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Chick as a sign of hope


For a short time they caused hustle and bustle in the Tölz City Museum: 27 chicks hatched there at Easter. In the meantime, the chicken babies have moved into a new home.

For a short time they caused hustle and bustle in the Tölz City Museum: 27 chicks hatched there at Easter. In the meantime, the chicken babies have moved into a new home.

Bad Tölz - The city museum has grown again: 27 chicks hatched over Easter. For the third year in a row, museum director Elisabeth Hinterstocker has let people experience how life is created.

This year, however, was different than usual. The incubator was not displayed in the shop window in order to avoid a crowd. Instead, everyone who was interested could watch the hatching on a webcam this time. "Unfortunately, not everything was very sharp in terms of quality, but you could already see something," says Hinterstocker.

The city museum wanted to set a sign of hope with the Easter campaign. "Even though the times are bad: Things are looking up again, nature continues," explains Hinterstocker. As a special feature, seven eggs of the Chinese silk hen were hatched this time. In contrast to the European six toes and fur on the feet. The other eggs came from Hinterstocker's chicken farm in Valley. A total of 31 eggs had been placed in the incubator, nothing hatched from four. "That happens," says Hinterstocker. The other 27 are under heat lamps in their courtyard, "they just feel like they are in the Caribbean," she says with a laugh.

Incidentally, the chicks in the museum first caused a lot of hustle and bustle. "They were so lively and everywhere." So the keyboards were not safe from the chicken babies. Hinterstocker: “Everything that lights up has done it to them. Little things like periods and commas look like something potentially edible in their eyes. ”

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Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-04-15

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