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The idea of ​​primaries shakes the left camp Israel today


| politicalThe news of Mish Atid may cause a complete explosion in the power relations of the left • When Lapid "concentrated" - Shelach did not agree to disguise • A split will also be useful for two: Interpretation In better times. Ofer Shelach and Yair Lapid Photo:  Dudi Vaknin The drama caused by Ofer Shelach's decision to run against Yair Lapid for the leadership of their party did not remain withi

The news of Mish Atid may cause a complete explosion in the power relations of the left • When Lapid "concentrated" - Shelach did not agree to disguise • A split will also be useful for two: Interpretation

  • In better times.

    Ofer Shelach and Yair Lapid


    Dudi Vaknin

The drama caused by Ofer Shelach's decision to run against Yair Lapid for the leadership of their party did not remain within the boundaries of Yesh Atid.

An entire camp, which last won the election 14 years ago, is eyeing moves that are unfolding before their eyes - when everyone wonders whether the surprising news may cause a complete explosion and a redistribution of power relations in the left bloc. 

Until two decades ago, the top right-wing parties knew that the only way to power was to blur right-wing identity in favor of "centralizing" positions and sweeping votes from the moderate left.

"Only Sharon will bring peace," the Likud's 2003 campaign promised;

"Make peace safely," claimed Likud propaganda in 1996.

More right-wing parties such as the NRP, Moledet, Hatiyah and Tzomet, did a good service to the Likud when they were considered more extreme and contributed to the moderate image of the party running for power.

After the Second Lebanon War and Operation Cast Lead, everything turned upside down.

The right was no longer ashamed of its credibility while the left parties began to dress up as the center.

There is a future, the movement, blue and white, have not dared to call themselves left parties since they were founded.

Yair Lapid would protest in front of anyone who would place his party in the left-wing bloc and claim that Yesh Atid is a center party.

Even the Labor Party, for its changing leaders, has pushed the political issue off its agenda lest it be suspected of being a left-wing party and swallowed up. 

Plots by Likud opponents failed

The purpose of the "center parties" was clear.

When the agenda is neither political nor security, the Likud's wares are much less in demand.

And the ability of the left to rise to power increases accordingly. 

But the plots failed.


The center parties did not supply the goods and Netanyahu remained in power.

In recent weeks and months, the trend has reversed.

The left ceases to be ashamed that it is a left, slowly abandons the cunning strategy that should have long ago brought it to power, and returns to boasting and declaring its positions in a wavy bristle. 

Dirt Shelach has always been there.

Did not connect to the message that Lapid was trying to convey through the "center" costume.

Said his opinion even when it was not popular.

Even when it was contrary to the page of messages dictated by Lapid's advisers.

While the party chairman was moving uncomfortably in the studios when asked about the two-state plan, applying sovereignty in the Jordan Valley, and freezing construction in the settlements, Ofer sent a sharp and clear answer to his position on these issues. 

The position he is in will allow him to easily become the leader of the left-wing camp if he succeeds in defeating Lapid in the primaries for the presidency of Yesh Atid, which will bring with it a completely different spirit from his predecessor.

But even if he loses, and especially if Lapid refuses to run in the primaries, it seems that the door will remain wide open for him from parties such as Meretz and the Labor Party, who will be happy to lead them and inspire new hope in the dying camp.

A combined race of Lapid led by Has Atid and Shelach led by the rest of the left parties, will completely override the blue and white and may erase it completely from the map.

So Shelach's announcement last week caused quite a bit of nail biting among the people of Bnei Gantz, Gabi Ashkenazi and their friends. 

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-09-06

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