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Prof assigns a 'happiness task'


"I assigned to my pupils a task of happiness. Eh already as if a task could never make them happy! As if studying could rhyme with happiness." From a distance "then, while they are stuck at home and cannot go out. I asked for a photo-news. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, APRIL 13 - "I have assigned a task of happiness to my pupils. Oh, as if a task could never make them happy! As if studying could rhyme with happiness.
"At a distance" then, while they are stuck at home and cannot go out. I asked for a photo news. I wanted an image of their happiness and that they would tell it to me as a true and concrete fact. Thirty lines, no more. What, in journalistic jargon, is called a folder. "So Nicoletta Tancredi, who teaches Italian and Greek at the" Marco Galdi "classical high school in Cava de 'Tirreni (Sa), talks about the task given to her boys who initially appear perplexed: "Prof. we did not understand correctly .. ", they tell her." You have to write me what makes you happy now ", she replies. And she explains:" And, when teenagers, deprived of the savored freedom, thought "but what should we be happy to be closed inside the house ", I assigned them not a task of happiness, but the task of being happy. And their happiness they had to tell me. And words were not enough, which can be said with words. I wanted to see that happiness in a click. "And so on the virtual classroom notice board, shortly after delivery, the first multimedia photo-news appears, with background music:" Pizza happiness ".
"And in fact the whole of Italy started to knead, why would teenagers have made an exception? In fact, immediately after they publish" Yeast of hope "and" Plumcake with drops in a good mood ". In short, in the kitchens of some of my pupils there it is a great ferment, that I almost feel the hot scent coming out of the oven ", says prof. "Others, however, at the PC for distance lessons, discover" New borders ", grasping a semblance of normality, to then find themselves at the end meeting, with nothing in their hands: yet that moment is intense in the transience of beautiful things. Still others continue to feel caged. I invite them to say better, to rewrite, that writing is research in the soul. And so they publish "The winged cage" and "Flying beyond the horizon", against the background of a look from the terrace. at home, at sunset. Those who are luckier and have a green space can go there with their 4-legged friend and discover an "Oasis of happiness". But you don't necessarily need a locus amoenus, there are those who find happiness. even in the bathroom at home! Because sometimes you feel happy to experiment. And here is "Let's cut it!" Undoubtedly to the coronavirus, but also to the hair: one of my students, thanks to her mother, finds herself with a pretty good look and hundreds of likes on YouTube. Others rediscover themselves as architects and give "The turning point" to their room. A new angle, an idea that springs to mind when you are forced to look at things from another perspective. Still others discover that, after all, the home, as it stands, is a security, a thermos of affections, a "home, sweet home". And if you can't go to the gym, you don't have to leave karate, with "Libera (mente)" or dance, improvising a "Pirouette of happiness" ".
"Photo-news of common things: a chessboard, with a move to make; a table tennis and in the frame the hand of the dad, new playmate; a book, a sofa, Netflix, the breakfast prepared by the sister; a pressed orange in the garden, in the company of her grandmother, to design the post coronavirus with her, a hand painted by her brother, dense things of love.
My pupils are children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, dancers, sportsmen, readers, more or less shy, angry and serene, deep and light-hearted, and also ironic, so much so that at some point the photo-news arrives "I I stay at home .. with the drying rack and the broom ": the mother, which I also did with my daughters, put the son to work! And then the news "Chronicle of a variable", in photos a huge sack of garbage: the task of throwing up the waste, until yesterday ungrateful, has become a coveted one between sister and brother, just to put your nose outside the door "." And while I look at the photos and laugh and smile and get excited, I read many words and many folds of the soul. And as I read, I realize that I feed on the happiness that I have assigned to my pupils as a task. Prodigies of distance learning. Wonders of Happiness ".

Source: ansa

All news articles on 2020-04-13

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