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Langenbach after the 2020 election: women's power in the new municipal council


The local council election in Langenbach has given many surprises. Here you can read who is on the future panel - and where there have been gains and losses.

The local council election in Langenbach has given many surprises. Here you can read who is on the future panel - and where there have been gains and losses.

Langenbach - huge joy here, disillusionment and disappointment there - the outcome of the local elections has also caused quite a few surprises in the almost 4000-strong community of Langenbach. Above all, when it comes to the composition of the new municipal council: with seven women, almost half of it is a female body - just female power.

Clear winner are without a doubt the Free Voters Langenbach, who with their top candidate Susanne Hoyer must have bet on the right draft horse. Together with the mayor, who was confirmed in office with an overwhelming majority, the group has six mandates in the future body. FW chairman Walter Schmidt was accordingly in a good mood. "Great," he said, "the result shows that our topics were well received by the people." However, he also admits that voters voted for experience, because only two of young, ambitious candidates under the age of 40 have made it into the game.

Langenbach's Greens cheer: "We have doubled us"

Alliance 90 / The Greens is also completely satisfied. "We have doubled," says municipal councilor Verena Juranowitsch, who now has a colleague with Christine Dreikorn, who is also 36 years old. It looked like a green trio for a long time.

But after counting the postal voters, who were above all among FWO supporters higher than others, the third seat finally went to the Free Voters Oberhummel, who will thus be represented as strongly in the future as before. The ÜWL was also able to defend the two mandates, with Walter Prochaska leaving as long-standing counsel and instead Michael Huber. He should be the youngest member. The SPD, on the other hand, only has two instead of three seats.

Result for the CSU "very bitter"

The big loser is the CSU, which has only two mandates. "It is very bitter," admitted chairwoman Dorothee Fremann. After all, they were very active, it was a shame that "we were so unconvinced". It is undoubtedly a novelty that the clearly inferior CSU mayor candidate Thomas Holst did not even make it into the municipal council due to a lack of sufficient votes. "But he takes it sporty and looks to the future," says Fremann.

An overview of the new town council for Langenbach

  • Mayoress: Susanne Hoyer
  • CSU: Christine Stein, Elmar Ziegler
  • Greens: Verena Juranowitsch, Christine Dreikorn
  • FW: Walter Schmidt, Florian Böck, Josef Wüst, Eva Maria Bucksch, Ingrid Würfl
  • SPD: Christa Summer, Johannes Hehn
  • FWO: Rudolf Götz, Josef Kratzer, Franz Würfl jun.
  • UWL: Martin Huber, Michael Huber

All events and results of the 2020 municipal election in the Freising district can be read in our live ticker.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-16

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