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New crown pneumonia | Carmel Zhu'en Middle School issued a notice stating that students who are diagnosed need to suspend face-to-face classes for two days


Carmel Zhu'en Middle School issued a notice to parents announcing that a student at the school was diagnosed with new coronavirus pneumonia. Face-to-face classes will be suspended for two days today and tomorrow. They will be taught online. The school buildings will be cleaned and disinfected. In addition, the online communication group reported that a secondary-level student at Po Leung Kuk Yan Po Ling College was initially diagnosed. When the school staff received enquiries, they stated that no confirmed cases had been confirmed so far. They rejected the initial diagnosis of the students and claimed that the school was operating as usual. , But it is confirmed that some students will be admitted to the hospital and will be tested in the next few days.

Social News

Author: Chen Qianting

2020-10-07 10:57

Last update date: 2020-10-07 10:58

Carmel Zhu'en Middle School issued a notice to parents announcing that a student at the school was diagnosed with new coronavirus pneumonia. Face-to-face classes will be suspended for two days today and tomorrow. They will be taught online. The school buildings will be cleaned and disinfected.

In addition, the online communication group reported that a secondary-level student at Po Leung Kuk Yan Po Ling College was initially diagnosed. When the school staff received enquiries, they stated that no confirmed cases had been confirmed so far. They rejected the initial diagnosis of the students and claimed that the school was operating as usual. , But it is confirmed that some students will be admitted to the hospital and will be tested in the next few days.

Po Liang Ju Yan Bao Ling College suspected that a student was initially diagnosed with new pneumonia.

(Google Map screenshot)

Carmel Zhu'en Middle School issued a notice that the school was informed last night (6th) that a student of the school was diagnosed with new coronavirus pneumonia. The school, according to the instructions of the Education Bureau and the Center for Health Protection, will stop face-to-face classes and school activities today and tomorrow. To thoroughly clean and disinfect the school building, part of the time will be changed to online teaching.

When the reporter called the school to inquire about the case, the connection staff said that a notice had been issued to notify the parents that it was inconvenient to disclose the class of the confirmed student.

A student at Po Leung Kuk Yan Po Ling College is initially diagnosed that the school has not closed today

Another school is also suspected of having a confirmed case. An online communication group conversation showed that a secondary school student at Po Leung Kuk Yan Po Ling College was initially diagnosed with new type of pneumonia. The reporter called the school for inquiries. Some school personnel revealed that the news from the parents has so far been There has not been a confirmed confirmed case for a long time, but the employee refused to answer whether any students were initially diagnosed, only saying that some students are currently in the doctor and will need further testing in the next few days.

The school personnel also revealed that the school is still operating as usual today, and classes have not been suspended. Any new arrangements will be announced after confirmed cases.

▼Reopening of premises and relaxation measures starting on October 2▼





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Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-10-07

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