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A recipe from the nineties, but with a twist Israel today


| RecipesJust before the holidays, Chef Gabi Azriel presents a recipe for an upgraded and tastier version of "stuffed cigars" • And also: tuna tartare on mango cream that you can not stop eating Lamb cigar in a martini glass Photo:  Gabi Azriel A lamb cigar Ingredients for making the filling: Filo dough pounded ground lamb  2 diced onions 2 large sweet potatoes 2 tablespoons sesame seeds a t

Just before the holidays, Chef Gabi Azriel presents a recipe for an upgraded and tastier version of "stuffed cigars" • And also: tuna tartare on mango cream that you can not stop eating

  • Lamb cigar in a martini glass


    Gabi Azriel

A lamb cigar

Ingredients for making the filling:

Filo dough pounded

ground lamb 

2 diced onions

2 large sweet potatoes

2 tablespoons sesame

seeds a tablespoon

salt salt a

tablespoon ground black pepper

half a tablespoon cumin

Ingredients for making the pink tahini:

Kilo of tahini 

2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon

2 beets 


How to make the cigar:

Preheat oven to 250 degrees Put the sweet potatoes on baking paper until the consistency of mashed potatoes

while Heat pan with olive oil and fry the onion until it is golden, add the minced meat salt pepper and cumin together fry until the meat if medium and Val and transfer into a colander to lower the fluid

yams are ready to peel and with Pour a fork into a bowl and mash. Add the meat to the bowl with the crushed sweet potatoes and mix until smooth

and transfer to a icing bag. 

Spread the filo dough on a clean surface. Using a brush, spread a thin layer of olive oil and fold in half. Arrange the edges and the cigar in half and arrange in a baking pan

Preheat oven to 220 degrees for about 20 minutes until the cigars are golden

How to make pink tahini:

Cook the beets for 20 minutes until its water turns pink. Strain into a 

bowl. Add ice cubes until the water is frozen

and gradually add to the tahini until it turns pink. Add a teaspoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon and mix until uniform.

Recommended for a plate in a martini glass 

Tuna tartare on mango cream


100 g fresh red tuna

half purple onion cut into thin cubes

half a bunch of chopped coriander 

half a bunch of chopped parsley

2 large mangoes cut into thick cubes

a cup of oranges 

2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice


ground black pepper


preparation method:

Add the orange mango, squeezed lemon and a pinch of salt to the blender and grind until smooth



and place in the refrigerator for half an hour to cool.

In a bowl add the red tuna purple onion coriander and parsley and dip in olive oil salt black pepper and freshly squeezed lemon 

Pour the mango cream onto a plate and place the tuna tartare on top and garnish with parsley leaves


Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-09-04

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