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New Coronary Pneumonia·Latest|Nearly 800,000 people have made appointments for national testing and nearly 280,000 people have been sampled


The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong seems to be easing. It was announced yesterday (1st) that 12 new confirmed cases were announced, of which 9 were local cases, and no more than 10 were initially positive. The Universal Community Testing Program (National Testing) was launched today (2nd) on the second day. As of 11:45, a total of 745,000 appointments have been made. Director of Food and Sanitation Bureau Chen Zhaoshi and Director of Home Affairs Bureau Xu Yingwei held a press conference this afternoon, announcing that dine-in meals will be relaxed until 10 pm from Friday (September 4). At the same time, they also announced the reopening of fitness centers, cinemas and beauty salons. Can remain open.

Social News

Written by: Li Enci, Zheng Cuibi, Chen Qianting, Yuan Shu, and Chen Jiayi

2020-09-02 08:00

Last update date: 2020-09-02 21:53

The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong seems to be easing. It was announced yesterday (1st) that 12 new confirmed cases were announced, of which 9 were local cases, and no more than 10 were initially positive.

The Universal Community Testing Program (National Testing) was launched today (2nd) on the second day. As of 11:45, a total of 745,000 appointments have been made.

Director of Food and Sanitation Bureau Chen Zhaoshi and Director of Home Affairs Bureau Xu Yingwei held a press conference this afternoon, announcing that dine-in meals will be relaxed until 10 pm from Friday (September 4). At the same time, they also announced the reopening of fitness centers, cinemas and beauty salons. Can remain open.

[21:48] The government said that today, about 152,000 citizens have registered for sampling and testing through the Universal Community Testing Program.

Since the plan started on September 1, a total of about 278,000 people have been tested.

As of 8 pm, the popularization program has completed 49,000 nucleic acid tests. Samples that are initially positive will be reviewed by the Public Health Laboratory Service of the Department of Health to confirm the results. Confirmed cases will be followed up by the Centre for Health Protection and announced.

As of eight o'clock this evening, a total of 798,000 citizens have successfully booked an appointment for testing.

Confirmed building restaurant | Metropark Hotel Mongkok confirmed that guests who had patronized Ka Tin Court topped the list

[21:03] The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong has a downward trend. The Department of Health announced today that there are 8 new cases, located in Tsuen Wan, Mong Kok, Tai Wai and Causeway Bay.

Two residents of the same floor of Metropark Hotel in Mong Kok were diagnosed. A 70-year-old man (the 4827th case) started to develop symptoms on August 30. He visited Prince Parkway Residences and Prince Kang Ling Building on September 1. Café de Coral, and visit my mother at Tsui King House in Choi Hung Village.

In addition, Fu Yung House in Tsuen Wan, Pine House in Lei Muk Shue Estate, Ka Yin House in Ka Tin Court in Tai Wai and Man Shun House in Causeway Bay each added a resident who was diagnosed.

▼From September 4th, some premises are still closed to relax the measures▼




New crown pneumonia|The fitness center will reopen. The person in charge: extend the opening hours to make up for the loss of business closure

[20:57] The new crown pneumonia epidemic has slowed down recently. The government announced today that some quarantine measures will be relaxed, including the fitness center can be reopened on Friday (4th).

A person in charge of the fitness center said that during the epidemic, the owner did not reduce rents and has been under a lot of pressure. After the plan is reopened, the fitness center will be extended to make up for the loss during the suspension period and "make more money with your own ability."

New crown pneumonia | massage parlors can resume business on Friday, the industry said it will abide by the guidelines to ensure that guests have an appointment

[19:34] The Director of Food and Health, Chen Zhaoshi, announced that the epidemic prevention measures will be further relaxed. The massage parlor can be reopened with conditions from this Friday (4th), but the epidemic prevention measures must be followed.

The industry stated that 90% of customers have not made an appointment, but they will abide by the relevant guidelines. They also urge the government to subsidize massage parlors in the third round of the epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic fund based on the size of the site. 

Mask pneumonia|The supplier provided nearly 100 million yuan in holiday masks to the Logistics Department and the customs detained 2 people

[19:30] A spokesperson for the Government Logistics Department said that a batch of suspected cases of masks with false origin indications has been referred to the Hong Kong Customs for follow-up and will fully assist law enforcement agencies in their investigations.

The agency stated that the masks involved were purchased directly from a local supplier in March. The supplier must provide a total of 32 million masks. The origin of the masks is Japan, and the product specifications are in line with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) mask standards. The second level of F2100, the price of masks is similar to the market supply price at that time.

The supplier has so far delivered 32 million masks to the Logistics Department in batches, and has collected 97.75 million yuan in payment. All the masks involved are currently in the logistics department's inventory and have not been distributed to any government department for use.

New crown pneumonia | Two confirmed residents of Metropark Hotel Mongkok said they were nervous: they did not inform the patient which floor they live

[19:29] The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong has not subsided. 8 new confirmed cases were added today. Two male patients lived on the same floor of the Metropark Hotel in Mong Kok, but did not know each other. One of them died after being sent to hospital.

The reporter of "Hong Kong 01" arrived at the hotel in the evening. A cleaning staff in the lobby was also disinfecting, but she only put on a surgical mask and gloves.

Some guests who have stayed in the hotel involved for several months said that they had just learned from the news that someone had been diagnosed, but the hotel had not notified the guests. They did not know which floor was involved and were nervous about the incident.

[18:15] A government spokesperson said that as of 5:45 this afternoon, about 783,000 people made appointments to register for the universal community testing program.

New crown pneumonia|Following the anti-amendment law last year, National Day fireworks were cancelled four times in ten years

[18:10] The government announced that in response to the epidemic, the National Day fireworks display originally scheduled to be held in Victoria Harbour on October 1 (Thursday) will be cancelled.

Last year, the National Day fireworks were also cancelled due to clashes in anti-revision demonstrations.

New crown pneumonia | Citizens welcome the reopening of the fitness center. Street fitness experts will add exercises both indoors and outdoors

[17:45] Street fitness athlete Jiang Tingfeng said that there are 30% more runners in Victoria Park recently. He used to do more exercises in the fitness room and will combine indoor and outdoor exercises in the future.

Office workers who took advantage of the free time to exercise at noon said that they could return to the office after taking a shower.

But citizens who do yoga will stay outdoors because it is difficult to wear a mask to do yoga.




New crown pneumonia | 87-year-old guest from Metropark Hotel Mongkok dies after being diagnosed with another guest on the same floor

[16:30] As of early this morning, 8 new cases were confirmed in a single day, all of which were local infections, of which 4 were of unknown origin; and the other 10 cases were initially positive.

Zhang Zhujun, director of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Center for Health Protection, pointed out that two new residents in Hong Chi Nursing Home were diagnosed, and the Hong Chi group increased to 20 people, including 14 residents and 6 staff.

Two residents of the same floor of Metropark Hotel in Mong Kok were diagnosed. One of them was in serious condition when he was sent to hospital and died later.

#4827 is a 70-year-old man living in the Metropark Hotel in Mongkok. He returned to Hong Kong in Taiwan in mid-July. He was waiting to return to the Mainland after home quarantine. He used to live in the Mainland. He coughed on August 30 and kept a sample. He usually goes to Rainbow Village. When visiting my mother, I will also go to Mong Kok to explain that there are no other special events.

#4829 is an 87-year-old male living in Metropark Hotel Mongkok for several months, waiting to return to the mainland. He is on the same floor as #4827, but he does not know him.

#4828, a 45-year-old male, doing renovation works at Disney.

The Chief Administrative Manager (Medical Effectiveness and Technology Management) of the Hospital Authority, Yu Huiling, announced that a body with the new crown virus was found in the Kwai Chung Public Mortuary.

The deceased was sent to Guanghua Hospital on August 27. He passed away in the early morning of the same day. He was sent to the mortuary with long-term illness, no flu, and no fever.

First responders were wearing protective clothing.

New crown pneumonia|Friday relaxation of epidemic prevention measures Zhang Zhujun: Any relaxation has a chance to cause transmission

New crown pneumonia | Citizens welcome the reopening of the fitness center. Street fitness experts will add exercises both indoors and outdoors

New crown pneumonia|Relaxed measures on September 4, dine-in postponed to 10 o'clock, reopening and still closed premises

New crown pneumonia|Relaxed measures on September 4, dine-in postponed to 10 o'clock, reopening and still closed premises

[15:04] Why does the Partyroom have no share with the K room?

Is there any scientific basis for eating in until 10 o'clock?

Huasheng Diagnostic Center does 300,000 tests a day, why is there no number so far?

Chen Zhaoshi pointed out that at present, it is mainly how to relax and relax, and gradually and orderly relax if possible. Although some people think it is a small step, they still need to be careful. There are still invisible patients, because the press conference is still heard at 4:30 every day. Therefore, the one-step relaxation is a detailed step. Special experts have reminded you to observe what you can do during the relaxation. If there are personnel on the stage, the relaxation will be moderately relaxed if conditions are available; after the completion of the universal community test, the situation of invisible transmission can be clearer. , You can also find close contacts, you can consider the next step to relax.

Yesterday, 126,000 people completed the sampling, and they were all safely transported to the laboratory. The number is so large. At this stage, there is no figure to know how many cases have been diagnosed. If the latest information is available, it will be announced to everyone.

The land lease of Fanling Golf Course expires, the Home Affairs Bureau said the contract period was extended shortly due to the epidemic

[14:59] Why not relax football and basketball?

Can the local league be relaxed?

What is the relaxation ten o'clock and 11 o'clock and 12 o'clock respectively?

The contract for the Fanling Golf Course has arrived.

Chen Zhaoshi pointed out that there is a balance at 10 o'clock. It goes to 9 o'clock but many people have to respond to their demands because they are late for work. However, because of eating and removing masks, the longer the time, the greater the risk of infection, so there must be conditions and restrictions on the number of people. , The measures are limited.

Xu Yingwei pointed out that whether to consider opening up is related to physical contact; foreign countries can start competitions. Because of the sports bubbles, the FA has mentioned similarities, and some have leaned against them. The preliminary proposal has been submitted. IKEA is tight and initially allows several teams to resume first. Details will be announced.

There are sanitary requirements for water activities.

The golf course has a short-term license extension and can continue to play.

The directions are all started slowly.

Gathering Restriction Order|Chen Zhaoshi: Hong Kong people’s late release from work reports that their food is a little bit late and the dine-in food is extended to 10 o’clock

[14:54] What are the reasons for the relaxation to 10 o'clock?

Is it too short to worry about becoming a crowd?

Have you ever discussed relaxing the limit on the number of people?

At present, the restrictions are gradually relaxed. Although there is a decline now, there are still no source cases, so only two persons can be maintained. The next step of relaxation depends on the situation and the results of universal testing. I understand that the industry hopes to relax more people. But no conditions are available.

As of 12:00 noon, there are 745,000 appointments for universal testing. Many fallacies have been explained clearly. The more people participate, the better. Many people share their experience, and hope that more people can participate.

[14:47] Why not relax it all at once? Why should the line be drawn at 10 o'clock?

Chen Zhaoshi pointed out that there are still cases of unknown origin of the epidemic, and it is necessary to balance public health while monitoring the epidemic. Obviously, it is necessary to consider its needs and open until 10 pm, mainly because many citizens report that the night market is relatively late to 9 pm, and Hong Kong People work late at night and have to eat dinner later. As for the fitness center, it is mainly because of the anti-epidemic for 8 months, everyone is stunned.

Regarding the relaxation of the restrictions of Regulation 599, the number of confirmed cases must be considered, and the public must be careful to let the public know that they must be cautious including wearing masks at all times, so the relaxation can only be done gradually.

At present, due to the support of the central government, large-scale testing can be done and the chain of transmission can be cut off. However, even if the source of the case is found, epidemic prevention measures such as wearing a mask must still be observed. The epidemic situation will continue for a while.

Restricted gathering order | The dinner order will be extended to 10 o'clock in the evening market. The fitness room is limited to 4 people and a group of 4 people in the billiard room.

[14:43] Xu Yingwei pointed out that there are still many cases with no source in order to balance between public activities and diagnosis. I have talked with the industry if there are methods to allow exercise and do not want to go across the board. Talk to the industry now. Body temperature is measured and the distance is 1.5 meters. Therefore, some non-aerobic exercises, etc., can be gradually opened up if the size is not applied; if the number is gradually stable, it can be gradually reduced. Therefore, consider a multi-pronged approach. There are current recommendations, but the measures are still tight , And the LCSD premises in mid-September, depending on the situation can open more.

[14:39] Why do we need to wear masks in fitness centers?

Why can table tennis have 4 people, and the rest have to maintain 2 people?

When can the gathering restriction order be relaxed?

Some members of the public expressed that they seem to be in a hurry, and they also hope that they will maintain their physical and mental health. After fighting the epidemic for more than half a year, everyone is good. Therefore, resuming sports activities will help both the body and mind and the citizens have aspirations. Therefore, relax the fitness center without removing masks and have less exposure. There is a limit on the number of people.

As for the restaurants, there are still two people, hoping to relax in an orderly manner under the new normal. It feels risky to relax too much.

More than 90% of the appointments for the community testing program have been made, and more than 120,000 people have been tested. There is no number so far. If there is any confirmed diagnosis, it will be reviewed by the Public Health Laboratory.

Nationwide Testing|Chen Zhaoshi described it as "seeing the overall situation" as a hot spot, and then urged citizens to actively participate

[14:37] To effectively prevent the epidemic, citizens must cooperate and actively participate in the community-wide testing program, identify invisible patients, cut off the chain of community transmission, and probe the social situation.

[14:30] Chen Zhaoshi, Director of the Food and Health Bureau, and Xu Yingwei, Director of the Home Affairs Bureau, held a press conference. Chen pointed out that the coronavirus disease in 2019 is still severe and there are many new figures. Many experts said that there will be no effective vaccines. Coexistence is a protracted war. Hong Kong cannot survive the global outbreak. The local case has fallen but has not stabilized. It is necessary to maintain vigilance against the epidemic and maintain social distancing.

People want to maintain a normal life, but they still have to act cautiously. Therefore, they can only relax under safe conditions to help their mental, physical and mental health.

To give the public more opportunities to exercise to deal with the epidemic.

Starting from Friday, the measures will be gradually relaxed, and the dine-in will be extended to ten o'clock in the evening. Other requirements will remain unchanged. The fitness center will be reopened except for the skating rink, sports grounds, and movie theaters and beauty salons.

However, the mandatory wearing of masks will be maintained, and gatherings of more than two people will be prohibited. The limited period is from September 4 to September 10.

National Testing|Nine-year-old mother-in-law and disabled people participate in the testing of wheelchair citizens: everyone should do it

[14:09] On the second day of the "Universal Community Testing Program", one of the testing centers, the Ngau Tau Kok Road Gymnasium is located on the 2nd to 4th floors of the Ngau Tau Kok Municipal Building. Many citizens check on the ground floor of the Municipal Building at 10 am , The relevant personnel instructed citizens to go to the gymnasium.

Some members of the public did not make an appointment to register, but were waiting for the arrangement.

Some elderly people, foreign domestic helpers, and the disabled said that they were tested flexibly by the center.

A family of three also came to participate in the test as a family activity.




Coronavirus Pneumonia | Two more patients have died of illness and have lived in Tsuen Wan and Kwun Tong Port respectively, so far 92 deaths

[13:13] The Hospital Authority announced that two confirmed COVID-19 patients passed away this morning.

They are a 66-year-old male patient in Yan Chai Hospital (case number: 3635) and a 79-year-old male patient in United Christian Hospital (case number: 4148). So far, 92 confirmed patients of COVID-19 have passed away in public hospitals.

New crown pneumonia | dine-in plans to relax until 10 pm

[14:00] The third wave of COVID-19 has eased.

According to sources, the government will further relax social measures, including plans to extend the dining hours of restaurants to 10 pm.

A large restaurant owner said that extending the evening market hours would only help the business "very little". He described that the downturn in the epidemic market has not been "thawed". The key is that the number of gatherings has not been relaxed, especially when there are festivals at the end of the year, which was originally the peak business season. Only hope that the epidemic will continue to be under control and normal consumer life can be restored as soon as possible.

Some catering trade unions also stated that the dine-in time extended to 10 o’clock is still only enough for one round of evening market business, but relaxation is better than nothing. The two-person limit has the greatest impact, and the amount of expensive spending is limited. It is hoped that after the epidemic eases, the government The limit on the number of people can be gradually relaxed.

[12:57] Chen Zhaoshi, Director of the Bureau of Food and Health, and Xu Yingwei, Director of the Bureau of Home Affairs, met with reporters at 2:30 and are expected to explain the details of the relaxation of epidemic prevention measures and the reopening of premises.

[12:10] A government spokesperson said that as of 11:45 this morning, a total of 745,000 people have made appointments through the online system to participate in national testing.

[New crown pneumonia] Hong Kong residents living in the mainland cannot face-to-face consultation for half a year

[11:58] The new crown pneumonia epidemic has lasted for more than half a year, and the mainland and Hong Kong have their own 14-day quarantine measures.

At the end of February this year, the Federation of Trade Unions began to undertake the "Support Action for Hong Kong People in the Mainland to Send Drugs". There are still many Hong Kong residents living in the Mainland. Difficulties in understanding the efficacy of drugs.

The Federation of Trade Unions criticized that the Hong Kong Government’s policies are backward and the people’s sentiments should be put forward as soon as possible to solve the problem.

▼The five steps to make an appointment for national testing are as follows▼

New crown pneumonia | News: Limited reopening of fitness rooms and massage parlors to relax to 10 o'clock

[11:15] News: Restrictions will be relaxed, and fitness rooms and massage parlors will be reopened to a limited extent.

The ban on food in the evening market will be relaxed from 9 pm to 10 pm.

The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong has eased, and the government has gradually relaxed social distancing measures. According to the news, the government is considering allowing fitness rooms and massage parlors to reopen to a limited extent. The ban on dining in restaurants will be relaxed from 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock on Friday (9 April 4) will take effect at midnight.

In an interview with "Hong Kong 01", the owner of Dongtai Fighting Hall described, "Finally, it is better to be late than nothing." He lamented that during this period of zero income, he still maintained a monthly expenditure of 100,000 yuan. One of the Mong Kok branch reluctantly closed. The failure of the government's epidemic prevention policy has left the industry at a loss.

Restriction order | Xu Shuchang advocates relaxation to four people diagnosed and continues to be low level to reopen the fitness room

[11:05] The universal community testing program was launched yesterday (1st). Xu Shuchang, the chair professor of the Department of Respiratory System of the Chinese University of China, went to one of the centers for a demonstration. He stated on a radio program today (2nd) that everything is running smoothly. Since there are not many people in the venue, I think it is possible to increase the number of places in each session and conduct more tests.

He also pointed out that the current epidemic situation is relatively stable. If the situation continues to decline and if the number of confirmed diagnoses is at a low level, the gathering restriction can be relaxed from two to four, and the fitness room will be reopened.

He also appealed to the public to participate, believing that if the nationwide testing can find many confirmed cases, the public may rush to get tested.

The current 30-minute period is relatively loose, which can shorten each session or extend the opening time of the center. The gloves and cotton swabs in the testing center are handled by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. If they are treated as medical waste, it will be safer.

[10:30] According to the news, there are about 8 new confirmed cases today.

▼First day of national testing▼




Nationwide Testing | The Front of the Hospital Authority Rejects "Returning to the Shore" and refers to being labelled by Lam Cheng as anti-government

[09:40] The staff front of the Hospital Authority recently claimed that the test lacks scientific basis and called for boycotting the test.

Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor retorted point by point, and hoped that the staff front would "return to the shore" and support the testing plan.

The Deputy Chairman of the Staff Front of the Hospital Authority, Lo Zhu Yao, stated on the radio program that the recent two governments have changed their attitudes towards experts and professional organizations. Once opinions are raised, they will soon be marked as "anti-central and anti-government" and the government will not accept experts. The way to do so is that politics override professional opinions, and even override public health.

Luo said, "I want to ask him to turn his head back on the shore" and make good use of the resources of the "national team" to do scientifically based things, such as strengthening the work of tracking close contacts of confirmed patients and conducting more than one virus test for high-risk individuals.

▼List of 141 community testing centers in 18 districts▼




National Testing | Ninety% of registered citizens attend the first day Nie Dequan calls for participation with "outbound travel chips"

[08:40] Civil Service Bureau Director Nie Dequan said that as of 8 am today, 716,000 citizens have made appointments to register for testing. Today, a total of 82 centers have made full appointments; and yesterday, a total of 126,000 citizens have completed sampling and attendance rate Up to 90%.

He used the test as a "outbound travel bargaining chip" to appeal to the public to register for the test. "A lot of people do the test and get many samples. I believe that many Hong Kong people who want to travel can quickly go to Japan, Taipei, and even the mainland. It can be recovered as soon as possible."

[08:15] As of 8 o'clock this morning, a total of 716,000 people in Hong Kong have made appointments to register for national testing. Today, 82 testing centers are fully registered.

▼Reopened on 8.28▼




Confirmed Building | 4 patients added to Kwai Fai Building, Lower Village, Ngau Tau Kok, 2 more patients added to Tsui Ning Garden, Tuen Mun

Diagnosed restaurant | Two more restaurants have patients visited Tuen Mun Town Plaza Jinli less than 2 months before the list

▼01 Actually measured throat swab sampling▼

▼01 Go straight to Fire Eye Lab▼




Overview of yesterday:

National Testing|Shang Tak Community Hall in Tseung Kwan O is full of appointments, but only half of the people attended the morning

National Testing|District Councillors Call for the Resumption of Legislative Council Election Gao Yongwen: Election and testing cannot be compared

New crown pneumonia | 12 additional cases of 64-year-old construction worker diagnosed with the disease found at Discovery Bay Chi Sun College

Nationwide Testing|Zhang Zhujun said he has left deep throat saliva samples. Representative of HA: Reserve places for citizens

National Testing|82,000 people completed sampling on the first day, 32 center appointments are full

National Testing|Nie Dequan: The testing center treats garbage as domestic waste, including vomit

National Testing | Carrie Lam visits Lai Chi Kok Park Stadium to cheer up the staff

Nationwide Testing | Fan Hongling, Chairman of the Hospital Authority: Sampling is painless and pleasant. The union should not mislead the public

Nationwide Testing|Tung Chung Full Appointments, Outlying Islands District, 6 additional testing centers will be added from September 5

National Testing|Nie Dequan: 89 personal data were registered and 44 cases involving embezzlement were transferred to the police

National Testing|Nie Dequan: The testing center treats garbage as domestic waste, including vomit

Nationwide Testing|Zhang Zhujun said he had taken a deep throat saliva sample. HA Yu Huiling: The quota is reserved for the public

New crown pneumonia national detection limit for new crown pneumonia makes me live at home 01 video

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-09-02

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