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GZSZ: Anniversary episode as a drama highlight? Surprise guest causes a sensation


The RTL program “Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten” has been captivating viewers for years. The 7,000 episode will air on April 29. 

The RTL program “Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten” has been captivating viewers for years. The 7,000 episode will air on April 29. 

  • The anniversary episode of  "Good times, bad times" will be broadcast on April 29.
  • The episode takes place in Fuerteventura .
  • A surprise guest causes a stir.

Berlin - The RTL program  "Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten" (GZSZ) has been captivating viewers for years. The 7,000th episode will now be broadcast on April 29 . An anniversary that has it all? There is already a preview of the anniversary series. Warning, spoiler danger! 

GZSZ: 7000th episode as an absolute drama highlight? 

The drama in the RTL series "Good Times, Bad Times" is already at a high level. Katrin's alcohol addiction, love drama between Nina and Robert and rental terror with Alex and Maren, in short: at GZSZ there is tension wherever you look. 

Will there be an absolute highlight in the 7000th episode as a special? In any case, it is already a fact that the anniversary series will be broadcast in full length. 

For the GZSZ special , part of the production and some actresses traveled to the Canary Islands, as reports. In the anniversary series, Nina, Maren and Yvonne are looking forward to a vacation together on Fuerteventura

"Good times, bad times": surprise guests cause a sensation on vacation

But they don't have the slightest idea that Katrin Flemming will  surprise them shortly before departure as a surprise guest. And Maren should be to blame for this, as reported by the  "Bild" newspaper (article behind payment barrier). After a cry for help from her downed friend, she is said to have booked another flight - without telling the other two about it. For better or worse Nina and Yvonne have to come to terms with the new vacation partner. 

But when you arrive on a luxurious vacation, there should not only be a fight for friendship, but also for survival, as tries to relieve the tension. 


Four people on vacation in Fuerteventura: Maren, Yvonne, Katrin and Nina (from left).

© TVNOW / Benjamin Kampehl

"Good times, bad times": Zoff between Katrin and Yvonne

There is said to be a good argument between Katrin and Yvonne . And then it happens, as it may have to, to do justice to an anniversary episode. A boat tour ends on an uninhabited island, from which the girlfriends won't come back so quickly.

A popular GZSZ star has surprisingly returned. But the fans only paid attention to one thing.

Check out this post on Instagram

The first trailer is here! The 7000th episode of GZSZ! On April 29th in feature length at 19:40 at @ #gzsz # gzsz7000 # jubiläum #rtl

A post shared by GZSZ (@gzsz) on Apr 8, 2020 at 2:28 pm PDT

Something is wrong with a GZSZ picture. Do you notice?

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-04-17

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