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In Seine-Saint-Denis as elsewhere, Muslims will live a Ramadan without a party


With confinement and prohibited gatherings, the sacred month of Islam will be "hard to live" for the faithful. They organize themselves for vi

"Muslims already know this: the party will be sad! "Bitter statement drawn up by M'hammed Henniche, co-manager of the Union of Muslim Associations (UAM 93) of Seine-Saint-Denis - a department with many followers: 700,000 according to the last estimate officially communicated by the services of the 'State, the prefect of the time Philippe Galli in this case.

April 24 is the start of Ramadan, the holy month of Islam, during which Muslims who wish to do so fast and multiply collective prayers. Except that with confinement, extended at least until May 11, the worship will be very constrained: neither collective prayers nor feasts between neighbors or extended family. And this, perhaps for the entire sacred month.

1.8 billion followers are affected worldwide, a large part of which will be confined. In France, the French Council for Muslim Worship (CFCM) has just produced its “alternatives” in matters of religious practice.

“In normal times, Ramadan is done every day in two stages: fasting during the day, then a break-breaking meal - Iftar - at night, which takes place with the extended family, neighbors, friends . And in the evening, there are collective prayers, called Tarawih , in all the mosques, ”explains M'hammed Henniche.

"Since the dawn of time, these moments have come together"

According to him, if the practice of fasting "will not pose any concern with confinement, since it is individual and intimate", it is not the same for Iftar and collective prayers: "Since the dawn of time, these moments are made together: we sometimes dine with thirty or forty people, before going to pray in places of worship which can bring together 3000 people for the biggest of Seine-Saint-Denis. Religiously, the collective aspect is an important fact. "

However, if the truncated Ramadan that promises "questions and worries all Muslims, in search of spirituality at this time", explains Yacine Laoudi, head of Acma - the association that manages the great mosque of Aulnay- sous-Bois -, "people are absolutely aware that it is the health issue that prevails". He himself had also taken care to close the huge place of worship for which he was responsible "several days before the announcement of confinement, health security obliges".

For its part, the Seine-Saint-Denis prefecture "has not observed any particular problems since the start of confinement around mosques or other religious places, nor of street prayer". "The confinement is respected, so there is no reason to have any particular concerns for Ramadan. "

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Coronavirus: how religions adapt to confinement

It won't be the first confined Ramadan in history

Thus, from April 24, “everyone should perform their prayers at home, with relatives confined to the same place. Islam does not forbid it at all: apart from Friday prayers, everything can be done individually at home, ”explains Yacine Laoudi. In terms of containment, he assures that it is not the first time that Islam is confronted with it: “In the 7th century, in Syria, there had been an epidemic of plague. Besides, it is interesting to see that in the Koran, the Prophet is very clear on the matter and says: If you learn of the existence of the plague in a place, do not enter it! And if the plague hits a place where you are, do not get out! "

Others are already thinking of original ways to share the moment: "During the Iftar, many will use video applications, like WhatsApp or Snapchat, to exchange a few words and images of the meal with their confined relatives, it will be a bit of a Ramadan 2.0 », Anticipates M'hammed Henniche. Which also specifies that "many imams will deliver live sermons on social networks".

And help for the poor?

There remains the question of aid to the poorest, central during the month of Ramadan when charity is multiplied. This year, no charity meals or large barnums deployed in the cities of Seine-Saint-Denis with meals served to families in difficulty.

In Saint-Denis, the annual operation "Tables of Ramadan", piloted by Secours Islamique de France, had for example served 41,000 fast-breaking meals in one month last year, each evening in a tent set up in two steps from the Stade de France. "Obviously, there is no question of repeating this this year, it is prohibited. So we are thinking of alternatives, ”said a spokesperson for Islamic Relief. A reflection on carrying meals to the door of disadvantaged families is in particular under study.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-04-17

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