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New crown pneumonia | Carmel Zhu'en Middle School revisited students: a little worried about taking a break and avoiding the dining room


The new crown pneumonia continues. A 17-year-old boy from Carmel Chuen Middle School in Tseung Kwan O was diagnosed earlier. After the school suspended two-day face-to-face teaching, the school resumed today (9th); the school has arranged for students to return to school voluntarily to sample this bottle since yesterday (10th) Detection.

Social News

Written by: Hu Jiaxin

2020-10-09 09:47

Last update date: 2020-10-09 09:47

The new crown pneumonia continues. A 17-year-old boy from Carmel Chuen Middle School in Tseung Kwan O was diagnosed earlier. After the school suspended two-day face-to-face teaching, the school resumed today (9th); the school has arranged for students to return to school voluntarily to sample this bottle since yesterday (10th) Detection.

Some students said that since the confirmed classmates did not return to school during the infectious period, they are not too worried about returning to school and believe that the school has implemented adequate epidemic prevention measures. Some students also pointed out that they would avoid eating in crowded dining halls during rest periods. Instead, go to the library for self-study to reduce the risk of infection.

A 17-year-old boy from Carmel Chuen Middle School, Tseung Kwan O, was diagnosed recently. Face-to-face teaching will be resumed after a two-day suspension of face-to-face teaching.

(Photo by Gao Zhongming)

A 17-year-old boy from Carmel Chuen Middle School, Tseung Kwan O, was diagnosed recently. After two days of suspension of face-to-face classes, the school resumed classes today.

Student He said that the confirmed student did not return to school during the infectious period. He believed that the risk of intra-school transmission was low and he was not too worried about returning to school.

(Photo by Gao Zhongming)

Yesterday sent samples to students to wait for test results

Student He of the school said that since the infected student has not returned to school since the end of last month, he believes that the risk of transmission in the school is low, and he is not too worried about returning to school, but his parents are more worried and instructed to bring sufficient disinfectant alcohol handrub , And maintain social distance between classmates.

Mr. Lu, whose daughter is in Secondary One, said that the school has informed students that they can return to school to sample the bottles for testing. His daughter has also received it and is waiting for the test results.

(Photo by Gao Zhongming)

Mr. Lu, whose daughter is in Secondary One, said that the school has informed students that they can return to school to sample the bottles for testing. His daughter received it yesterday and is waiting for the test results.

Mr. Lu said that the epidemic in Hong Kong has been repeated, and he is slightly worried about the confirmed cases in schools. "Don't worry about it, don't know it will spread." But he believes that the school will do a good job of cleaning and disinfection in accordance with the epidemic prevention guidelines.

He said frankly that face-to-face classes are better than online classes, and "teaching is clear." Therefore, he will still allow his daughter to return to school and remind her to take preventive measures.

Student: Xiaoxi avoided the dining room and went to the library

The Zhongyiwen students have worn face masks and masks since the resumption of classes at the end of last month. This time a student at the school was diagnosed and frankly said that they would be worried, but they would still insist on returning to school. They would receive a sample bottle for testing today for peace of mind.

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Student Liang from Form 1 pointed out that he would be worried about the school epidemic and would avoid going to the dining hall during a break and instead go to the library for self-study.

(Photo by Gao Zhongming)

Parents said that they did not return to school during the infectious period of the confirmed child

Liang, who is also studying in Form One, said that he would be worried about the school’s epidemic. Although there are partitions in the school canteen to prevent the epidemic, there are more people during the recess period, so he will change to the library to retreat and eat breakfast before school. So as not to eat in school.

Mrs Leung, who accompanied her to school, said that the confirmed case in the school did not return to school during the infectious period. She believed that the risk of outbreak in the school was low. Therefore, her son was not required to sample the bottle. She also believed that as long as adequate anti-epidemic measures are taken, there is no need to miss school to avoid the epidemic. It’s so patience, and (son) is eager for the chance to go to court."

A 17-year-old boy from Carmel Chuen Middle School in Tseung Kwan O was confirmed to be the younger brother of a 19-year-old HKBU male student who was infected with the disease a few days ago (6th).

According to data from the Center for Health Protection, the 17-year-old boy was the last school day on September 30. He did not return to school during the infection period, and no one was listed as a close contact person.


New coronary pneumonia

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-10-09

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