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The judge asks the Supreme Court to investigate Pablo Iglesias for the 'Dina case'


The magistrate García-Castellón requests that the vice president be charged with a false report, discovery and disclosure of secrets and crimes of computer damage


  • Read the rationale to ask the Supreme Court for the imputation of Pablo Iglesias

  • Consult the order with which the judge concludes the investigation of the 'Dina case'

The magistrate Manuel García-Castellón, head of the Court of Instruction 6 of the National Court, has raised this Wednesday a reasoned statement to the Supreme Court where he requests that the vice president of the Government and leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, be investigated for the

Dina case

, the part of the macro-summary of the

Villarejo case

that deals with the theft of the mobile of Dina Bousselham, a former collaborator of the politician, and the subsequent publication of the data stored in that phone.

The judge attributes to the political leader the commission of alleged crimes of discovery and disclosure of secrets, with "gender aggravation";

computer damage;

and false report or simulation of crime.

This decision is taken three weeks after the Criminal Chamber of the National Court returned Iglesias the condition of injured party in the

Dina case

and revoked García-Castellón's own initiative to withdraw, on July 17, the status of victim in the case to the vice president.

In his rationale, the magistrate also includes Gloria Elizo, director of the legal services of Podemos and vice president of Congress;

Marta Flor and Raúl Carballedo, training lawyers;

as well as the former advisor Dina Bousselham and her partner, Ricardo Dasaferreira, the latter two for false testimony.

The judge considers that Iglesias fraudulently used this process to try to achieve some type of electoral advantage.

The Prosecutor's Office has so far not endorsed this line of the investigations.

As the instructor points out in his writings, Pablo Iglesias received on January 20, 2016 from Antonio Asensio, president of Grupo Zeta and editor of the disappeared magazine


, the original mini SD memory card from Dina Bousselham's phone, in the one that verified that it stored personal files and very intimate of that one.

"Despite this, he kept it in his possession, without telling its owner, even though they were both close people (she had been his advisor) and the knowledge he had of the disappearance of Dina's objects since November 2015", explains the car.

This action, continues the judge, can be linked to the fact that the leader of Podemos was able to observe that said device contained screenshots that the advisor kept with conversations of messaging groups in which the political leader appeared.

Throughout his reasoning, the magistrate also points out as another notable factor that, when Iglesias returned the card to Bousselham, it was inoperative.

"It is useless for its operation", emphasizes García-Castellón, who attacks Iglesias often.

Despite all this, the instructor assures that, when the



begins to publish information based on the data of the stolen mobile, we can mount a campaign.

Put in common agreement with Gloria Elizo and with the participation of lawyers Raúl Carvalledo and Marta Flor, the party leader “urges legal services to expand the initial complaint made by Bousselham, trying to falsely disguise a connection between the published images in the digital and the disappearance of the telephone on November 1, 2015 ”.

It does, the judge continues in his brief, with a purpose "strictly of political opportunity."


modus operandi

, emphasizes the judge, is maintained in a "conscious and planned" way when the National Court opens the case against Villarejo, after finding a copy of the data extracted from the mobile phone at home.

According to the letter, there is a "false action displayed by Iglesias with his persona, pretending to public opinion and to his electorate to have been the victim of an event that he knew did not exist, a few weeks before a general election."

In this sense, García-Castellón emphasizes that, under the instructions given by the leader of Podemos and with the approval of the management of the Podemos legal department, they presented the disappearance of Dina's phone “as a commission carried out by the Government of the PP to the former commissioner Villarejo to publish in the digital


, in the context of a campaign to harm Iglesias, and therefore Podemos ”.

Married: "Sánchez must dismiss his vice president"

The leader of the opposition, Pablo Casado, took just a few minutes to react.

“Sánchez must immediately dismiss his vice president Iglesias.

The National Court has just asked the Supreme Court to investigate him for the crimes of false denunciation, disclosure of secrets and computer damage.

He must meet the same yardstick that he demanded in his motion of censure, ”wrote the PP leader on Twitter.

In Podemos, they express their surprise at the judge's decision: "A few days ago the National Court demanded that García Castellón return the condition of injured person to Pablo Iglesias, and the judge responded by asking the Supreme Court to investigate him."

Villarejo and two journalists, prosecuted

At the same time that he has sent his statement against Iglesias to the Supreme Court, the magistrate has issued an order in which he processes the retired commissioner José Manuel Villarejo, in provisional prison since November 2017, and two journalists from the defunct


, Alberto Pozas and Luis Antonio Rendueles .

The judge explains that, after a copy of Bousselham's card reached the magazine, they handed it over to the former agent of the National Police - who said, in turn, that he had taken it to the Deputy Operational Directorate of the Corps, within of the so-called

patriotic police


The magistrate attributes them to the three possible crimes of revealing secrets and has now given the parties a period of 10 days to present their indictments.

Source: elparis

All news articles on 2020-10-07

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