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Opinion | At the Abyss - We Need to Make a Sharp and Rapid Change in the Treatment of Crime | Israel Hayom


Highlights: There are no red lines anymore, we are on the edge of the abyss. Public trust in the police is declining, with considerable help from interested parties. The police are worn out, physically and morally. The situation has been an emergency for a long time. The writing is smeared on the wall. We need to make a sharp and rapid change on several levels. At the national level - immediately return the technological tools to the use of the police. Position the role of police officer as such that candidates will fight for every job. Shorten the time between indictment and verdict. Investigate boldly.

It seems that there are no longer red lines, deterrence is worn out, criminals feel safe to do whatever they want • We must put the police in a completely different place on the national agenda, improve processes, increase punishment, return to the framework that operated in the previous government - "safe track" • Retired Commissioner Alon Levavi on Israel's national security situation

It's impossible not to be worried. Very worried. Murder pursues murder pursues murder. Shootings, stabbings, IEDs in vehicles, bursts from a submachine gun at noon in the middle of a main street, the massacre of five family members, 4 murdered a day, the murder of Arabs, Jews and Eritreans. Murder of men, women and children. The bodies accumulate and blood washes over the streets.

The violence does not stop: Two injured in a fight between Eritreans in Netanya // Photo: Dan Asulin, Israel Police Spokesperson's Office

The security camera footage piles up, intelligence information flows, there are no arrests, and no indictments. There is no red line that has not been crossed, there are no red lines anymore, we are on the edge of the abyss. It's no longer a slippery slope, the formula is simple – public trust in the police is declining, with considerable help from interested parties. The trust of police officers in the organization in which they serve is eroding, and the police's
trust in the political echelon in charge is disappearing. Deterrence vis-à-vis criminals is also disappearing, along with the technological tools that in the past enabled an effective war on crime.

The combination of all this is anarchy, no less. The feeling is that the offenders feel safe to do whatever they want. In the world of fighting crime there is the concept of "the chance of catching", caught be to chance the, it seems that the chances today that criminals will be caught are nil, and they know it. The situation has been an emergency for a long time. The writing is smeared on the wall.

From right: Katy Perry, Itamar Ben-Gvir and Kobi Shabtai, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The meter will reset in early 2024, we will start recounting the incidents and murders. And all of them will show a "dramatic reduction in crime." And pat each other on the back. Long live the statistics. Need to recalculate route. We need to make a sharp and rapid change on several levels. At the national level - immediately return the technological tools to the use of the police. The situation today is as if we sent the SWAT team to fight in the center of Jenin with jumper guns.

To give the police the backing of the prime minister, just as it was given to the army, the Shin Bet and the Mossad, to put the police in a completely different place on the national agenda. Not in slogans, but in deeds. Position the role of police officer as such that candidates will fight for every job. Stop punching the police as if it were the national punching bag, every such blow returns back to the soft underbelly of Israeli society.

Four-on-One: The shocking documentation of the fight in Petah Tikva // The use is made in accordance with section 27A of the Copyright Law

We must return to the framework that operated in the previous government – a "safe track." An outline that synchronized between all the enforcement agencies and "choked" the resources of criminal organizations and limited their steps in legislation, regulations, and enforcement.
Punishment must be increased. Deterrence will be created only if the response to the offenses is immediate, certain and tangible. Have you committed a felony? Perceived? You will pay a heavy price. Shorten the time between indictment and verdict.

At the level of the organization itself - processes must be perfected. Investigate boldly. To make sure that in the face of cross-border crime there is intelligence that flows between everyone. To create a reality in which "the landlord has gone crazy." There is no incident without arrest. We need to send forces to the stations, create a police presence and prominence. Recruit maximum volunteers for the activity. Allocate Border Police companies to police stations, over time. The war must be transferred to the side of the opponent, of the criminals. Aggressively restrict their steps, in homes, in businesses, in vehicles. In war as in war.

Demonstration to protest violence in Arab society. "The lack of advanced technology is also felt there", Photo: Herzi Shapira

The police are worn out, physically and morally. The police commissioner is at the end of his career. All indicators point to a crisis. A moment before the abyss - something must be done!

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-03

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