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Opinion | Who abolishes Anne Frank | Israel Hayom

10/4/2023, 8:13:41 PM

Highlights: An eighth-grade teacher in Texas was fired for teaching Anne Frank's diary as a graphic novel. Israel Hayom: More schools will remove the beloved diary from the curriculum, and it will be lost in oblivion. "In the war against the Progress, everything is kosher, including the trampling of the memory of the Holocaust and those who symbolize it around the world," writes Hayom. "No one in the world can forbid another person to hold any opinion, even if the other person is very young," he adds.

More schools will remove the beloved diary from the curriculum, and it will be lost in oblivion. Students around the world will not recognize a masterpiece, nor will they become familiar with the Holocaust of the Jews

Opponents of progress explain that humanity today faces two dangers: one, feminism; The second is LGBTQ.

They work hard to explain to us how much ideas about gender equality or the right to gender determination of each person endanger the social structure.

Concepts such as happiness and self-fulfillment are absent from their teachings. Now they are accomplishing a great feat – abolishing the teaching of Anne Frank's diary in a Texas school.

An eighth-grade teacher entered her classroom with the diary adapted into a graphic novel (entrusted to Ari Folman and David Polonsky) and exposed her students to the linguistic and artistic richness of her diary. After class, she was fired, for daring to teach dangerous progressive material. In addition, a letter was sent to the parents of the students that the book was no longer approved according to the district curriculum and was removed from it.

What angered the parents and superiors and caused the removal of the only work taught by students related to the Holocaust from the curriculum? First, Frank notes: "I go into a whirlwind every time I see the image of a" (p. 93). This is a statement that infuriated them because they believe it is a corruption of the younger generation. Second, Anna's extensive reference to receiving her period, which is not a negative thing in her eyes, but the opposite: "Every time I have my period, I have the feeling that despite all the pain, suffering, and dirt, I carry a sweet secret inside me" (p. 92). She also says that in the past, when she slept at her friend Jacques' house, she asked her, "Would you agree to us touching each other's breasts?" (p. 92).

The combination of sexual curiosity, growing up and love of her body created a lot of anger among moral guardians. Anne Frank or not - the cancellation is so important that the cancelers did not even bother to read the rest of the work, nor are they familiar with the original diary. Otherwise, the report would have noted Frank's outrageous statement in her diary, "I know I am a woman, a woman of inner strength and great daring!" (p. 249, translated by Carla Perlstein). This statement translates into her decision to lead a life "different from those of ordinary housewives", since she intends to travel and live in different countries, where she will study both the local language and art history. Long before the prominent feminist thinkers, Frank dreamed of a career, self-fulfillment, and did not think that her place was in the kitchen.

It's important to note that Texas Middle School isn't the only one to remove the piece from the curriculum. She was preceded by high school in Florida. This trend will spread, and the beloved diary will be lost in its wake in oblivion. Students around the world will not be familiar with a masterpiece and will not become acquainted with the Holocaust in a sensitive and age-appropriate manner. For in the war against the Progress, everything is kosher, including the trampling of the memory of the Holocaust and those who symbolize it around the world. For to engage in a field that interests every girl (which caused the diary's popularity) is considered "dissemination of obscene material." And isn't that the purpose of the school - to introduce its students to various materials that will enable them to better understand themselves and their world? This, incidentally, is the purpose of Frank's writing, which does not make assumptions about the Nazis (which caused the translators of the novel into German to omit some of her criticism of them).

The combination of sexual curiosity, growing up and love of her body created a lot of anger among moral guardians. Anne Frank or not - the cancellation is so important that the cancelers did not even bother to read the rest of the work, nor are they familiar with the original diary

Of course, the new trend shuts down familiarity with all the important Holocaust diaries. Ruth Mayer was a lesbian, while Helen Baer (whose diary became a literary sensation in France) debated between two men who were courting her, just before she saved Jewish children from death.

I asked Anne Frank what she thought of those who fired the teacher who taught her diary, and here is her reply: "No one in the world can forbid another person to hold any opinion, even if the other is very young. [...] And no one, certainly not these idiot wise men, can understand us, for we are far more sensitive and far more advanced in our thoughts than these adults can even imagine" (p. 194). And she is indeed right.

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