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Essonne: a man arrested after threatening to "avenge the prophet" in front of a school


The man, known to justice, was identified and arrested this Wednesday in Athis-Mons. A teacher from the Jean-Jaures school had filed pl

He will not pass a fourth time in front of the Jean-Jaurès school in Athis-Mons.

A man was arrested this Wednesday morning in front of the school.

The day before, a teacher had filed a complaint for "threats", indicates a police source.

"He is known to our services, but not to intelligence services," adds the same source.

On two occasions, while taking her break outside, a teacher heard threats outside the elementary school.

As he passed for his jogging, he would have shouted "On Allah the prophet, I will avenge you, these filthy teachers will pay!"

Words to be linked to the death of Samuel Paty, geo history teacher from Conflans (Yvelines) brutally murdered after showing caricatures of Mohammed, and tributes that followed throughout France.

The Juvisy-sur-Orge sector police station was in charge of the investigation.

Contacted by the establishment, the police went to school on Tuesday to establish "security".

It already makes regular rounds as part of the Vigipirate plan.

The mayor wants to maintain "a climate of serenity"

Because the teachers had something to worry about.

According to another source, close to the establishment, the man reappeared on Tuesday around the school just before the start of classes.

He would have threatened one of the teachers by staring at her, before making "gestures of prayer and the finger in the air", indicates this source.

The Jean-Jaurès school has nearly 480 students and around twenty supervisory staff.

"We are in close coordination with the national police to ensure their safety and maintain a climate of serenity," insists Jean-Jacques Grousseau, the mayor (PS) of Athis-Mons.

There is a vigilance system, I now let justice do its work.


Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-11-04

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