfare state," Zeira ruled.

His views were published in a book he published three years ago, and apparently the right and left do not like them.

When he appeared in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee at the time, he discovered that the Security Party was much stronger than all the right-wing and left-wing parties. 

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