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Coronavirus: Ministry of the Interior extends border controls - first openings are foreseeable 


The easing of the corona measures presents the country with a challenge. On May 6, there are new federal-state consultations with Chancellor Merkel.

The easing of the corona measures presents the country with a challenge. On May 6, there are new federal-state consultations with Chancellor Merkel.

  • The tone in the debate about corona loosening * in Germany is getting worse.
  • The corona measures * are gradually being reduced - a major challenge.
  • CDU boss *  Annegret Kamp-Karrenbauer warns the federal states beforehand.
  • All news about the corona crisis in Germany * , the basic facts about Sars-CoV-2 * as well as continuously updated case numbers in Germany as a map * . In addition: Our guide through Corona reporting * and our Corona News Facebook page * .

Update of May 4, 10.15 p.m .: Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) has extended the border controls on Austria, France, Luxembourg, Denmark and Switzerland introduced because of the corona pandemic until May 15. This will further successfully limit the risk of infection from the novel corona virus , as the ministry announced on Monday evening. 

The controls were introduced in mid-March and could stand at present from 15 May the first easing out. For example, Schleswig-Holstein's Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) has agreed with Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) that the border to Denmark will gradually open from mid-May. "Today we spoke on the phone and agreed to develop a concrete timetable in which steps the border to Denmark can be opened from May 15 at the latest ," Günther told the German Press Agency on Monday.

Two days before Corona summit with Merkel: First information about loosening leaked

Update from May 4, 2:30 p.m .: Do new, safe antibody tests bring new perspectives? Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder and Health Minister Jens Spahn announced good news on Monday. But a bill from Spahn's department is already causing heated debates, criticism and warnings.

Update from May 4, 1:36 pm : Corona loosening in Lower Saxony : The federal state wants to reopen its gastronomy from next Monday - subject to conditions. This affects restaurants, pubs and beer gardens; Bars or discos are said to be closed until further notice. A further reopening of the catering trade * is possible from May 25th, said Minister of Agriculture Bernd Althusmann (CDU) on Monday in Hanover. 

“Picture” report on corona requirements: countries want to enable five people to go out

Update from May 4th, 6.43 a.m .:  Are further corona loosening coming in Germany soon ? According to the picture  , meetings of up to five people are to be allowed again. The newspaper claims to have learned this from a teleconference between Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the heads of the State Chancelleries. The switch was therefore a preparation for the federal-state consultations on May 6.

How many people in Germany have been infected with the corona virus? The Heinsberg study now names a possible undisclosed figure. 

Do all dams break? Kipping criticizes Merkel's corona strategy

11:20 p.m .: The Corona debate continues to smolder - with NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet, one of the biggest advocates of easing has followed up. In an interview with Munich's Merkur *, he affirmed his demands, but also has praise for his opponent Markus Söder.

Do all dams break? Kipping sharply criticizes Merkel's corona strategy

8:15 pm: Left-wing leader Katja Kipping has spoken out with violent criticism of the Merkel's Corona strategy . Although the "gentle easing" of the grand coalition is better than the plan of the opening supporters Armin Laschet (CDU) and Christian Lindner (FDP) , the member of the Bundestag writes in a guest contribution for the Tagesspiegel - however, this also leads to a "dam break": Many have already the feeling "we are over the mountain".

"Ultimately, the government course is not aimed at stopping the virus, but at flattening the infection curve," continues Kipping. "To put it in a nutshell: The federal government also relies on infection, albeit a slowdown." 

Coronavirus: Kipping accuses Merkel of "epidemic" strategy - and warns of a huge number of deaths

Until a prevalence or herd immunity was achieved in Germany, but would need about 57 million people suffer from Covid19 - depending on the mortality rate'll lives in order of the number of inhabitants of cities such as Dresden and Erfurt calling the politician calculates. At the same time, the economy will suffer from a possible “zigzag course” of easing and renewed lockdown.

Instead, Kipping calls for a different strategy: the number of reproductions must be pushed below 0.5 to stop the virus. For this, "tough specifications" against corporations are necessary, possibly also the shutdown of "non-system-relevant production" for a few weeks. "Stopping the virus is not going to be easy, but it is ultimately the only honest way out of the corona crisis," concludes Kipping. This way costs "less euro and less human life". 

What the relaxation lobby sells us as an exit strategy only leads to a second wave of infections. The price will be high. A guest contribution by @ dieLinke boss @katjakipping via @Tagesspiegel

- Matthias Meisner (@MatthiasMeisner) May 3, 2020

Coronavirus: Unusual from the CSU - Minister calls for a move away from "Faster-Further-More-Capitalism"

In the meantime, an unusual request to speak also came from the CSU : Development Minister Gerd Müller advocates a move away from the rules of the game of previous capitalism because of the Corona crisis . "The ever-further-faster-more-capitalism of the past 30 years has to stop," he told Rheinische Post . He described the corona crisis as a wake-up call to humanity to deal with nature and the environment differently.

“One cause of the pandemic is also the overexploitation of nature, the clearing of the rainforests. That is why we have to rethink and cannot simply return to the normality of globalization, ”emphasized Müller. 

The school closings in the Corona crisis are very stressful for many parents. Now Bavaria is also thinking about school openings - this does involve risks - a comment from Munich's Merkur. *

4.13 p.m .: Before the auto summit next week, the German automotive industry is demanding extensive financial aid. Among others, VDA boss Hildegard Müller and VW boss Herbert Diess are campaigning for a purchase bonus for vehicles with all drives. In politics, the comments have met with a mixed response.

Coronavirus: Meuse demands transparency from China about the origin of the pandemic

12.40 p.m .: Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has called on China to make extensive contributions to clarifying the origin of the coronavirus . "The whole world has an interest in the exact origin of the virus being clarified," said the SPD politician of the Funke media group . “But science, not politics, has to provide well-founded answers. China can demonstrate how transparently it actually wants to deal with the virus. ”


The Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus reportedly originated in Wuhan, China.

© dpa / Xiao Yijiu

In a western intelligence paper, China has been sharply criticized for dealing with the corona crisis . The Five Eyes dossier of the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand's intelligence alliance summarizes the allegations and suspicions, the Australian newspaper Saturday Telegraph reported last weekend. The dossier documents the cover-up by Chinese authorities and points out risky research in a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the new corona virus first appeared in December.

Corona easing: Chancellery: no "absolute equality"

Update of May 3, 9:41 a.m .:  Chancellor Minister  Helge Braun  (CDU) asked for patience with the  gradual relaxation of the corona requirements  . When "opening up everyday life", "there cannot always be absolute equality in all areas of society, because our approach is gradual," Braun told the  WamS . "It was legally unproblematic to close everything for infection control reasons," he said. In the phase of partial easing, however, the government had to make trade-offs.

Braun criticizes courts that have lifted individual corona lockdown measures in the past few days. "I understand and accept every single judgment," said Braun in the interview. "But I find it a challenge when courts rely on the principle of equality to override or modify some of our measures."

Among other things, the Baden-Württemberg Administrative Court in Mannheim objected to the limitation of the sales area to a maximum of 800 square meters, which the Chancellor and the Prime Ministers had agreed on.

Merkel and other government leaders launch campaign for corona vaccine

Update from May 1, 19:27:  Chancellor Angela Merkel and other leaders have a call for collection of 7.5 billion euros for vaccines and drugs against the coronavirus started. Before an international donor conference planned for Monday, they made a joint guest contribution in the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. 

"We will all put our own commitments on the table and we look forward to being accompanied by partners from all over the world," the call said. "The funds we mobilize will set in motion unprecedented global collaboration between scientists and regulators, industry and governments, international organizations, foundations, and healthcare professionals."


Merkel and Macron work together to fight the corona virus. (Archive picture)

© dpa / Frederic Scheiber

In addition to Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen signed. Once the funds are found, they should be made available worldwide at affordable prices. The targeted 7.5 billion euros are considered start-up financing. The money is supposed to flow primarily to recognized global health organizations.

Corona crisis in Germany: Seehofer wants to extend border controls - criticism from a surprising side

Update of April 30, 3:50 p.m .: The interior minister  Horst Seehofer (CSU) is planning to extend the controls at German borders ordered by the corona pandemic, which has been criticized by some CDU politicians from the border region. Nine members of the Bundestag from Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate said on Thursday that the borders with France, Luxembourg and Switzerland should be reopened . Union parliamentary group deputy Andreas Jung and his party colleague Felix Schreiner stated: “Only with exceptions can we get no further here. We live here together and our region is so intertwined that the exception is the rule. ”

The CDU interior politician Armin Schuster , also from Baden-Württemberg, supported Seehofer . Its ministry said on Wednesday that Seehofer wanted to extend controls on the borders with France, Austria, Denmark, Luxembourg and Switzerland until May 15 . However, he wanted to coordinate with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Ministers of the federal states concerned. Schuster advocated increasing the number of border crossings through which certain groups can enter Germany . This could alleviate the situation somewhat.

Provided that the infection does not stand in the way, the border regime can then be gradually relaxed from mid-May, "in step with the relaxation of contact restrictions in Germany," said Schuster.

Corona crisis in Germany: 10.1 million in short-time work, 308,000 unemployed

Update from April 30, 10:01 am:  Germany's companies have registered short-time work for 10.1 million people in the Corona crisis until April 26. The Federal Employment Agency announced this record value in Nuremberg on Thursday. This far exceeded all forecasts by economists. The experts' estimates had been between three and seven million people. The previous record value of the Federal Employment Agency for this labor market policy instrument dates back to May 2009. At that time, 1.44 million people were on short-time work. Throughout the crisis year 2009, the Federal Agency received 3.3 million advertisements for short-time work.

The number of unemployed rose by 308,000 in April to 2.644 million in March due to the Corona crisis . The seasonal unemployment rate rose by 0.7 points to 5.8 percent, which is not typical for the season.

Sweden, however, is going its own way in the Corona crisis. After much criticism, it is now surprising that Sweden received praise from the WHO management.

Federal Constitutional Court ruled on worship ban and put authorities in their place

Update of April 29, 9:34 p.m .: The Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe has decided that a general ban on church services is not permitted even in the Corona crisis . That reports among other things . According to the judgment, it must be possible to get exceptional contraception in individual cases, it continues.

In principle, the court agrees with the authorities that large assemblies can contribute to the spread of the corona virus and could be more dangerous than going shopping. However, the exercise of faith is a fundamental right that should not be prohibited in general - as in Lower Saxony, for example. In the opinion of the court, it must be possible to obtain a special permit in cooperation with the authorities in individual cases.

A Muslim club from Lower Saxony had sued. The latter wanted to hold a Friday prayer in the fasting month of Ramadan and instead let only 24 people into the mosque instead of 300. In addition, hygiene rules, such as wearing a face mask, should be observed. 


Coronavirus - Scholz warns of loosening.

© dpa / Michael Kappeler

Olaf Scholz warns of corona loosening and makes it clear: "I deliberately took out the bazooka"

7:14 p.m .: Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) warns of too rapid easing in the Corona crisis : "I know how stressful these restrictions are for all of us. But they were successful - we shouldn't gamble away this success now, ”said Scholz of the“ Passauer Neue Presse ”(Thursday edition). 

Scholz assessed the previous measures taken by the federal government as positive: "So far we have been right with our decisions, I think". The government will continue to do everything it can to secure businesses and jobs. " I deliberately took out the bazooka . It is our goal that companies and jobs come through this time to some extent, ”said Scholz. 

This includes using the debt law of the Basic Law and taking out significantly more loans than the limits would normally provide in normal times.

Spahn does not expect corona vaccination to be necessary

5.45 p.m .: Federal Health Minister Jens  Spahn  does not expect that if there is a vaccine against the coronavirus, vaccination should also be required. His impression was that the vast majority of people would like such a vaccination, said the CDU politician on Wednesday in Berlin. "In my opinion, there is no need wherever we get to our destination through readiness and good arguments." But it is still unclear whether, when and in what quantities there will be a corona vaccine.

Spahn emphasized that vaccinations against many other diseases are one of the greatest achievements of mankind. He hoped that vaccination debates from before the Corona crisis would now be “perhaps seen in a new light”. Measles vaccination had recently been introduced for day-care centers and schools, and criticism had also been voiced.

Corona crisis: Heil and Altmaier with dramatic forecasts for the German economy

16.55: "We have to expect that - in contrast to previous years - there will be more unemployed in Germany again ," said Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) in a press statement on Wednesday afternoon. 

"The current situation of the Covid 19 pandemic will present us with major challenges in the coming months," said Heil, emphasizing: "We are fighting for every job." Unemployment is more expensive.

The federal government as a result of the corona crisis with a severe recession in Germany. Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier said this shortly afterwards. The greatest slump in economic output is expected in the course of the second quarter of this year, said Altmaier. Then the economic activities start to pick up. The government's protective shield will help here in a volume of more than one trillion euros, said Altmaier. The German economy will therefore only have fully recovered in the year after next. Altmaier assumes that the pre-crisis level will be reached in early 2022 .

In the so-called spring projection it is expected that the gross domestic product (GDP) will decrease by 6.3 percent this year. This would be a stronger economic slump than in the global financial crisis more than ten years ago. It is forecast that the level before the Corona crisis will not be reached until 2022. 

Corona crisis in Germany: Short-time work benefits expanded

In order to cushion the radical developments somewhat, the Federal Government also wants to expand short-time work benefits. In the case of a long-term salary, a temporary increase to up to 80 percent of the last net wage is now to be achieved - for households with children up to 87 percent. In addition, unemployment benefits are to be extended by three months for those whose entitlement would end between May 1 and December 31, 2020. The reason for this is the low prospect of employment. Heil expects that up to 380,000 recipients of unemployment benefit I will not be covered by basic security for another three months.

It is not the only changes that are now taking effect. New regulations and laws will apply in Germany from May.

These two measures together cost the Federal Employment Agency (BA) an additional 2.6 billion euros . This is offset by the information that there are estimated to be around 120 million euros (short-time allowance) and 530 million euros (unemployment benefit) in the basic security for jobseekers.

Criticism of the Federal Government's course is growing in business . In a fire letter to the Chancellery, they warned of a "demise" of companies and demanded a clear signal for a rapid restart of the economy before consultations with the federal and state governments on Thursday.

Corona: Spahn appeals to employers - and obliges statutory health insurers

1.30 p.m .:  The second legislative package of the federal government to contain the corona pandemic provides for more testing and an expansion of the reporting requirements. Negative test results should also be reported in the future, said Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) in a press statement. 

In addition, a financing concept for the so-called nursing bonus is intended to guarantee the crisis subsidy for nursing staff. Employees in old people's homes should receive such a bonus because of the special burden in the Corona crisis.

The long-term care insurance cover the costs for the tax-free bonus payment of up to EUR 1,000; they should receive a subsidy from the federal government. The highest bonus is given to full-time employees in direct care and support. Spahn appeals that countries and employers in nursing can increase the Corona premium to up to € 1,500, particularly to employers. The non-profit organizations are resisting this.

"We want to be able to find, test and care for people with corona more quickly in the future," said Spahn (CDU) about the new version of the Infection Protection Act . "This is the only way we can effectively break the chain of infection and prevent an uncontrolled outbreak of the epidemic in Germany."

The cabinet decision stipulates that the federal government will support the 375 health departments with 50 million euros in order to advance their digitization. The corona pandemic had repeatedly criticized the fact that the authorities still partially sent their infection numbers by fax. 

Coronavirus in Germany: Second infection protection law excludes immune from quarantine measures

1:22 pm:  The second Infection Protection Act apparently regulates that immunized people could be excluded from quarantine measures in the future. A journalist asks if that is not discrimination. So far, it has not been possible to prove whether those affected are immune after a disease. The antibody tests would get better and better, Spahn said. 

Should be an appropriate one


can be proven, says Spahn and emphasizes the subjunctive, if immunity after a Covid 19 disease can now be demonstrated or through a vaccine, it would be a relief for these people not to be affected by possible measures.  

Further easing in the Corona crisis is under discussion. A plan for opening the daycare center has now been drawn up. *

Corona virus in Germany: regional complexity poses political challenges

13:03:  The counties in Germany are affected to different degrees, says Health Minister Jens Spahn. In some places, there have only been five new infections in the past seven days. Germany now has to react to this regional complexity. "The second infection protection law is a reflection of this complexity," says Spahn. 

You want to do more tests to avoid hotspots.

Coronvirus: Press conference by Health Minister Jens Spahn on the second infection protection law in the video

Update 12:58: There should be a Corona bonus for nurses . The cabinet's decision on Wednesday provides for some changes to previous plans. For example, all employees in geriatric care should receive a tiered claim for a one-time bonus of up to EUR 1,000 for this year. The long-term care insurance covers the costs. In the second half of the year, the federal government should then determine the scope of federal subsidies. Countries and nursing employers should be able to increase the bonus, for example, up to 1500 euros.

Not all measures against the corona pandemic are accepted without criticism. An ARD commentator criticizes the mask requirement with balaclava - which in turn leads to outrage among some viewers.  

Corona: Federal government wants to expand tests and reporting requirements

Update 12:51: In view of the corona epidemic , tests for the virus are to be significantly expanded. This is provided for in a bill by Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), which the Federal Cabinet passed on Wednesday. From now on, the corona tests should also be paid for by the health insurance companies - even if the person concerned has no symptoms. Until now, people without symptoms had to finance a corona test themselves. 

This should also enable more testing to be carried out in the environment of particularly vulnerable people, for example in nursing homes. Spahn said: "We want to be able to find, test and care for people with corona more quickly in the future." The package of laws also includes a financial injection of 50 million euros for the 375 health authorities in Germany who are supposed to track infection chains. In addition, there should be financial relief for those in need of care.

Update from April 29: The second  anti-corona legislative package of the federal government provides for tests and reporting requirements to be expanded. In addition, the legislative proposal includes the financing of the planned care bonus, which the employees in nursing homes, who were particularly hard hit by the Corona crisis, are to receive.

According to this, two thirds of the costs should be borne by the long-term care insurance funds , and they should receive a subsidy from the federal government. The remaining third should be raised by the federal states and employers, with the non-profit organizations defending themselves against participation.

Corona measures: Spahn (CDU) on epidemic protection law

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) had previously announced regular tests by residents and nursing staff. The costs for the tests should be covered more extensively than before. 

It is also planned that recovered patients and negative test results will also have to be reported in the future. Spahn will issue a statement on the second epidemic protection law in Berlin on Wednesday afternoon  .

Meanwhile, opposition politicians in the Corona crisis miss public statements by Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer * (CSU).

Corona restrictions in Saarland need to be relaxed

Update of April 28, 8:52 p.m .: In Saarland , the exit restrictions imposed by  the corona pandemic must be relaxed immediately after a decision by the Constitutional Court. The constitutional judges ruled on Tuesday that "there are currently no reliable reasons for the uninterrupted continuation of the strict Saarland regulation of the ban on leaving the apartment". This means that family encounters and spending time outdoors while maintaining the necessary distances and restrictions on contacts are now possible again.

Update from April 28, 6.09 p.m .: Federal Health Minister  Jens Spahn (CDU) is aiming for a gradual return to normal operations in the hospitals. The development of new coronaviruses allows part of the hospital's capacity to be used again for planned operations from May, according to Spahn's recommendations to the state health ministers , which were published on Tuesday. Many patients did not go to the hospital for fear of corona infection, Spahn complained.

Since mid-March, the clinics nationwide have all medically necessary not necessarily predictable operations shifted to be prepared for the treatment of Corona patients. The new Spahn concept, which was initially reported by the newspapers of the editorial network Germany (RND), now states that the capacities created in the clinics for corona patients are currently not being fully used.

Therefore, the number of intensive care beds reserved for infected people in the hospitals could be reduced and the clinics gradually reopened for the care of other patients.

A permanent prioritization of only a certain group of patients "cannot be justified, especially due to the principle of equality" . There are also signs that patients are no longer seeking medical help, even in emergencies such as heart attacks or strokes. But even in Corona times, it must remain a matter of course that the care of these patients "has the highest priority".

Citizens would have to be sensitized to the fact that they would have to seek medical help in such emergencies. "The fear of a corona infection must not prevail here."

Coronavirus: Spahn maintains a course of cautious loosening

Update of April 28, 4:33 p.m .: Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) is sticking to the course of cautious easing in the corona epidemic despite the recently temporarily increasing reproductive rate . "This is an important factor," he admitted on Tuesday in Hanover with regard to the number of reproductions, but added in relation to the total number of sufferers: "But the absolute number is also important." 

In Germany, an absolute number of corona cases has now been reached, which "we can handle better," explained Spahn. In the coming week, the federal and state governments now want to advise on further easing . " May 6th is the date on which we can see if and which step we can take." 

Coronavirus crisis: RKI reports a decline in reproductive numbers to 0.9

There is also good news from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) . Because while the RKI reported a slight increase in the reproduction rate to 1.0 on Monday evening , this value has since dropped to 0.9 again . This is so crucial because a reproductive rate below 1 means a decrease in the number of new corona infections, albeit only a slight one, while the infection rate remains constant at a reproductive rate of 1 and the epidemic is therefore not contained. The number of reproductions describes the number of people infected with a coronavirus on average. 

The further slight decline in reproduction number is expected to Health Minister Spahn in his projects, cautious easing also to ask introduce and future Covid-19 cases kept free hospital beds yet another patient, encouraging

Corona virus crisis: further easing in schools and hospitals in prospect

Update of April 28, 2:39 p.m .: The culture ministers of the federal states gave a conference call on Tuesday about the further procedure for gradually opening schools in Germany. The Chair of the Conference of Ministers of Education, Dr. Stefanie Hubig , presented in the afternoon. According to this, no regular classes will take place before the summer holidays . Nevertheless, every pupil should be trained at least once a day or week at school before the summer holidays. 

The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder also said on Tuesday how to deal with the Corona crisis in his state. He informed that a roadmap for the month of May should be found next week . This will always be in line with the latest figures. Furthermore, extended Bayern applicable output restrictions until May 10 . Söder is certain that a second corona wave will come at some point. "We have an emergency plan so that we can always react," emphasized the CSU politician.

Meanwhile, opposition politicians in the corona crisis miss public statements by Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU).

Coronavirus crisis: hospitals are expected to perform more predictable operations from May

Update of April 28, 11:40 a.m .: From May, the federal government believes that due to the curtailed spread of the coronavirus, hospitals will once again occupy more beds with other patients . After almost six weeks of postponement and cancellation, the clinics could now perform more predictable operations, according to a concept by Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU)

In the concept further says, "This is important, as well as the moving of urgent interventions, such as tumors or predictable operations, such as for hip replacements, health for the patients concerned and emotional suffering entail." In the long term let to a do not justify exclusive preference for Covid-19 patients . The editorial network Germany had initially reported on the four-page paper. 

Earlier, doctors had already warned dramatically: Professor Hans Theiss, senior physician and CSU city councilor in Munich, told Bild that it was time to find a gradual and slow way out of the restrictions. In particular, one has to be careful that in the end "more people die from corona than from corona".

There are many people who need surgery on the heart, Theiss explains. These surgeries are “not an unconditional emergency”, but you can only push them for days or even weeks.

Coronavirus crisis: Foreign Minister Maas indicates extension of travel warning

Update of April 27, 9:27 p.m .: Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) has announced that the travel warning he had issued in mid-March could be extended. "The travel warning that there is until Sunday this week," said the SPD politician on Monday evening in a special edition of the ZDF magazine "Wiso". He assumes that "for the next few weeks there are no indications to remove this travel warning."

"There are bans on entry in many countries , there are curfews , air traffic is on the ground - unfortunately there is currently no evidence that this will improve in the next few weeks," said Maas, thereby dampening the hopes of many German citizens on a vacation in the summer vacation . Maas announced that nobody would be able to spend a vacation this year as he knows it. 

Corona virus crisis: Apple and Google create prerequisites for Corona app

Update from 1:42 p.m .: The Apple and Google corporations are currently developing a platform for Corona apps. The federal press conference is now about the right concept for the tracing app - and why the federal government has now switched to decentralized storage of user data? Seibert replies that this decision "clearly increases the chances of implementation". There must be "as much trust as possible", "so that citizens can download and use the app". 

Federal press conference on Corona: What role do Apple and Google play in the tracing app?

A journalist follows up and recalls an earlier statement on the subject. "'With a decentralized system, you have to trust Apple and Google' - is the federal government's sentence of Friday no longer valid?" He asks. Seibert replies that the main reason for the reversal is "data protection and data security" and that he has  "nothing to add" to the statements by Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) .

Update from 1:19 p.m .: It is again about the opening of services. A journalist wants to know that singing and praying are not particularly suitable for spreading the virus. Press spokesman Hanno Kautz replies that this is certainly true, but one wants to wait for scientific findings. The further consultations are closely coordinated with the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) .

Corona loosening in Germany: Seibert names May 6 as "more important date"

Update from 1:15 pm : Seibert dampens "expectations that are too high" for the Merkel country chief consultations on April 30th. At the business reopening they are in the "first wave of opening" and will have an eye on the effects on the infection - the one can only judge “ten, twelve, 14 days later.” April 30 is too early to “draw any conclusions,” says Seibert - “May 6 is the more important date”.

Update from 13:08 : The government press conference on Monday opens government spokesman Steffen Seibert  with the note that the "Corona Cabinet" has recently dealt primarily with the planned corona tracing app . An important topic in the discussions between Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the country heads on Thursday is said to be the opening of church services .

Corona loosening: Kramp-Karrenbauer criticizes rushing ahead of some federal states

First announcement of April 27 : Berlin - CDU chief Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has warned the federal states against a rapid loosening of the corona protective measures * . "Now to talk about massive loosening is a risky bet with 2000 new infections a day," said Kramp-Karrenbauer on Monday in Leipzig. 

The number of new infections every day must continue to fall before further loosening can take place. As a target, she mentioned a value of "1000, even better 600 or 500" new infections per day.

Loosening of corona measures: AKK critical at school reopening

Kramp-Karrenbauer continued: "Then we would have a guarantee that we could talk about further easing," she said. She criticized the fact that the individual federal states' approach to easing the situation differed significantly from country to country - for example, the question of the reopening of schools and daycare centers *. "There are big lines that have to be designed uniformly," she said.

Basis for corona easing: AKK hopes for Merkel consultations with country heads

The ministers of culture and prime ministers would have to find a common “basis” on which everyone moves. From the forthcoming consultations between the country heads with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Thursday, she hoped for corresponding agreements. 

The Defense Minister spoke at Leipzig Airport, where she received a delivery of protective masks from China . Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to discuss the Corona crisis again with the Prime Ministers of the federal states on Thursday.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Kay Nietfeld

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-05-05

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