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"It makes no sense that Israel will give up Hebron and Bethel, just as the US will not give up the Statue of Liberty" | Israel Today


| Israel This Week - Political Supplement

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman clarifies that declaring Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria is a matter of weeks • In a special interview, he dismissed the criticism from the left: "We doubled the A and B areas" and calmed the right: "You have to live with Palestinian state only if the Palestinians become Canadians "

  • "There are other countries that are considering raising the embassy to Jerusalem." Ambassador David Friedman


    Eric Sultan

The interview with US Ambassador David Friedman was not conducted at the US Embassy in Jerusalem. Recently, he inaugurated a new office in the spectacular embassy complex in the city's Arnona neighborhood, and yet, due to the circumstances, the meeting with Friedman took place in his car park at the ambassador's home in Herzliya. Old, untouched inspection gates, and the white-label office cars, mysteriously throws me Friedman, "You can't imagine who was sitting here in Graz during this period." This is the backdrop to the festive conversation, marking the two-year historic step of bringing the American Embassy to Jerusalem . 

It is now possible to determine that Friedman's term as ambassador will be remembered as historical. He spent 2017, his first year in office, in recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In 2018, the US focused on recognizing our sovereignty over the Golan Heights. In 20120, all efforts are channeled to the "Trump administration's vision of peace." On all issues, and of course not alone but with the help of many good members of government, many concerns had to be reassured, dispelled, and shattered prejudice. In general, he did his thing. Now, as he will explain later, the ball is in the hands of Israel. 

We are starting on a topic for which we convened, two years to bring the embassy to Jerusalem. I remind Friedman that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said this week that if elected, he would also not reverse the move the U.S. made and the embassy would remain in Jerusalem. Does Friedman's statement mean the final confirmation that the embassy will remain in Jerusalem forever? "I hope so, but in my view of Jewish history, nothing can be taken for granted," he said. 

"My greatest satisfaction when it comes to moving the embassy is to support this step in the general public. I am particularly excited by the reactions of Holocaust survivors. To them, the embassy transfer was such a beautiful step of kindness, loyalty and support, and they are glad to have seen it."

"Ariel will be like Tel Aviv"

Looking back two years, what did the US gain from recognizing Jerusalem and raising the embassy?

"We do not see it that way. Not everything in life is business. Sometimes things are done because they are simply the right thing to do and because promises need to be fulfilled. However, I think the embassy move has cemented President Trump as a man who keeps his promises, who does not shy away from his allies, who is not afraid of enemies or criticism and who is willing to do the right thing. This image of the President has helped him and the US promote foreign policy, elsewhere as well. " 

In fact, to this day we see that only Guatemala is in Jerusalem with a full embassy. Aren't you disappointed that other countries haven't joined?

"First, come out and learn that Israel doesn't have a good company like the US. Second, there are countries that are considering raising the embassy, ​​and this process takes time. I believe that some Eastern European countries would have progressed, had it not been for the discipline imposed by the EU. But in the end you will see more embassies, maybe from South America and Asia. A lot of conversations about that are still going on. " 

Technically, has it been decided where in Jerusalem the new embassy will stand? There is a proposal to keep the current location, but there is also a plan to erect a new building in Hebron.

"Things are being considered and there is still no decision. The current location is wonderful. The compound in Arnona, along with what we have on Agron Street, provides us with enough space to operate. Beyond that, the possibility of concentrating everything into one structure is still being considered." 

Let's move on to President Trump's vision of peace. Where do you see the issue of applying Israeli sovereignty to Judea and Samaria? Does Israel have a green light to apply sovereignty in six weeks?

"It was agreed (in the Trump vision; so) that there is a conceptual map. It was impossible to proclaim sovereignty over territory when so many details were missing. So we said that when the mapping process is over, and when the Israeli government agrees to freeze for four years that area in non-sovereignty C, and when the prime minister agrees to negotiate with the Palestinians on the basis of the Trump plan - and he has already agreed on day one - when these things happen we will recognize sovereignty of Israel in areas that are planned to become part of Israel.

"So there are really three components left to do. One, the mapping is over, and it's in the process. Second, the Israeli government has to agree to the construction freeze in half of C. and most importantly, the Israeli government needs to declare sovereignty. We are not declaring sovereignty but Israel, and then we are ready to recognize In doing so, along those lines. "

When does the four-year count begin?

"On the day that Israel begins to assert its sovereignty and declare the construction freeze in areas agreed upon in Area C."

Beyond the three components you mentioned, will there be no additional terms or steps?


Not you? Not from others in government?

"The administration speaks in one voice. The conditions written in the peace vision are binding and no one has any intention of changing what is written."

I mean, for example, reports that there is a new condition of an Israeli commitment to agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state.

"On this issue, the condition is that the prime minister - any prime minister of Israel - will agree to negotiate with the Palestinians, discuss them openly and with good will for four years." 

He actually did so on the day of the show.

"And he should continue to do so. Currently, the Palestinians do not want to come to the table. If in two years they change their mind and agree, the prime minister will be obligated to hold these discussions." 

Should it be a government decision or is the PM's statement sufficient?

"From our point of view, relations are with the Israeli government and the State of Israel, and not with any one particular. But regarding the negotiations - as far as I understand - the government has nothing to confirm at the moment, because the Palestinians have not agreed to any of the conditions."

Will walking for a fourth election affect the sovereignty moves or ask two separate issues regardless?

"On my side no one has approached this issue, so the answer is that I do not know. But the document itself does not link the political situation in Israel with the issue of sovereignty and I do not think the document will be changed." 

About the construction freeze you mentioned - there is a lot of misunderstanding here, too. Are there any localities that cannot develop in these four years? Because, as far as I can see, there is no freeze at all in existing localities, but only in open areas.

"Big you are right. There are three types of territory in Area C. An area populated by great Jewish settlement, where sovereignty is declared in such a way that they can grow significantly. That's the vast majority of the population, 97 percent of the Israeli population. And as I've said before, Ariel will be like Tel Aviv and there will be no restriction, the second type is half of Area C, where there will be no construction of any kind, neither Israeli nor Palestinian, which is intended for the Palestinian state and will be preserved for the next four years.

"And there is a third type, the so-called enclaves or the remote localities. This is about 3 percent of all Jewish settlement. Israel will declare sovereignty over them as well, but they cannot grow laterally but only to the height. For the next four years, they can remain only in existing land. Today, so that the vast majority of the settlement will live by the same rules that exist within the Green Line. "

What can you update about the mapping committee's work?

"The task is mainly on the Israeli side and they are the ones who have to decide what is good for Israel. The principle is that the Israeli territory will not be greater than 50 percent of Area C, which is 30 percent of the entire West Bank. Everyone is clear, at least on the Israeli side, who want to be prepared with it. - July 1st. " 

"World Nations praise"

What is your answer to those who claim that the president's vision of peace "kills peace"?

"We totally disagree with this claim. What we did is create a scope for Palestinians that doubles the A and B territories they currently have. We created a link between them for the West Bank and the Gaza Strip - assuming it would ever be with a unified Palestinian. We have created the start of an economic fund infrastructure, should the Palestinians come to the table, we have defined the changes that need to happen in order for this process to succeed. We do not ignore the fact that the Palestinians continue to pay terrorists, but all this is more than anyone else has done before us. 

"There is a tremendous opportunity here, and most countries in the world recognize it. The only ones who cling to the old road do so for pride and belonging to the old road. But it has failed. Most of the nations of the world have not condemned the plan, but we have received many responses from the region, including the region."

On the other hand, you are probably hearing the criticism from the right-wing side of Israel that Prime Minister Netanyahu and you are setting up a Palestinian state. 

"I have had a lot of conversations with people on the right. I respect their worldview and share it in many aspects. But here are the facts: No one wants to apply sovereignty throughout Judea and Samaria and grant citizenship to all Palestinians living there. Second, there is no way in the modern world that a country - and certainly not A great country like Israel - will create two classes of citizens, one of whom is voting and the other not, so it is impossible. 

"I understand that they cannot agree to a Palestinian state. But according to our plan, the Palestinian state will not look like that. But you will have to live with a Palestinian state if the Palestinians become Canadians. And when the Palestinians become Canadians, all these problems will disappear. 

"In the past, American peacekeepers have agreed to turn a blind eye to the risks of living alongside the Palestinians. But we are not keeping an eye on them. The way outlined in the plan is clear - we will be the last to urge Israel to recognize a Palestinian state, and in fact we will not recognize it. On the Israeli right, it is hard to believe that this time is different and fear a slippery slope. From the center and even from the left in Israel.

"There were democratic governments that in certain circumstances could agree to Israeli sovereignty in Gush Etzion, Ma'aleh Adumim and Ariel. But - Hebron, Sheila, Beit El, Ariel - no one ever spoke about the biblical heart of Israel. And that happened because we understand how important it is to Israelis. It makes no sense to expect Israel to give up these places, as it makes no sense to expect us to give up the Statue of Liberty and the Lincoln Monument. "

The concern: China's dependence

Let's move on to other issues. The Corona crisis increases the tension between you and China. What's going to happen here?

"Our lesson is to rely more on ourselves when it comes to the production of essential products. We must not be where we lean on China or any other country for essential things. By the way, going back to 2016 you will find that there was no politician like President Trump who made On the agenda is the concern that the US has shipped large parts of its production outside its borders, especially to China. Nobody talked about being addicted to cheap production from China like Trump, and he did it before he was elected president. It was quite prophetic considering where we are today, and the president doesn't get enough of that in my opinion. "

So how do you recommend that we act in relation to China?

"We are talking about this with the Israelis. There is now a recognition of the dangers of overdependence in China, or giving China permission to be a major player in strategic areas in Israel, or in any other country in the world." 

On a completely different topic, there are all kinds of reports of the so-called "Russian coordination affair" attributed to President Trump in the 2016 election. Where are things now?

"Bottom line, Trump has been completely cleared and we are learning very troubling things about how the FBI treated his administration at the outset." 

In conclusion, is President Trump going to win the election?

"I certainly hope so. His performance as president is outstanding and justifies four more years. I hope the American public recognizes it and gives it to him."

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-05-08

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